Dear Friends
October 25, 2022
School Veterans Day assemblies
Many of our schools have planned Veterans Day assemblies in early November. All veterans, families and community members are welcome to attend any or all of these events. There is no school on Friday, November 11.
High schools
- AIM High School – Thursday, November 10, at 10:10 a.m. and 11:35 a.m.
- Glacier Peak High School – Thursday, November 10, at 9:10 a.m. in the gym
- Snohomish High School – Annual Veterans Day Assembly and Breakfast on Thursday, November 10. Veterans breakfast is at 7:30 a.m. followed by an assembly at 8:25 a.m. in the gym.
Middle schools
- Centennial Middle School – Thursday, November 10, from 1-2 p.m. in the gym
- Valley View Middle School – Thursday, November 10, at 1:15 p.m. in the gym
Elementary schools and Parent Partnership Program
- Cascade View Elementary – Thursday, November 10, at 10:10 a.m. in the commons/gym
- Cathcart Elementary – Thursday, November 10 at 10:40 a.m. in the school gym. We are asking veterans and active military members who will be attending to please notify the school office by Tuesday, November 1, so that you may be properly honored.
- Central Emerson Elementary (Central Campus) – For the first week of November students will gather information from families about veterans they know. Students will read books about what it means to be a veteran, sing patriotic songs and create a display to honor those who have served.
- Dutch Hill Elementary – Thursday, November 10, from 9:05-9:35 a.m. (K-3) and 9:50-10:20 a.m. (4-6). in the commons/gym. Refreshments will be served to veterans and their families from 9:35-9:50 a.m.
- Central Emerson Elementary (Emerson Campus) – Thursday, November 10, at 8:45 a.m. in the commons/gym
- Little Cedars Elementary – Friday, November 4, at 8:30 a.m. in the commons/gym. The 5th grade concert (veterans focus) will be held Thursday, November 3, at 6:30 p.m.
- Machias Elementary – Thursday, November 10, at 9:15 a.m. in the commons/gym
- Riverview Elementary – Wednesday, November 9 at 9:05 a.m. and 6:30 p.m. in the commons/gym
- Seattle Hill Elementary – Students will be participating in classroom-based activities during the first two weeks of November.
- Totem Falls Elementary – Thursday, November 10, at 8:45 a.m. (student assembly) and 6:30 p.m. (concert) in the commons/gym
- Parent Partnership Program - Students will be participating in classroom-based activities during the first two weeks of November.
Board to request approval of Purple Heart designation
On Wednesday, October 26, the Snohomish School District Board of Directors will request approval for Resolution 11-22 declaring Snohomish School District a Purple Heart District. This action will take place during the 6 p.m. School Board meeting held at the district’s Resource and Service Center (1601 Avenue D in Snohomish).
The Purple Heart Trail program began in 1992 at Mt. Vernon, Virginia. The goal was to make the public aware of the Purple Heart Medal and what the medal represented. Roads, bridges, highways, and trails were designated as a part of the Purple Heart Trail. As the Purple Heart Trail grew so did the request from businesses, colleges, universities, cities, towns, sports teams, airports, buildings, and many others. Currently 45 states as well as Guam have been designated. Twenty-one cities in Washington state are identified as Purple Heart entities, including Snohomish.
The Purple Heart designation is an “Outward expression of an internal desire to recognize and Honor recipients of the Purple Heart.” The Purple Heart is presented to men and women of all military services that have been injured or killed in action against an enemy of the United States.
Fall teacher conference information
Reminder of the half-day early release for district elementary, middle and high schools from Tuesday, October 25 through Friday, October 28.
- Please note that this week’s AIM High School and Parent Partnership Program half-day early release day schedule is different and has been communicated directly from each school to families.
- There is no ECEAP program all week.
- Please contact your child's school regarding conference specifics.
- Elementary, middle and high school students can grab a lunch to-go at dismissal.
Tuesday, October 25 - Conferences
- Elementary parent/guardian/teacher conferences will be scheduled between 12:30-3:20 p.m. Exception: Central Emerson Elementary (Central Campus) will also hold conferences from 4:05-7:35 p.m. on Tuesday evening.
- Middle and high school parent/guardian/teacher conferences will be scheduled between 11:15 a.m. – 2:30 p.m.
Wednesday, October 26 - Conferences
- Elementary parent/guardian/teacher conferences will be scheduled between 12:30-3:20 p.m. and from 4:05-7:35 p.m. Exception: Evening conferences will not be held at Central Emerson Elementary (Central Campus) on Wednesday evening.
