Hurricane Forecast December 2022
Castle Hayne Elementary School Family Newsletter
Dates to Remember~
Tuesday, December 6th-20th: December to Remember (see flyer below)
Wednesday, December 14th: Holiday Feast for 3rd-5th Grade Families
Thursday, December 15th 5-7pm: Celebrating the Arts Night (see flyer below)
Wednesday, December 21st-Monday, January 2: Holiday Vacation - No School
What's Happening?
In reading and content we have been studying cultures around the world focusing on the food, language, clothing, and celebrations of each culture. Students have been practicing our Turn and Talk routine to ask and answer questions about the texts we are reading and to discuss these elements of culture.
In writing we have been learning about different types of functional writing such as letters, ads, lists, postcards, and invitations. Students have practice writing each of these types of writing and are now working on a persuasive letter.
In math we have been studying flat and solid shapes. Students have been using their detective skills to identify, name, describe, and compare both flat and solid shapes. In December we will be moving into our Comparison Module where we will compare heights, lengths, weights, and numbers.
1st Grade
2nd Grade
It’s been a busy month in second grade. Students have enjoyed the author’s studies and are now looking forward to enjoying reading fairy tales. Students will enjoy listening to different versions of Cinderella from different parts of the world. Students will compare them and will examine the elements of a fairy tale.
In math, we will continue to build on our skills in addition and subtraction and use a variety of strategies to solve problems.
3rd Grade
4th Grade
In Reading students have been working on Text Structures and using Context CLues to determine the meaning of new and unknown words. Students have continued learning new vocabulary words in which they learn new words, use these words in a sentence, and create synonyms and antonyms for these words.
In Math students are working through Module 2. They are learning different strategies for solving multi-digit multiplication and division problems: Place Value Chart, Area Models, the Break Apart and Distributive Model.
In Social Studies students have been learning about the different NC American Indian Tribes. They are learning about different cultures, traditions, and customs.
5th Grade
Mrs. Cervini, English as a Second Language
đź’šđź’™World Kindness Weekđź’šđź’™
Safety is our TOP Priority - News from Nurse Ashley
Cold and flu season has arrived, and we are seeing increased cases of the flu across New Hanover County and in our schools. We are expecting a busier flu season than normal and influenza can be very serious. Please adhere to the following CDC guidelines and suggested healthy habits. Let’s work together to keep our school and our homes as healthy as possible.
Please Do Not Send Your Child to School if he/she has or has had:
Fever of 100 degrees or higher within the last 24 hours. (Must be fever-free without medication)
Vomiting or diarrhea within the last 24 hours.
Symptoms that make it hard for your child to participate in school such as frequent coughing, headache, body aches, fatigue, earaches.
Strep Throat- until on antibiotics 24 hr.
Tips for Staying Healthy
Cover coughs and sneezes with a tissue. Use elbow or arm if tissue is not available.
Wash hands often with soap and warm water for 20 seconds (Sing ABC song twice).
Use hand sanitizer if soap and water are not available.
Avoid touching the “T” zone (Eyes, Nose and Mouth)
Avoid being around others who are sick.
Do not share drinks, food, or unwashed utensils.
Eat healthy (Foods that Grow!) and drink plenty of water
Disinfect surfaces that are prone to germs (phones, keyboards, doorknobs, toothbrushes, etc.).
Get the flu vaccine.
Thanks for your help in keeping Castle Hayne Elementary healthy this year!
From your School Nurse,
Ashley Leverrett, RN
¡Ha llegado la temporada de resfriados y gripe y estamos viendo un aumento en los casos de gripe. La gripe puede ser grave. Siga las siguientes pautas de los CDC y los hábitos saludables sugeridos. Trabajemos juntos para mantener nuestra escuela y nuestros hogares lo más saludables posible.
Por favor no envĂe a su hijo a la escuela si Ă©l / ella ha tiene o ha tenido:
Fiebre de 100 grados o más en las últimas 24 horas. (Debe estar libre de fiebre sin medicación)
VĂłmitos o diarrea en las Ăşltimas 24 horas.
SĂntomas que les dificultan participar en la escuela, como tos frecuente, dolor de cabeza, dolor de cuerpo, fatiga, dolor de oĂdo.
Faringitis estreptocĂłcica: hasta con antibiĂłticos las 24 h.
Consejos para mantenerse saludable
Cubra la tos y los estornudos con un pañuelo de papel. Use el codo o el brazo si no hay tejido disponible.
Lávese las manos con frecuencia con jabón y agua tibia durante
20 segundos (el tiempo que lleva cantar la canciĂłn ABC).
