WMS- Aug 1 update
A Note from the Desk of Ms. Serino, principal
NEW INFO- Virtual Meeting for Parents of Students with IEPs- Aug 2 at 7 PM
(This meeting follows the 6 PM meeting designed for new parents.)
Presentation in English with interpretation in Spanish.
Zoom: https://mcpsmd.zoom.us/j/97324643856?pwd=cVpQM0tnMzFycFZxN0JVbHBTQll3dz09
Meeting ID: 973 2464 3856
Passcode: WMSparents
One tap mobile: +13017158592,,97324643856# US (Washington DC)
NEW INFO- Chromebook Distribution for all 6th Graders and Any New Students
All 6th graders and any new 7th and 8th graders will be issued Chromebooks this year.
We hope many of you can pick them up before school starts! We have two dates to offer...
- Tuesday, August 16 from 9-12 and
- Friday, August 19 from 12-3
Students who are unable to attend on these dates will have other opportunities to retrieve their Chromebook at the beginning of the school year.
NEW INFO- Bus Routes
Bus Arrival Times Updated August 1
Bus Departure Times Updated August 1
Parent/Caregiver Info Sessions- Virtual! Bilingual!
Tomorrow Night! Tuesday, August 2
or Thursday, August 25
from 6:00-7:00 PM. The sessions will be recorded.
Presentation in English with interpretation in Spanish.
Zoom: https://mcpsmd.zoom.us/j/97324643856?pwd=cVpQM0tnMzFycFZxN0JVbHBTQll3dz09
Meeting ID: 973 2464 3856
Passcode: WMSparents
One tap mobile: +13017158592,,97324643856# US (Washington DC)
NEW INFO- Our New Approach to Cell Phones
- Students may use devices before 8:10 and after 3:00. (same)
- Parents who need to get urgent messages to kids should contact the main office. (same)
- Devices must be stored in student lockers. (new)
- Students may send/receive messages during the 4 minutes before and the 4 minutes after their lunch while standing at their lockers. (new)
- There will be no cell phone use during lunch by any grade levels of students on any days of the week. (new)
School Supply List
A backpack/bag
A 3-ring binder with locking rings
Lined paper
Pocket folders
A pencil pouch
Pens, pencils, highlighters
A set of colored pencils
Headphones or earbuds
Non-aerosol deodorant (for PE)
We supply Chromebook, charger and case
We supply combination locks
A change of clothes for PE. Black, navy, white or gray t-shirts and shorts/pants. PE teachers will sell Westland clothes when school starts.
A calculator
A planner/calendar book
A reusable water bottle
NEW INFO- Apply Now for Free and Reduced-Priced Meals
Please use the link here to submit your application.
Vaccination or Medical Forms
Staff Vacancies- UPDATED
- a computer science teacher
- a 0.7 speech language pathologist
- two special education teachers to support our Autism Resource Services (ARS) program
- a 6.5 hr/day special education paraeducator to support students in various classes (with benefits)
- two 7 hr/day special education paraeducators to support our Autism Resource Services (ARS) program
- two 7 hr/day special education paraeducators to support individual students (no benefits)
- a 4 hr lunch room aide/paraeducator (with benefits)
Please contact Alison_L_Serino@mcpsmd.org with any leads.
Summer MYP Exploration for All Westland Students
Summer MYP Exploration- assigned book (Rick) and online assignments
Each summer, Westland students and staff read a text that explores a compelling issue(s). Students also complete several assignments within an online classroom. This work leads into further school-wide exploration and action in the fall.
Please come by the school between 8:30-3:30 to borrow a copy of the text, Rick by Alex Gino or get it from your local library! Click here. Westland MYP Summer Exploration- book and myMCPS classroom
Summer Learning for All Westland Students
Summer Math- practice exercises
We encourage Westland students to complete material for the math class they are enrolled in this fall (2022-23) to keep their math brains sharp. Click here. Westland Summer Math practice
Summer Reading- book (of your choice) and reflection (of your choice)
We ask Westland students to read a book of their choice and complete a reflection question of their choice. This will be submitted to English teachers as a homework assignment in the fall. Click here. Westland Summer Reading assignment
A Cool Way to Practice Opening a Locker!
Practice with https://www.hoodamath.com/games/combinationlock.html.
- Turn to the right to the first number.
- Turn to the left and pass the first number once. Land on the second number.
