May 2017
We are deeply committed to offering excellent educational experiences for our students and we want to keep you informed of upcoming events, successes and happenings in GPISD.
This is our third month bringing you this newsletter packed with information on recent happenings, upcoming program opportunities and even some success plans for your students.
In Galena Park ISD, our students are extremely important to us, and so are you. Please enjoy this edition of a newsletter especially designed for you.
Thank you for staying connected!
One of the most important things your child can do to achieve academic success is also one of the most basic: going to school every day.
Benefits of daily attendance...
By attending class regularly, your child is more likely to keep up with the daily lessons and assignments, and take quizzes and tests on time.
There are other benefits as well:
- Achievement: Students who attend school regularly are more likely to pass reading and math assessments than students who do not attend school regularly.
- Opportunity: For older students, being in school every day gives them a chance to learn more about college and scholarship opportunities, and to take the important exams they need to build a successful academic record.
- Exposure to the English language: Regular school attendance can also help students who are learning English by giving them the chance to master the skills and information they need more quickly and accurately — even in other subjects!
- Being part of the school community: Just by being present at school, your child is learning how to be a good citizen by participating in the school community, learning valuable social skills, and developing a broader world view.
- The importance of education: Your commitment to school attendance will also send a message to your child that education is a priority for your family.
Thank you for sending you child to school daily!
Because students spend so much time in school, our schools offer a critically important opportunity to ensure that all students get the support and help they need to reach their full potential. Studies show schools that embrace character education become places people want to be because they bring out the best in everyone.
In Galena Park ISD, our goal is to produce productive citizens and life-long learners, and character education is one way we are approaching this goal.
The Character Education Theme for this month is TRUSTWORTHINESS.
Trustworthiness is keeping your promises to foster trust. People know you will follow through and do what you promised to do, so they will be able to put their trust in you. Always looking for a way out of what you promised will make people have less trust in you. If you want to be viewed as a responsible and trustworthy person, keep your promises.
Please take a moment to talk to your child about this month's character education theme and what it means to them. Administrators and teachers will be highlighting students who exhibit this character during the month of May.
North Shore Elementary Visits Texas Capitol
Students learned about Texas history, landmarks, forefathers and the legislative process in active session. Students had an opportunity to have a guided interactive tour at the Capitol, met with actual legislators and had lunch with State Representative, Ana Hernandez, who sponsored the group's lunch on this special day.
This was definitely an unforgettable experience for all.
Purple Sage Elementary Celebrates 25 Years of Service
On Tuesday, April 11, Purple Sage Elementary celebrated 25 years of successful service. Principal Robin Blount welcomed many current staff members, former staff members, retirees, administrators and former students to PSE.
Over 17,800 former and current Bulldogs have walked through the halls of Purple Sage. In the past 25 years, PSE has added a new Kindergarten wing, a new gymnasium and recently completed the Bulldog Bistro. The Bulldogs have received Recognized ratings from 2000-2006 and Exemplary ratings from 2007-2010.
Guests were invited to tour the facility and learn about the many services offered. Everyone enjoyed refreshments and departed with a keepsake commemorating the special day.
Galena Park Elementary Visits Galena Park City Hall
Galena Park Mayor Esmeralda Moya met with the students to give them a tour and spoke to the students about how their local government works.
After meeting Mayor Moya, students explored the fire department, police department and EMT. The students climbed in the fire truck and ambulance and got in the back of police car.
The students had a blast and loved learning about how their city government works!
Third Grade Students Celebrate Texas Reads One Book
On Monday, April 3, Galena Park ISD third graders joined Dallas Cowboys head coach, Jason Garrett, as he kicked off Texas Reads One Book with his videotaped reading of the first chapter of The Lemonade War. Every student received their own copy of the book, and many elementary campuses went all out to create excitement for the event by decorating hallways and classrooms.
During the next three weeks, families will take up where Coach Garrett left off, reading a chapter from the book each night. Daily trivia questions, discussions, and other activities in the classroom ensure that reading takes center stage in the home, school and community throughout the duration of the program. The Texas Reads One Book program’s goal is to encourage family involvement in the reading process and boost student engagement with books.
We Love Parent Volunteers
Parental involvement is one of GPISD's greatest strengths. We believe that the education of children requires a partnership with their parents. On any given day, you can find parents volunteering on their child’s home campus. Their involvement and support is exceptional and has truly helped make GPISD the best district in the state of Texas.
If you are interested in becoming a parent volunteer, please contact your child's campus.
Congratulations to Elena Gonzalez, Cloverleaf Elementary Parent Volunteer!
Green Valley Elementary Parent Award Assembly
On March 31, Green Valley Elementary held their annual Parent Award Assembly to honor the parents of students who had perfect attendance for the third nine weeks!
The parents were awarded a certificate of appreciation by Principal Devost. This assembly gives the staff and teachers at Green Valley a chance to show their appreciation to the parents who make sure their children are at school on time and attend school each day. Green Valley also held a raffle and two lucky parents walked away with a basket full of goodies for their families!
The students who have perfect attendance are awarded with a sock hop each Friday!
Students entering grade 10th-12th are invited to College Boot Camp. During the boot camp, student will learn about college admissions, scholarships, ACT/SAT practice, college visits and more!
Deadline to register is Friday, June 2, 2017.
For more information, click the link below.
Relay for Life Cancer Walk
Donate Today
Your money helps the American Cancer Society fund groundbreaking cancer research, crucial patient care services, and prevention and early detection programs. When you donate, you help save lives.
Friday, May 5, 2017, 06:00 PM
North Shore 9th Grade Campus Track
GPISD Board of Trustees Meeting
Monday, May 8, 2017, 06:00 PM
14705 Woodforest Boulevard, Houston, TX, United States
Galena Park Elementary - 85 Year Anniversary Celebration
Tuesday, May 16, 2017, 04:00 PM
Galena Park Elementary School, North Main Street, Galena Park, TX, United States
NSSHS Graduation
Sunday, May 21, 2017, 10:00 AM
NRG Stadium, NRG Parkway, Houston, TX, United States
GPHS Graduation
Sunday, May 21, 2017, 02:00 PM
NRG Stadium, NRG Parkway, Houston, TX, United States
Sam Houston Elementary - 10 Year Anniversary Celebration
Tuesday, May 23, 2017, 04:30 PM
Sam Houston Elementary School, East Sam Houston Parkway North, Houston, TX, United States
Woodland Acres Middle School - 70 Year Anniversary Celebration
Thursday, May 25, 2017, 04:30 PM
Woodland Acres Middle School, Myrtle Lane, Houston, TX, United States
The Mission of Galena Park ISD
Location: 14705 Woodforest Blvd, Houston, TX, United States
Phone: 832-386-1000
Twitter: @GalenaParkISD