Soule Elementary Cowboy Connect
October 2024
Important Upcoming Dates:
- 9/30-10/4- BOOK FAIR - Shop Times will be Mon-Fri 7:15-7:45am with parents or Shop Alone Form signed
- Thursday, October 3rd- 3rd Grade to Autumn Acres Pumpkin Patch
- Friday, October 4th- Fire Department Visit for K-2 and Firehouse in the afternoon for 2nd graders
- 10/7-10/10- Bully Prevention Week (see dress up days below)
- Monday, October 7th- 1st Grade to Autumn Acres Pumpkin Patch
- Thursday, October 10th- 2nd Grade to Hickory Hollow Pumpkin Patch
- Thursday, October 10th- Regular school day and dismissal time (Parent Teacher Conferences at night), 3:30-6:30pm
- Friday, October 11th- Parent Teacher Conferences 8:00-11:40am, NO SCHOOL!
- 10/16- 4th Grade to Autumn Acres Pumpkin Patch
- Thursday, October 17th and Friday, October 18th- STAFF DEVELOPMENT- NO SCHOOL!
- Thursday, October 24th- Fall Picture Retakes
- Thursday, October 24th- Join our Parent Teacher Organization, meeting at 5pm in Wild West Lounge
- Friday, October 25th-Thursday, October 31st: Red Ribbon Week- Fun dress up days, see below!
- Thursday, October 31st- Final Red Ribbon Day / Book Character Parade @ 2:30pm on the turf
- Friday, November 1st- Pajama Day
Soule will participate in events to bring awareness to prevent bullying and promote kindness.
Tuesday-National PINK day! Power In Nice and Kindness! Rock your pink today and get caught being kind!
Wednesday- Pledge to stop bullying. Every student will sign an anti bullying pledge to be displayed in the school.
Thursday-Building Brains to Stand Against Bullies! Each student will be given a bully prevention book mark to color and use in their library or Book Fair Books.
NO SCHOOL FRIDAY, October 11th.
Fall Book Fair Information
When: September 30th-October 4th
Monday-Friday: 7:15 - 7:45am parents may come into Shop or send their child alone as long as they have their pink Shop Alone Permission Form
There will also be class times where each classroom will have a time to go shop.
Red Ribbon Week - Celebrating Friday, 10/25 - Thursday, 10/31
Friday, 10/25- "Saddle Up Against Drugs" Wear Soule T-Shirts or Cowboy Clothes
Monday, 10/28- "It’s Cool to be drug free" Wear sunglasses today
Tuesday, 10/29- "Peace out to drugs" Wear Tie Dye or Peace Signs
Wednesday, 10/30- "From Head to Toe, I'm Drug Free" Crazy Hair and Crazy Sock Day
Thursday, 10/31- "Say Boo to Drugs" Grade Level Book Character Parade Attire
SOULE BOOK CHARACTER PARADE- Thursday, October 31st @ 2:30pm
Teachers will be reaching out to let you know how they will be creating their grade level's sea animals. Every student in each grade level will dress the same.
Medicine while at school
- A written Permission for Administration of Medication form must be submitted
- Medicine must be taken and kept to and with School Nurse
- Medicine must be in an original container and properly labeled with student's name, current date and authorized dosage instruction.
- Even over-the-counter meds should not be maintained on school premises, unless written parent permission to administer is obtained.
JGCC Communicable Diseases - updated policy
Communicable Diseases
Any student noted by a physician, or the school nurse, or local health officer as having a communicable disease may be excluded from school for the duration of the illness. The student will be readmitted to regular classes upon termination of the illness, as authorized by the student’s physician, the local health officer, or after the expiration of any period of isolation or quarantine.
The board reserves the right to require a written statement from the student’s physician or local health officer indicating that the student is free from all symptoms of the disease.
If a student is absent from regular classes for more than three consecutive days or the principal has been notified that a student has or is suspected of having a communicable disease, the principal shall determine whether a release shall be obtained from the student's physician or local health department before the student reenters school.
Decisions regarding the type of education and the setting for provision of educational services for a student with a communicable disease shall be based on the child’s medical condition, the child’s educational needs, and the expected type of interaction with others in the educational setting. Final decisions will be made by school administration after receiving input from the student’s physician, public health personnel, the student’s parent or guardian, and personnel associated with the proposed care or educational setting.
Regulation Concerning Pediculosis Management within USD 443
It is the position of the National Association of School Nurses, as well as the Kansas Department of Health and Environment that the management of pediculosis (infestation by head lice) should not disrupt the education process. No disease is associated with head lice, and in-school transmission is considered to be rare. The KDHE states "frequent screenings for lice in schools have not been shown to be effective in the control of head lice. Head lice infestation is a mild health condition without serious health consequences for a child, and should not be considered as a major health threat to those infested or those potentially exposed." Both the KDHE and NASN recommend that children found with live head lice should remain in class until the conclusion of the school day. Per KDHE suggestion, "school policies should reflect the mild nature of this health condition and the impracticality of total elimination. Policies and practices should have minimal disruptive effect on children’s educational experiences and minimal stigmatizing impact on children."
Taking all of this information into consideration, the recommended USD 443 regulation concerning student pediculosis management within USD 443 is:
- Any student found with pediculosis will be sent home at the end of the school day and parents will be notified as soon as possible.
- The student will have no more than two (2) calendar days to receive treatment and return to school.
- Once treatment has been administered, the student will return to school and be re-examined by the School Nurse before returning to the classroom. If a student has been dismissed for pediculosis more than once during a school year, the parent may be asked to show proof of treatment before the student is re-admitted to school.
- The student will be re-admitted to class if no head lice are found.
Adoption Date: 06/06/2006, Revised: 06/08/2009; 03/08/2016; 01/25/2021
Soule Contact Information
Principal- Amber Cunningham
Assistant Principal- Kim Armstrong