- Middle and high school parent/guardian/teacher conferences will be scheduled between 11:15 a.m. – 2:30 p.m.
Thursday, October 27 - Conferences
- Elementary parent/guardian/teacher conferences will be scheduled between 12:30-3:20 p.m.
- Middle and high school parent/guardian/teacher conferences will be scheduled between 11:15 a.m-2:30 p.m. and from 4:30-7 p.m.
Grab your tickets to the shows!
Glacier Peak High School (7401 144th Place SE in Snohomish)
Peter and the Starcatcher is a play based on the 2004 novel Peter and the Starcatchers by Dave Barry and Ridley Pearson, adapted for the stage by Rick Elice. The play provides a backstory for the characters of Peter Pan, Mrs Darling, Tinker Bell and Hook, and serves as a prequel to J. M. Barrie's Peter and Wendy.
- Tickets go on sale beginning at 11 a.m. on Friday, October 28. All tickets must be purchased online at www.gphstheatre.org. A select number of tickets will also be available at the door on performance dates (no cash - credit only). Please select performance date/time and seat at the time of purchase.
- Tickets cost $10/each for students/children/seniors (over 65) and $15/each for adults.
- Performance dates and times – November 11, 12, 18 and 19 at 7 p.m. and November 12 and 19 at 2 p.m.
Snohomish High School (1316 Fifth Street in Snohomish)
Twelfth Night is a romantic comedy by William Shakespeare, believed to have been written around 1601–1602 as a Twelfth Night's entertainment for the close of the winter holiday season. The play centers on the twins Viola and Sebastian, who are separated in a shipwreck. Viola (who is disguised as Cesario) falls in love with the Duke Orsino, who in turn is in love with Countess Olivia. Upon meeting Viola, Countess Olivia falls in love with her thinking she is a man.
- Watch for more information in the coming weeks regarding how to purchase tickets.
- Tickets cost $10/each for students/children/seniors (over 65) and $15/each for adults.
- Performance dates and times – December 2, 3, 9 and 10 at 7 p.m. December 3 and 4 at 1 p.m.
Election Day - November 8
Election day is November 8. Below are some important Snohomish County voter reference materials:
- Washington Secretary of State - Register, update, and learn what’s on your ballot
- Snohomish County Elections & Voter Registration
And if you are a 16- and 17-year-old in the state of Washington, you can pre-register to vote! Registrants under the age of 18 will have their registrations held until they become eligible to vote. Visit www.myvote.wa.gov to:
- Register to vote
- Request a replacement ballot
- Update voter registration info
- View a listing of your elected officials
- View what elections are impacted at the address on file
- View ballot status (mailed, received, not received, etc.)
As a reminder, ballot boxes are located at:
- Centennial Middle School
- Glacier Peak High School
- Sno-Isle Library in downtown Snohomish
Elementary Human Growth and Development and Secondary Sexual Health family presentations scheduled
Human Growth and Development will be taught each year during 5th and 6th grade and Sexual Health will be taught in 7th, 8th and 9th grade.
Families are invited to attend a webinar to learn about the health standards, activities and resources that will be used to teach each of the topics, and the opt-out process. Please see details below.
- Elementary Human Growth and Development Webinar
- 6-7 p.m. on Tuesday, November 1
- Webinar link - https://snohomishsd.zoom.us/j/94383928014
- Secondary Sexual Health Webinar
- 6-7 p.m. on Thursday, November 3
- Webinar link - https://snohomishsd.zoom.us/j/93458360664
Those who are unable to view the district presentations may review the lessons posted by clicking here. Due to copyright restrictions, we are required to post the links to the entire lessons as they were developed. Please know that some components of the lessons (example: homework-related activities for integrated learning and family homework) will not be taught.
The lessons and resources are also available for review from 8 a.m.-3 p.m. (or by appointment) at Teaching and Learning Services at the Resource and Service Center (1601 Avenue D in Snohomish). A video that will be used for the lessons is available for viewing at the district presentation and at Teaching and Learning. Due to copyright restrictions, we are unable to upload the video to our website.
School attendance should be a priority
School is well underway and we want to see your child each day! Attending school regularly helps children feel better about school – and themselves. This habit should be started at a young age so they learn right away that going to school on time, every day is important. Good attendance will help children do well in school, college and work.
