NFV Update
March 28, 2022
West Union Elementary
Our contractors, staff, and kids have worked hard to share space throughout the school year, successfully, according to all involved!
The new system will include air exchange and humidification to help provide a healthy environment for our students. When other HVAC systems in the various school buildings need attention, providing a healthy environment will be an important part of the planning.
Below are some pictures showing the type of work being completed.
Right Sizing
When talking about school budgets, there are many things that must be considered.
The first thing to remember, on average, schools spend about 80% of a school's General Fund is spent on staff. The General Fund money is directly generated by the number of students in a school. So the logic is with fewer students the school should need less staff. Most rural schools, including NFV, have seen declining enrollment for many years.
A second thing that has to be considered is categorical funds. These are funding streams that can ONLY be spent on specific areas. For example, the fund we buy school buses from cannot be used to pay staff. Another example is the HVAC project mentioned above. We cannot use those funds to pay for staff.
We have worked hard to get our district "Right-Sized" to match our budget. We will continue to keep fiscal responsibility a priority, while we keep high-quality education the top priority.
Professional Learning at NFV
School districts are responsible for providing educational services to our students as well as further developing our own skills and craft for the instructional classroom. NFV takes pride in providing quality professional learning to its employees. In August, we always kick off with multiple days of trainings and meetings to prepare for the exciting school year to come. District and building initiatives are selected through an annual school improvement process including review of student achievement data, teacher leader input, the School Improvement Advisory Committee (SIAC) and the NFV School Board. This year we focused on the following.
Social emotional learning which encompasses student self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, relationship skills, and responsible decision-making. These are connected to the NFV employability skills that you see in our report cards.
Ongoing district initiatives such as Authentic Intellectual Work, Professional Learning Communities or PLC, Leader In Me
Intake Conferences for grades PS-8th & 9th Grade Orientation
Accelerating learning due to the COVID-19 pandemic
What do teachers do when students leave on Wednesday afternoons?
Teachers engage in professional learning focused on district or building initiatives.
Collaborative teams focused on enhancing student learning through a framework called, Authentic Intellectual Work (AIW) where teachers bring lesson plans, student work, and instruction to be reviewed by their colleagues. During this process, colleagues share feedback and receive feedback with the overall intent of improving student learning. This is a building initiative for both our middle school and high school.
Grade level teams meet to review early literacy and student math data to determine supports needed for all students. The most recent statewide term for this work is called Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS) and can also be referred to as PLC, data teams or grade level teams. All accomplish the same outcome of identifying student needs and maintaining a system to provide these.
Secondary teachers
Learning management systems (Schoology or Google Classroom)
Social emotional learning sessions specific to executive functioning skills and Conditions for Learning
ISASP Test Administration & Interpreting student results
Elementary teachers
Ongoing trainings provided by Keystone AEA on Early Literacy.
Leader In Me
Proud to be NFV!
Location: 600 North Pine Street, West Union, IA, USA
Phone: 563-422-3851