Ed. Fellows FAQ
What is the Ed. Fellows program?
Who can become an Ed. Fellow?
What college does the Ed. Fellow need to attend?
All Ed. Fellows have up to a semester after their date of hire to be enrolled in school.
How many hours do I need to take?
Beginning this year, all fellows must be enrolled in a minimum of six hours a semester. This must be done no later than one semester after your date of hire. If there are unique or extenuating circumstances, please contact your coach so we can work with you.
Can Ed. Fellows student teach while in the program?
Does the Ed. Fellow have to be seeking a degree in education?
Who hires the Ed. Fellow?
What is the role of the Ed. Fellow?
What leave is the Ed. Fellow entitled to?
It is important to keep in mind that the program is designed to specifically accomplish the following:
- Provide supplemental (or in addition to existing supports in the school setting) for students. Because this funding is in addition to an LEAs existing budget, this means that even if an Ed Fellow must be out of the building for 12 hours a week, they are still providing support to students that otherwise would not exist.
- Remove barriers for aspiring educators to obtain a degree that leads to certified teaching licensure
The Ed. Fellows are currently funded by both federal and state funding sources, and adherence to the program MOU and requirements must be adhered to.
In four day school districts, all Ed. Fellows are guaranteed a minimum of 30 minutes of paid professional leave per credit hour of verified enrollment, up to 6 hours per week.
In addition, Ed. Fellows must receive paid professional leave for program communities of practice. This year, there will be two day virtual jumpstart academy held in August/September. There will be three more one hour communities of practice provided throughout the year after the Jumpstart Academy.
In order to verify leave granted, the university schedule of the Ed. Fellow should be confirmed with the building principal, and if the Fellow is taking online coursework the leave should be agreed upon by both the principal and the Ed. Fellow. Verified synchronous classes that are taken during the school day, must be taken off campus during the time of the class. Verified asynchronous classes or synchronous but times that are outside of the school day, study time leave should still be given. This time must be taken in a dedicated space with minimal distraction away from students if taken on campus. It is up to the discretion of the building administrator if they will allow for study time off campus. The study time must be taken off campus, if a quiet space is not available for the fellow. The schedule should be created in collaboration with the fellow, mentor teacher, and administration.
Professional leave is only granted during the time that university/college courses are in session.
Districts can allow for more than the minimum amount of time if they choose, but that is a local decision.
If you need support determining how to manage the paid leave, please reach out to your coach or Amber at amber.romero@ped.nm.gov. We can work with the principal and Ed. Fellow in supporting this process.
Can Ed. Fellows substitute or serve as a permanent substitute?
Does the Ed. Fellow need a mentor teacher?
How does the Ed. Fellow receive their stipend?
*ALL Jumpstart and Community of Practice sessions are required for eligibility for continued participation in the program.