Helpful strategies include:
- Help your child maintain daily routines, such as finishing homework and getting a good night’s sleep.
- Try not to schedule dental and medical appointments during the school day.
- Develop backup plans for getting to school if something comes up. Call on a family member, a neighbor or another parent.
- Schedule vacations and trips when school isn't in session.
- If your child seems anxious about going to school, talk to teachers, school counselors and other parents for advice on how to make your child feel comfortable and excited about learning.
Senior Citizens Dinner - November 16
Calling all community senior citizens... you're invited! The 2022 Senior Citizens Dinner “A Little Taste of Italy" will be held at 5 p.m. on Wednesday, November 16. The free dinner will be held at Glacier Peak High School (7401 144th Place SE in Snohomish) and is coordinated by the Glacier Peak High School and Snohomish High School ASB students. Community senior citizens are invited for dinner, games, photos and entertainment! To RSVP, please contact Teri Corwin at 360-563-7547 no later than Friday, November 4.
Sno-Isle TECH Skills Center 2023-2024 application to open November 3
Sophomores and juniors interested in applying to Sno-Isle TECH Skills Center for the 2023-2024 school year, the application opens on Thursday, November 3 at 4 p.m. Students are encouraged to apply early, popular programs close once they receive the maximum number of applications. The application is available on the Sno-Isle TECH Skills Center website. Students with questions should reach out to their high school College & Career Center.
Apprenticeship Career and Job Fair - November 17
Click here to register for the 6th annual National Apprenticeship Week Celebration on November 17 at the Sno-Isle TECH Skills Center from 4-7 p.m. Apprenticeships are a combination of structured, paid on-the- job training plus college-level classroom instruction. Come out and meet 20+ apprenticeship organizations. Enjoy free food and hands-on activities for all ages. Apprenticeships provide family livable wages jobs starting at $19 - $30 hourly, plus benefits and pensions.
Interested in College in the High School?
Everett Community College is hosting a College in the High School information session on Thursday, October 27 at 3 p.m. to help students and families learn more about the College in the High School program, requirements, benefits, and admissions. Click here to register for the virtual presentation.
Please click here for more information about Everett Community College's Collège in the High School application and registration process. Class registration opens Tuesday, November 15.
SEF Annual Fundraising Auction - November 12
The Snohomish Education Foundation (SEF) invites you to join them at their Annual Fundraising Auction - “Light Up the Future" - on Saturday, November 12, at the Tulalip Casino Resort.
The SEF annual auction is their main fundraising event to benefit the students, teachers, and families of the Snohomish School District. Since 1986, the Snohomish Education Foundation has granted more than $2.7 million in scholarships to graduating high school seniors, funded more than $1 million in classroom grants to teachers and staff, and more than $595,000 in Snohomish School District K-12 programs.
- 6 p.m. - Silent auction
- 7:45 p.m. - Dinner
- 8 p.m. - Live auction
Tickets to the annual fundraising event are $130/each. For more information call 360-568-5292 or email auction@snoed.org. To register online visit https://snoed.ejoinme.org/2022Auction. Tulalip discounted rooms are available by calling 1-866-716-7162. Mention the "Snohomish Education Foundation Auction" to receive a discount and reserve your room for this fun, charitable event!
Free and low-cost community programs
Below are links to some free and low-cost programs which we are aware of that are available for our district students and community members:
- All grades - Free/reduced meals
- All grades - Washington 2-1-1
- All grades - Affordable Connectivity Program
- All grades - Clothes for Kids
- K-9th graders - Operation School Bell
- 2nd graders – Swim for Life Second Grade Swim Program
- Youth - Youth on Course golf program
- Senior citizens – Golden Kla Ha Ya Club
SafeSchools Alert
SafeSchools Alert is our district's tip reporting service. If you have information about a threat to our safety (threats, bullying, intimidation, harassment, weapons, drugs, and other safety
concerns), do your part and report it! And remember, you can remain anonymous. You can report using any of the ways noted below. Links are also available on the district and school websites.
Easy ways to report
- Visit the website - https://snohomish-wa.safeschoolsalert.com/
- Email your tip to 1796@alert1.us
- Call to report your tip 360-217-0587
- Text your tip to 360-217-0587
You are not alone - Call 988
The holidays, winter’s darkness and cold, personal and family struggles and other factors significantly impact many causing depression, anxiety and feelings of despair or hopelessness. You are not alone.
