No Plastic No Problem
Don't Refuse to Reuse
There Is Too Much Trash Produced
Too Many Plastic Bags
Good Reusable Bags
Take Action
What you can do:
- You can try not to use plastic bags, because it would really help our cause.
-You could also try to persuade grocery stores to stop using plastic bags.-You can use reusable bags.
-You can even go to the city council to request a ban on plastic bags.
All of these things will greatly decrease the number of plastic grocery bags in a landfill and in the environment, impacting the future of the Earth.
What We Learned
Cole: I learned that plastic bags take up to 1000 years to decompose and our landfills are filling up with them.
Kaylee: I learned that littering affects everything on Earth, and if we stop one of the main sources, like plastic bags, we can help everyone.
Hannah: I learned how important recycling really is. I didn't know how much litter was in my own community, now I understand, and what to do to on my part to help the issue.
Ty: I learned that I can make a difference in my community.
Jason: I learned that when trees get pulled up, tons of dirt gets loose.
Josh: I learned that every year 1.9 billion tons of trash end up in the ocean.
Jed: People have tried to fix littering before, but it didn't work.
Ezra: I learned that there are 1.9 billion tons of garbage in the ocean.
Jonathan: There are 1.9 tons of garbage in the ocean.
iEngage Summer Civics Institute- Group 9
Email: icivics@baylor.edu
Website: http://blogs.baylor.edu/iengage/
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