District 622 e-news
October 18, 2022
District 622 e-news available in accessible format
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October 18, 2022
No school October 20 - 21 (MEA break)
Coming soon to the North stage
Levy 2022 - Three weeks until Election Day
Voting Information
School Board Candidate Forum Replay
Scene around 622
Kindness Rocks Garden
Adventure Connection students at Justice Alan Page Elementary spent the week painting rocks with positive messages and installed a Kindness Rocks Garden.
Careers learning lab at Tartan and North
Students at Tartan and North participated in a learning lab featuring Xcel Energy last week.
Fire truck visits 622 Online students
622 Online students were able to see a fire truck up close when picking up class materials at the Webster Education Center.
Dia de la Raza at North High
North High's Latinx Club hosted a Dia de la Raza celebration during Hispanic Heritage Spirit Week last week.
Community Education
Join the Community Education Advisory Council
School District 622 Community Education's mission is to provide lifelong learning opportunities for people of all ages, abilities and cultures in our community. Advisory Council members partner with Community Education staff to consider how best to meet the needs and interests of community members. The group meets six evenings throughout the school year. If you are interested in joining the Advisory Council, please fill out an interest form.
Fall 2022 Activities
Sign up for a Fall 2022 activity with 622 Community Education today! We have various classes: Game Coding: Super Mario, Youth Self-Defense and Safety Awareness, and many more!
Plus, 50% off youth classes for district families who qualify for free/reduced lunch!
Register today at https://isd622.ce.eleyo.com/
Peachjar electronic flyers
Visit the Peachjar electronic flyer page and click on your school's name to see what's happening at your school and in our community.
District 622 health and safety information
District 622 has updated the Guidelines and Procedures for Health and Safety for the 2022-2023 school year. Visit the 622 COVID-19 website for information about return-to-school dates, boosters, and testing.
Join the 622 team!
We're Hiring! Join ISD 622!
We are looking for candidates who are enthusiastic and passionate about what they do. Join our team and become a Paraeducator, Substitute Teacher, or School Bus Driver (we'll help you get your CDL)!
Please visit our careers site for a list of open positions.
For more information please contact Human Resources at (651) 748-7421.
Email: communications@isd622.org
Website: www.isd622.org
Location: 2520 12th Avenue East, North St. Paul, MN
Facebook: facebook.com/isd622
Twitter: @isd622
Instagram: @isd622
Please direct your questions or comments to communications@isd622.org