If you or someone you know needs help:
- National Suicide Prevention Lifeline - Call 988
- National Suicide Prevention Lifeline - Call 1-800-273-TALK (8255)
- Text HOME to 741741 to connect with a crisis counselor
- Crisis chat 24/7 - www.imhurting.org
- Basic needs like food and shelter - Call 211
- The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline (dial 988 or 1-800-273-8255) provides 24/7, free and confidential support for people in distress, prevention and crisis resources for you or your loved ones. Resources, support and other information is available at www.988lifeline.org or www.suicidepreventionlifeline.org.
- The National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) has a phone helpline at 1-800-950-6264. Text "NAMI" to 741741 for 24/7, confidential, free crisis counseling. Resources, support and other information is available at www.nami.org.
- More information and resources are also available on the district website at www.sno.wednet.edu/suicideprevention.
School & district news
- School newsletters - If you would like to receive Dear Friends and other district and school newsletters, or if you have a high school student who wants to receive the school Daily Bulletin, you must subscribe to our listserv subscription tool. For directions on how to subscribe or change your subscription preferences (for those already signed up), please click here.
- Dear Friends - Looking for back issues of our Dear Friends enews? Visit www.sno.wednet.edu/dearfriends.
- Facebook - Today, 11,000 Facebook fans receive regular district updates through our district's Facebook page - www.facebook.com/snohomishschooldistrict. This site is just one of many ways we communicate with our students, staff, families and community. Although we are aware of other Facebook pages, please note that this is the only verified Facebook page of the Snohomish School District and is where official information is posted.
- School Messenger - Our district uses the School Messenger automated system as a tool for communication with our parents, families and staff. School Messenger works with the district’s student-data system (Skyward/Family Access) to notify families and staff through phone and/or email of emergencies, critical school and district messages, school/district closures, inclement weather, attendance issues, underfunded student meal accounts and other events/activities. The overall goal of using this service is for parents and families to receive critical information about Snohomish schools - especially information that affects their children - in a timely manner. As long as we have accurate primary phone numbers and email addresses on record for our students in Skyward/Family Access, families should automatically receive these messages when they are sent out.
Recent media
- State cross country: Shorecrest’s Schmidt, Snohomish’s Gerrard both take 4th, Everett Herald, 11/5/22
- State cross country preview: Top local runners, teams to watch, Everett Herald, 11/4/22
- Post-Week 9 prep football takeaways from across Snohomish County, Everett Herald, 10/31/22
- Lake Stevens routs Glacier Peak for 9th consecutive Wesco 4A title, Everett Herald, 10/30/22
- Gerrard leads Snohomish to 3A district cross country title, Everett Herald, 10/29/22
- Clash of the titans: A preview of No. 1 Glacier Peak vs. No. 3 Lake Stevens, Everett Herald, 10/27/22
- A look at this week’s top local high school football matchups, Everett Herald 10/27/22
- Unbeaten Monroe races past Snohomish for Wesco 3A South crown, Everett Herald, 10/22/22
- Snohomish tops Murphy in battle of Wesco 3A/2A title contenders, Everett Herald, 10/21/22
- GALLERY: Glacier Peak tops Snohomish to secure Wesco North title, Everett Herald, 10/19/22
- Associated Press high school football poll for Week 8, Everett Herald, 10/19/22
- Associated Press high school football poll for Week 7, Everett Herald, 10/12/22
- Community roundup: Matt King named to U.S. swim team roster, Everett Herald, 10/12/22
- GALLERY: Lake Stevens sweeps Glacier Peak in Wesco 4A volleyball clash, Everett Herald, 10/12/22
- Glacier Peak tops Kamiak in key Wesco 4A soccer clash, Everett Herald, 9/30/22
- GALLERY: Snohomish tops Monroe in Wesco volleyball action, Everett Herald, 9/27/22
- Post-Week 4 prep football takeaways from across Snohomish County, Everett Herald, 9/26/22
- Snohomish pulls away for key league win over Edmonds-Woodway, Everett Herald, 9/25/22
- A look at this week’s top local high school football matchups, Everett Herald, 9/22/22
- Hometown tailgating party aims to give big on cancer aid charity: "Thursday Night Lights," Snohomish Tribune 9/21/22
- Snohomish County bus driver shortage creates ripple effect for schools, Everett Herald, 9/21/22
- Snohomish High's homecoming dance changing to be informal, Snohomish Tribune, 9/21/22
District-approved community fliers
- Affordable Connectivity Program
- Allergy & Asthma Network - Do you have peanut allergy? Do you care for a child who has peanut allergy? The Allergy & Asthma Network is looking for parents/guardians and families of children who have peanut allergies for a paid research study. Learn more at https://allergyasthmanetwork.org/news/do-you-have-peanut-allergy/.