Use desinfectante para manos si no hay agua y jabĂłn disponibles.
Evite tocar la zona "T" (ojos, nariz y boca)
Evite estar cerca de otras personas que están enfermas.
No comparta bebidas, alimentos o utensilios sin lavar.
Coma sano (¡Alimentos que crecen!) Y beba mucha agua
Desinfecte las superficies propensas a gérmenes (teléfonos, teclados, pomos de puertas, cepillos de dientes, etc.).
VacĂşnese contra la gripe.
De la enfermera
Ashley Leverrett, RN
🏆October Student of the Month
Mrs. Moore, Media Center đź“š
Online Book Fair Sales: December 9th-22nd
Classroom Previewing Visits: December 9th
Classroom Purchasing Visits: December 12th-16th
Evening Family Event: December 15th from 5:00-7:00pm
During the week of Book Fair, each student will have two opportunities to visit the fair during his/her class’ weekly specials time – once on Friday (Dec. 9) to preview the fair and a second time on their regularly scheduled library visit (Dec. 12-15) to make their purchases. Castle Hayne will also be hosting an evening family event on December 15th. This event will feature a musical performance by our 4th & 5th grade chorus, and the Scholastic Book Fair will be open for families to shop for books and other gift ideas with their student(s) both before and after this performance.
We also have two additional shopping options that might be of interest to you!
- Our Book Fair offers a cash-free payment option called eWallet. It’s a convenient digital account that students can use for shopping at our fair during their classroom purchasing visit. Grandparents and family friends can also contribute money to this digital account!
- If you’re not able to attend the fair in person, then you can always shop at our school’s Online Book Fair. All orders ship directly to your home, and shipping is free for book orders over $25. Our online fair will be open from December 9-22, and all online orders will benefit our school’s library media center.
Visit our Book Fair homepage to learn more and get started with eWallet and online shopping:
The countdown to more Book Joy is on! Catch you at the Fair!
Happy reading,
Cafeteria Message
This school year every student receives FREE breakfast and lunch. However, we will be utilizing My School Bucks to access your child's cafeteria account for any a al carte items. I have included a link to the website below as well as a link to the NHCS Child Nutrition Website. You can find more information regarding My School Bucks under the "Pre-Payment Options" link. If you do not wish to add money electronically via My School Bucks you are still able to send cash or check.
If you choose to bring cash or check to school personally or send it with your student, please put it in an envelope clearly marked with the student's first and last name, their ID#, their teacher's name, and the amount enclosed.
Calendar Menus will be posted on the CHES Child Nutrition website monthly.
The Cafeteria Staff at CHES look forward to serving you this year!
Castle Hayne Elementary School PTA
HOLIDAY CHEER- We would like to gift each staff member with a store bought pie and/or baked good for the holiday season! In order to do that we need your help! Think pumpkin pie, sweet potato pie, cookies, muffins, chocolate cake, baklava, apple pie, peanut butter pie...anything sweet and store bought will work! Thank you!
PTA Texas Road House Fundraiser
Lost and Found
- Items not picked up by December 20th will be donated.
Volunteering at Castle Hayne
Volunteers are our partners in education. They take an active role to support and enhance the development of our students. Every day, family and community member volunteers bring enthusiasm and skill into our schools while assisting staff, teachers and students. All volunteers are required to obtain volunteer training annually.
If you would like to move forward with volunteering at Castle Hayne Elementary School these are the following steps you will need to complete:
View the volunteer orientation presentation/Spanish and volunteer handbook/Spanish.
Submit the Volunteer Application Form/Spanish to Danielle Metty, via email or send a printed copy to school with your student labeled with Danielle Metty, Family Liaison.
Complete the Volunteer Orientation Assessment with a score of 80% or higher.
To become a level 2 volunteer, complete a background check application ($20 until October 1 then the cost will be $22.50). You will receive a verification email and card from the Background Investigation Bureau upon approval.
Notify Danielle Metty, when you have completed steps 1-4.
Tracking your child's bus has never been so easy. New Hanover County Schools is implementing a new smart phone app that will allow parents to see where their child's bus is located in real time. Edulog Parent Portal app can be downloaded from iTunes App Store or Google Play Store.
Castle Hayne Elementary School
Our mission at Castle Hayne Elementary School is to work together to achieve success by applying our STORM skills!
Spread Kindness~ Take Responsibility~ Own our Learning and Actions~ Respect Everyone~ Maintain Safety
Please direct any questions related to this newsletter to Danielle Metty, Family Liaison
Location: 3925 Roger Haynes Drive, Castle Hayne, NC, USA
Phone: (910) 602-4970
Twitter: @castlehayneES