Cubs News
2021-2022 School Year - August 2, 2021
Welcome to a new school year!
I hope all of you have a great year!
Senior Parking Spots
I have sent the application to all senior's email addresses. If you need to pick one up you can do so at the front office.
9th Grade Schedule Pick-up
We will have two presentations this Thursday, August 5th. One at 10 a.m. and the other at 5 p.m. You will come to the auditorium for a brief meeting and then you will be able to get your schedule and go find the location of your classrooms. If you cannot make it to schedule pick-up on Thursday, a hard copy will be available for you on the first day of school in the cafeteria.
10th - 12th Schedules
9th/10th-grade counselor is Mrs. Carrie Dickerson @
11th grade is Mrs. Shareen Kring @
12th grade is Mrs. Janelle Smith @
Mask Update and Quarantine
Masks, by federal law, must be worn on all busses all the time. This includes athletics and extra-curricular activities.
New Staff and New Roles
Below are our new hires and people in new roles.
Haley Reynolds will be our front office clerk. (Start Date will be August 16th.)
Ashley Petrakos will be our new attendance DOOR 4 clerk.
Hannah Johnston - Band
Dr. Kristen Fish - Science
Leah Fraga-van Duppen - SPED
Alana Wilson - ELA
Sierra Shouse - JAG
Tyson Skinner - Business
Jake West - Science
Adam Stotts - ELA
New Roles:
Whitney Mathews - CTE Coordinator - All things CUB CTE
Haley Courtney will be our school counselor clerk.
Kristen Kozinski - ELA crossing the creek from Jr. High SPED team.
Diana Wehner - P.E. coming from Anderson Elementary and their SPED team.
Kenton Mahoney - Science crossing the creek from Jr. High.