Trillium Tweet
September 6, 2019
Thank You
Thank you for attending Curriculum Night at Trillium Creek. We had a fantastic turn out last night. We appreciate you taking time out of your busy schedule to hear what your child will be learning in his/her class this year.
Trillium Creek Spirit Wear
News from the PTA
Calling All PTA Chairpersons!
Important Chairperson meeting on Monday, September 9th from 9am-10am at TCPS! Please plan to join us!
The first PTA meeting is September 11th. Arrive at 9:00 for coffee and conversation and the meeting will begin at 9:30.
1st Grade Hearing Screening
On Thursday September 12, 2019 the West Linn Wilsonville SD Speech Pathology Team will be conducting hearing screenings on all first graders at Trillium Creek Primary. If you do not want to have your first graders hearing screened please send a note to your classroom teacher on the day of the screening requesting to opt your child out of the hearing screening.
Students who do not pass the hearing screening will be re-screened at a later date by the building Speech and Language Pathologist
You will be notified by mail or phone only if your child’s results were not within the normal range after the re-screening.
Backyard BBQ is Coming Soon
Please join us for Trillium Creek’s Annual Backyard BBQ!
Sept 13, 2019 from 4:30pm to 6:30pm
The PTA is kicking off the school year with a wonderful event that allows us to reconnect with Trillium Creek families and welcome new families to our school! Hamburgers, veggie burgers, and hot dogs, along with sides and drinks will be served. Fun activities and a DJ will ensure that TONS of FUN will be had!
Counselor Connection
Parent Enrichment
Join us and our parent communities from Stafford, Willamette, and Trillium for a parent enrichment opportunity at Stafford Primary School on Thursday September 26th from 6-7:30 pm. The focus will be on creating calm, connection, and resilience for our children. If you need childcare or translation services please RSVP by September 19th to Megan Prior, school counselor, at 503-673-7150 x 7144. Please see the attached flyer for additional information. We hope to see you all there!
TCPS Annual Fund-Donate Today!
Reminder to please donate to the Annual Fund! This is our main fundraising event for the PTA. All funds go towards bettering the classroom and your child's education.
Come join the PTA! Only $15.00 to join and participate in meetings!
Attached is a flyer to join or you can donate and join online by clicking here. If you fill out a flyer and attach at check, have your child turn it in to the office.
Green Team Corner
"Welcome back to another fun year of Green School Fun! We are beginning our clean plastic recycling program thru TREX again so feel free to bring in your clean plastic to put in the bins by the front entrance. If you are wondering what those items are, watch the attached YouTube video and look at the attached flyer."
Click here to watch the video.
Attendance Link
Morning Drop Off
We know the flow of traffic can get backed up in the parking lot and onto Rosemont. We would appreciate it if you are able to ride a bus to school, please ride the bus. If you are in the walking zone, please walk. This will help limit the number of cars coming into our parking lot. Most of all...BE PATIENT! We have staff out front helping with the flow of traffic.
MAP-Music and Arts Partners
Join us for an afternoon of music and art at St. Josef’s in Canby!
Please join West Linn-Wilsonville Music and Arts Partners (MAP) on Sunday, September 15th from 3:30-6:30 for musical performances, skits and art displays by students and staff. Admission is free. Food and beverages will be available for purchase including ice cream from Jr. Scoops! MAP Board Members will be available to answer questions and accept donations to MAP (includes membership), including the Lynne Detrick Memorial Instrument Fund (LDMIF). St. Josef’s is located at 28836 S Barlow Rd, Canby, OR 97013.
MAP is an independent, volunteer, nonprofit organization that works to support and promote arts and music education in the West Linn-Wilsonville School District.
A Message From Mr. Compton
West Linn Library
Lost and Found
Upcoming Events at Trillium Creek Primary
- September 11th, 9:00 PTA Meet and Greet followed by PTA Meeting
- September 11th, 12:10 PM, Professional Growth Early Release
- September 13th, 4:30-6:30 PM Backyard BBQ on the Playground
- September 25th, 12:10 PM, Professional Growth Early Release
- September 27th, Picture Day
Sign Up Now to Volunteer at Trillium Creek
If you are NOT registered as a volunteer, you can not help in the classroom or go on a field trip. Thank you for being proactive.
Important Links
Listserve Subscriptions
Please make sure you are on the current ListServe. To manage your West Linn-Wilsonville ListServ subscriptions please go to the following URL:
Sign up for Flash Alert
For "Inclement Weather Closure Status" sign up on Flash Alert to be notified. Snow will be arriving before we know it: https://www.flashalert.net/login/
Sign up to Volunteer at Trillium Creek
PLEASE remember to register as a volunteer. All parents and guardians MUST be registered as VOLUNTEERS to help in classrooms or attend field trips. You can take care of this at home through our school website, (just click on the parent link).
Trillium Creek Primary
Email: crawfora@wlwv.k12.or.us
Website: https://www.wlwv.k12.or.us/tcps
Location: 1025 Rosemont Road, West Linn, OR, USA
Phone: 503-673-7950