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Cole Miners' Dig
January 19, 2024
Principal's Notes
Today is the 87th day of school! That means that the 100th Day of School will fall on Wednesday, February 7th barring any other snow days. Most K-2 classes celebrate this day in a special way as part of their learning in math.
Valentine's Day is such a fun day in elementary school! Students truly love getting simple Valentines from their friends and teachers. If your child decides to be part of a Valentines exchange in their class, please refrain from including any candy or food items and ensure one for every child in the class. We will not be able to send candy or food items home with students as it is not permitted. However, the true joy in the day is really found in the sentiment behind the Valentine. Handmade Valentines or special notes are heartfelt and appreciated and can be a fun screen-free activity to make at home.
A few students have recently asked about the rules on wearing smart watches. The Parent/Student Handbook states:
Electronic Devices
Using personal electronic devices including smartphones and smartwatches is not permissible during the school day (including bus rides to and from school). If brought to school, all personal electronic devices including smartphones and smartwatches must be turned off and kept inside their backpack. The school will not be responsible in the event that the device is lost, stolen, or damaged while on school property.
Unauthorized student use of electronic devices during the school day will result in the device being confiscated. The device will be returned to the student and/or the parent after a conference with an administrator. In the event that a parent deems it necessary to contact their child during the school day, they may do so by contacting the main office directly.
Upcoming Dates and Events
No upcoming dates
week of February 5-9 - National School Counselor Appreciation Week
February 5 - Connections Meeting
February 7 - 100th Day of School (if no other weather related days out)
February 7 - Early Release Day - 12:20 dismissal for all students
February 12 - Community Meeting - Grade 3 Students Hosting/Families Welcome 9am
February 14 - School Council Meeting 3:30-4:30pm
February 15 - School Resource Officer Appreciation Day
February 19-23 - February Vacation Week
February 26 - Sheryl Faye presents Queen Elizabeth - PTO Sponsored Enrichment for all grades
Mark Your Calendar
March 7 - Literacy Night 5:30-6:30pm
June 7 - Field Day
June 13 - Grade 5 Celebration 6-8pm (Grade 5 Students and Parents only)
June 14 - Tentative Last Day of School
School Counseling Corner
We will continue with lesson 2 of our Inclusiveness unit on Monday, when SEL class resumes. We will practice how to include people who might feel lonely or left out, and we will work on team building to learn that everyone on a team has an important role to play. You can always see more of the curriculum here.
Current small, social-emotional skill building groups will run through January. We cover things like anxiety management, social skills, or managing big feelings. In a few weeks, teachers and I will discuss current student needs and we will likely create new groups. I will be in touch if we feel this may benefit your child!
Specialists' Scoop
In PE/Gym all grades played a fun and popular game called Guard the Pin! Working as a team, students had an opportunity to practice their throwing, rolling, punting, kicking and catching skills to knock down the pins, not the people, on the other team while guarding their own pins.
Cole School PTO News
- Jan 15th - Martin Luther King Day - No School
Cole School PTO
The role of the PTO is to support the teachers and students of the Cole Elementary School. Support shall be provided by (but not limited to) encouraging volunteerism, fund of teacher grants and stipends, funding cultural programs and field trips and otherwise enriching the elementary school experience.
All parents and guardians of students attending the Cole School will be considered members of the Cole School PTO. All part-time and full-time teachers will be considered members as well.
Steering Committee
The governing body of the Cole School PTO, known as the Steering Committee, will include up to 12 members (one of whom will be Treasurer). All members will participate in a Steering Committee meeting prior to general PTO meetings. Each Steering Committee member will have the opportunity to lead one or more monthly general PTO meetings during the school year.
Each member of the Steering Committee will chair or co-chair one of five Main PTO committees: Public Relations, Fundraising, Library Enhancement, Hospitality & Enrichment. Also, one member shall be designated as Treasurer.
2023 Cole School Directories Available for Purchase
2023 Cole School Directories are available for purchase!: Please fill out the google form
Payment can be made:
- Via Venmo @coleschool-pto (please note directory / child's name/ teachers name on the "what's this for?" line)
- Via check sent into school or dropped off at the front desk (please note directory / child's name/ teachers name on the memo line)
Please complete by the 15th - purchased directories will be sent home in your child's backpacks shortly after!
PTO Dues Reminder
We're super excited that we were able to take advantage of the full anonymous $2500 PTO match! Thank you to everyone that got their dues paid during our October drive - If you haven't already, please consider paying your dues so we can be sure to invest in enrichment activities for the kids during the 2023 - 2024 school year!
Community News
Last year the Norwell Recycling and Sustainability Committee successfully initiated a project to recycle crayons and continues to collect used or unwanted crayons. We are now adding markers, pens, and wooden and mechanical pencils to our collections for recycling. We are working in partnership with Staples, which has recently added them to their list of materials that can be recycled.
Collection boxes are located at-
Grace Farrar Cole School
William G. Vinal School
Norwell Middle School
Norwell High School
New Nursery School
First Parish PreSchool
Ridge Hill School
Nature Center PreSchool at the South Shore Science Center
Bright Horizons
Norwell Public Library
Norwell Recycling Center