RBSMS Staff AVID Happenings
January 2023
The foundation of inquiry is Costa's Levels of Thinking using critical thinking. In the RBSMS Staff Binder, under the AVID tab, you will find a plethora of resources for you and your students.
AVID Sparkle Students of the Month
These students do what it takes to excel in AVID, help others, and be models to others.
This Month's Sparkling Students are:
2nd Period: Aubry Ballenger
3rd Period: Addyson Coats
4th Period: Keilany Estrella Lopez
5th Period: Joseph Barrios
6th Period: Ian Martell
Congratulations to this month's Sparkling AVID Students!
AVID District Speaker Contest
Please congratulate, Javon Harbison, who will be representing RBSMS at the District level.
WICOR Observations
The AVID Site Team continues our WICOR Walkthroughs. When Site Team members visit, remember we are only documenting the amazing activities found in the classrooms.
This month the Site Team visited 10 classrooms. We were able to document students utilizing graphic organizers, processing information, marking the text, creating and using focused notes and more!
We thank you for allowing these visits and working so hard to implement WICOR into all your classes.
Congratulations, Ms. Hammond, our Outstanding WICOR Teacher of the Month!
AVID Elective
AVID (Advancement Via Individual Determination) is an elective for students who wish to be prepared to go to college. During the elective class students learn skills in writing, inquiry, organization, collaboration, and reading necessary to succeed in college. Student also receive assistance through problem solving tutorials with college tutors twice a week to succeed in advanced classes.
As we begin to plan for next year please keep AVID in mind. If you have a student who meets the criteria below, please encourage them to apply (applications are available on the RBSMS Website) and send Amanda Hawk their names for a personal invitation from the Site Team.
AVID Elective Students:
· Want to go to college
· Have no referrals for the current school year
· May or may not be in advanced, but with support could handle advanced class work. (Typically if in advanced have C or D and struggle, if not in advanced have an A or B without struggling.)
· Have at least one special circumstance (low income, 1st generation, minority, single family home, etc.)