- Turn to the right to the last number.,
Virtual Orientations for Students New To Westland
Zoom: https://mcpsmd.zoom.us/j/82676768961?pwd=qHAL9WlunWxM-s49alO9xbdNHlxxNb.1
Meeting ID: 826 7676 8961
Passcode: wildcats
One tap mobile: +13017158592,,82676768961# US (Washington DC)
Fall Athletics- medical forms and parent permission
The athletics registration portal will not open for middle school athletes until August 15 but we want to make people aware that physical evaluations are required prior to the first day of tryouts.
Resources to assist with the online registration process can be found here. Forms are available here. Resources in Spanish are available here. Additional information regarding middle school athletics registration can be found here.
Save the Date- Mini Day on Aug 25 IN PERSON for Students
On Thursday, August 25 from 8:15-12:00 Noon, we invite all 6th graders and new 7th and 8th graders INSIDE the school. Students will receive their schedules and meet their teachers during short visits in each class.
Save the Date- Back to School Night on Sept 15 IN PERSON for Parents
Teachers will also publish introductory videos for parents to review at their convenience.
Address Change?
If you are moving over the summer please let our counseling office secretary know at Sara_A_Belott@mcpsmd.org.
Contact Us
Main Office (240.740.5850)
Principal- Alison Serino, Alison_L_Serino@mcpsmd.org
Assistant Principal (6th grade and half of 8th grade M-Z)- Jason Jefferson, Jason_A_Jefferson@mcpsmd.org
Assistant Principal (7th grade and half of 8th grade 8 A-L)- Natasha Alston, Natasha_S_Alston@mcpcmsd.org
Administrative Secretary- Terri Howells, Mary_T_Howells@mcpsmd.org
Financial Specialist- Suzanne Marcou, Suzanne_W_Marcou@mcpsmd.org
Counseling/Registrar Office (240.740.5860)
Counseling Chairperson/7th grade counselor- Caryn Fischer, Caryn_Fischer@mcpsmd.org
6th Grade Counselor- Lauren Geissel, Lauren_Geissel@mcpsmd.org
7th Grade Counselor- Ashley Harper, Ashley_Harper@mcpsmd.org
8th Grade Counselor- Laura Williams, Laura_K_Williams@mcpsmd.org
Counseling Office Secretary- (Sara) Sally Belott, Sara_A_Belott@mcpsmd.org
Running Calendar (new items added in bold)
- Tu, 8/2- New Parent Info Session- 6:00 PM Zoom (bilingual Spanish/English)
- Tu, 8/3- Parent Info Session about Special Education- 7:00 PM Zoom (bilingual Spanish/English)
- W, 8/10- Sneak Peek Orientation for new students- 6:00 PM Zoom
- M, 8/15- Online Athletic Portal for 7th/8th graders opens
- Tu, 8/16- Chromebook Distribution for new students- 9:00 AM- 12:00 Noon
- Tu, 8/16- Sneak Peek Orientation for new students- 6:00 PM Zoom
- F, 8/19- Chromebook Distribution for new students - 12:00- 3:00 PM
- Th, 8/25- Mini Day Orientation for new students- 8:30 AM- 12:00 PM in person
- Th, 8/25- New Parent Info Session- 6:00 PM Zoom (bilingual Spanish/English)
- M, 8/29- First Day of School for Students- 8:15-3:00
- M, 9/5- Labor Day Holiday
- F, 9/9- Student Photos Taken at School
- W, 9/14- Early Release Day- Students dismissed at 12:30 PM
- Th, 9/15- Back to School Night for Parents- 6:30-8:30 PM in person (intro videos will also be available)
- W, 9/21- After School Mix and Mingle for Sixth Graders- 3-4:30 PM
- M, 9/26- No School for Students/Teachers
- W, 9/28- Sixth Grade MYP & Team Building Day
- Th, 9/29- After School Mix and Mingle for Seventh Graders- 3-4:30 PM
- Th, 9/29- Cross Country and Boys Softball at Silver Creek, Girls Softball Home
- F, 9/30- MYP-focused learning
- F, 9/30- Early Release Day- Students dismissed at 12:30 PM
- F, 9/30- 8th Grade Bowling Outing, 12:30-2:30 PM
Westland Middle School
Email: Alison_L_Serino@mcpsmd.org
Website: https://www2.montgomeryschoolsmd.org/schools/westlandms/
Location: 5511 Massachusetts Avenue, Bethesda, MD, USA
Twitter: @WestlandPrinc