- BridgeWhiz Grades 4-12
- Camp Fire - Discover Club Program
- Civil Air Patrol
- Climb the Mountain Free Online Speech and Debate Programs
- Cub Scouts Pack 193 and Calendar
- Everett Philharmonic Orchestra Young Artists Concerto Competition
- Girl Scouts Daisy Troop 41623 - Cathcart Elementary
- Girls Snolax Lacrosse Try if for Free! - January 7
- Join Girl Scouts at Dutch Hill
- Let Me Run Registration - Boys
- Let Me Run Registration - Boys Seattle Hill Elementary
- Links & Alliances You Matter and Belong Conference - November 5
- Little Taste of Italy - Senior Citizen Dinner November 16
- Reflections School of Dance Fall Programming 2022
- Seattle Children's Chorus Registration
- SJAA Youth Basketball Registration
- Sno-Isle Tech Skills Center Apprenticeship Career and Job Fair - November 17
- Snohomish Community Food Bank
- Snohomish for Equity Youth Committee Application
- STEMTree
- Strategic Kids Chess at Totem Falls Elementary
- Strategic Kids LEGO at Totem Falls Elementary
- SVIE Update 956 Registration Open-Native Flute Making Workshop - November 5 and 6, 2022
- Taekwondo for Kids - October 2022
- TOP Soccer - Fall Volunteer Opportunities
Fliers are typically posted on Tuesdays during the months of August through June. For additional flier program details and/or to complete a request for distribution, please click here.
How to reach us
- Snohomish School District
- Website - www.sno.wednet.edu
- Phone - 360-563-7300
- Glacier Peak High School
- Website - www.sno.wednet.edu/gphs
- Phone - 360-563-7500
- Snohomish High School
- Website - www.sno.wednet.edu/shs
- Phone - 360-563-4000
- Centennial Middle School
- Website - www.sno.wednet.edu/cms
- Phone - 360-563-4525
- Valley View Middle School
- Website - www.sno.wednet.edu/vvms
- Phone - 360-563-4225
- Cascade View Elementary
- Website - www.sno.wednet.edu/cascadeview
- Phone - 360-563-7000
- Cathcart Elementary
- Website - www.sno.wednet.edu/cathcart
- Phone - 360-563-7075
- Central Emerson Elementary (Central Campus)
- Website - www.sno.wednet.edu/centralemerson
- Phone - 360-563-4600
- Dutch Hill Elementary
- Website - www.sno.wednet.edu/dutchhill
- Phone - 360-563-4450
- Central Emerson Elementary (Emerson Campus)
- Website - www.sno.wednet.edu/centralemerson
- Phone - 360-563-7150
- Little Cedars Elementary
- Website - www.sno.wednet.edu/littlecedars
- Phone - 360-563-2900
- Machias Elementary
- Website - www.sno.wednet.edu/machias
- Phone - 360-563-4825
- Riverview Elementary
- Website - www.sno.wednet.edu/riverview
- Phone - 360-563-4375
- Seattle Hill Elementary
- Website - www.sno.wednet.edu/seattlehill
- Phone - 360-563-4675
- Totem Falls Elementary
- Website - www.sno.wednet.edu/totemfalls
- Phone - 360-563-4750
- Student Learning Alternatives (AIM High School, Parent Partnership Program, Apex Online Learning)
- Website – www.sno.wednet.edu/alternative
- AIM High School Phone - 360-563-3400
- Parent Partnership Program Phone - 360-563-3423
- Apex Online Learning Phone - 360-563-3421
- Website – www.sno.wednet.edu/eceap
- Phone – 360-563-4641
- Snohomish Aquatic Center
- Website - www.snohomishaquatic.com
- Phone - 360-563-8030
Non-Discrimination Notice
Our mission
The Snohomish School District, in its commitment to excellence, places the success of each student at the center of all decisions and actions. Partnerships and strong academic programs ensure competent, responsible, lifelong learners.
Email: communications@sno.wednet.edu
Website: www.sno.wednet.edu
Location: 1601 Avenue D, Snohomish, WA, USA
Phone: 3605637300
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/snohomishschooldistrict/