Cobra Strike
From the Desk of the Junior/Senior High School Principal

"Why yes, I do voluntarily enjoy taking verbal quizzes in a competitive setting" every scholars bowl student in their mind
This week, I finally got a chance to go watch one of our underrepresented groups in our school. I got to go watch the scholars bowl team in action. It was a great chance for me hang out with a great group of students doing something really great for our school. It also gave me a chance to think about a lot of the programs that get less notoriety than the other activities that get way more headlines. While I taught, I had the privilege of coaching scholars bowl as well as forensics and the drama program in addition to coaching traditional sports. I always loved doing it because these students were giving their all to show pride in their school in a different way. They don't get headlines and often don't receive the same pep rallies as the sports do. They are still out there with their pride in full display. I love them for that. There is more than just that though. We have so many different ways that students show their cobra pride every day in different organizations. I don't want to try to list them because sure enough I would miss one and feel awful for it. Just know you are loved and I want you to keep on being awesome.
There was more than just that going on this week so let's see what else we have going on.
Keep on making a difference.
Derek E. Smith
Alumni Basketball Game
The Alumni Basketball game is right around the corner. Two weeks away. I checked in with Mrs. Cochren and she said we only have around 7 players signed up. If you are thinking about playing, please email Gera or Janice to let them know you plan on playing. It will be Saturday Dec 16 and last year was a fun time. I hope to do it again this year with even more people. Come have a fun time for a good cause. proceeds benefit the Honor Flight
This year we have moved away from the Finals opt outs. This year we are offering exemptions from completed assignments. Each student has the opportunity to get up to three exemptions this semester. They will be notified Friday on this. See the attached notification that I have sent the students a few times this semester for more details.
Another Thing I Love About This School Is...
While I frequently talk about the things I love about this school and community, within the past month something has occurred that further endears me to this school in a meaningful way. Jackson Heights values its identity and its values integrity. No matter what branch of military service you are in, Integrity is one of its core values. It is one of our House core values as well. To me integrity is not "Doing the right thing when no one is looking". Integrity is "doing the right thing especially when everyone is looking." Some times the right decision is not the popular or common one. Our school is moving towards leaving an organization whose values no longer align with ours. Because of this, I am greatly proud of this school. We do what is right for our students, staff, and community.
JR/SR High Events This Week: Dec 4-9
MS Girls BB NEKL @ JCN 5:45 pm
HS Boys C Team BB @ Horton 4:30 pm
HS BB Vs ACCHS @ Home 4:00 pm
MS Girls Basketball NEKL Round two @ Valley Falls 5:00 or 5:15
HS BB Vs P. Ridge @ Home 4:30
Winter informal after the game
MS Girls NEKL @ Valley Falls Time TBD
Cobra Cup Standing
December we will switch gears to our next core value that is Academic Success. This achievement will mean something different to each student. It might be acing that last final so you get to keep that perfect 4.0 GPA or it might be turning in that last assignment that gets you to a passing grade in that class you have struggled in all semester. For me success was knowing it did my absolute best to my own personal ability. I have won a lot of games that felt cheap and lost a few that felt like a Rocky moment. In an academic sense I have had highs and lows. However, my rubric for success is still the same. Full effort.
The top performers per house this week were:
Corn Fed Cobras: Layla Cochran
Gold Rush: Ethan Gulotta
Snake Kingz: Cammee Mellenbruch
Triple G: Emma Butler
Derek E. Smith
After throwing out my back over thanksgiving break, I finally got out to the field to find some birds this weekend. There is nothing so magical as watching a high quality dog do its thing. And Banjo is just that. He has been my hunting buddy for over a decade now and he still keeps on doing his thing. In our last litter, Britt kept two pups to train herself. Because of this, Brandy and Casey had great hunts too. Casey had her first retrieve this weekend and Brandy tried to outshine her dad. Don't tell Britt this, but she is pretty good at training dogs, Brandy might wind up being better than Banjo. Just don't tell Britt that I said that.
All that aside. This was the first time my son got to go with us. We had to go slow and often it was wait for Hick to catch up. But this picture alone weighs volumes when you see the joy in my dad's eyes going out with his grandson.
Always try to be nice, but never fail to be kind.
Email: derek.smith@jhcobras.net
Website: jhcobras.net
Location: 12692 266th Rd Holton, KS 66436
Phone: (785)248-4386
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Jackson.Heights.USD335