Swinefleet Primary School
13th October 2023
Contact us
Email: swinefleet.primary@eastriding.gov.uk
Website: www.swinefleetprimaryschool.co.uk
Location: Swinefleet Primary School, Low Street, Swinefleet, Goole, UK
Phone: 01405 704386
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/SwinefleetPrimary
Twitter: @Swinefleet_Pr
Instagram: Swinefleet Primary (@swinefleet_pr) • Instagram photos and videos
It continues to be a busy term with lots more to come. This fortnight you will find information on our Harvest Festival, up and coming diary dates and our Angel Tree.
Unfortunately, due to personal reasons Mrs Bryan will no longer be working with us and is taking some time out from working to spend time with her family. I am sure you will join me in thanking her for all of her hardwork and commitment to the school and we wish her the very best for the future.
Remember to follow us on Instagram swinefleet_pr and join our school Facebook group.
Have a lovely weekend!
Look at what we have been Learning
In Pearls class we have been continuing to learn about ourselves. Last week we were learning and exploring our 5 senses. We enjoyed looking at, smelling and tasting different types of fruit. We have been making various potions in our mud kitchen and water trays using citrus fruits and herbs and we have also been playing various matching games using our phonics and counting skills. This week we have been learning about ‘Harvest’, we have been learning about the months of the year and the seasons. We have been exploring flour and water in our provision and we have all enjoyed buying and selling fruit and vegetables in our ‘Farm Shop’ role play area. In maths we have been finding one more or one less than a number to 10 and we have also been adding two pieces of Numicon together.
Next week we will be learning about Swinefleet and going on a local walk around the village.
In music, we have been learning about different styles, focusing mainly on rap and pop music. We have been finding the pulse/beat of different pieces of music.
In Geography, we have been looking at maps and the symbols used on maps.
We’ve had a busy couple of weeks in Diamonds. In maths, we successfully completed our Place Value unit and have not moved on to Addition and Subtraction. In English, we have published our instructions on how to be a hunter-gatherer in the Stone Age.
We have been busy practising Harvest Festival songs in preparation for next week.
Last Friday, we were fortunate enough to undergo a First Aid course - children had a fantastic morning and learnt lots!
We are still going strong in our swimming lessons and getting better each week. During our Hull FC lessons children have come on so much with their kicking skills.
Finally, please remember to record all reads on Seesaw or in red books… we have some children who have already achieved Gold - well done!
Another eventful two weeks for the Sapphires! During Guided Reading, the children have been improving their evidence finding skills and making some interesting predictions about Secrets of the Sun King. Lil, Tulip and Oz are on their way to Egypt and we are all enjoying reading about their journey. Last week, during writing the children highlighted texts for good words and phrases to include in character descriptions. This week, they are currently working on the skills of relative clauses, expanded noun phrases and semicolons in writing. These skills will be transferred to our character descriptions focusing on one of the characters from Secrets of the Sun King.
Whilst the Year 5s were at swimming, the Year 6s worked in partners to perform some Egyptian God poems. In Maths, the children are working hard to be confident and fluent in all 4 operations – lots of work on timestables rockstars will help with this. During Geography, the children enjoyed learning about mountains, using atlases to identify UK mountains (linked to our house teams) and using potatoes to display contours. The Sapphires are now able to refine their internet searches and have learnt about the history of the World Wide Web as part of their computing lessons. The children are proud of their Egyptian scrolls, they have made papyrus paper and designed their messages on the scroll. As part of Living Things and Habitats unit for science, the children have used flowers to label parts and identify how plants reproduce. The children are having fun looking at different phonemes in French with Mrs Harrison. Last Friday, Sapphires had the opportunity to complete some First Aid Training and it was lovely to hear the nurse say that the class were a pleasure to teach – well done Sapphires – keep up the hard work! Lovely to see lots of reads on see saw and keep practising spellings.
Some of our super work this week
We have been really pleased with the effort the children have put in.
Harvest Festival
We would love you to join us at our Harvest Festival on Wednesday 18th October at Swinefleet church. There will be songs and each class has prepared a little something.
Donations of food items would be greatly recieved and these will help us continue to support Help the Homelezz and Mission Trinity.
Christmas Trip
Our Christmas Trip is all booked and you will have recieved a letter today (a copy is below too). We are really looking forward to this and will be telling the children on Monday morning during assembly so keep it a secret for now.
Angel Tree
After the amazing success of our Angel Tree over the last few years we are again asking for your nominations. Nominate someone to recieve a gift, via the Angel Tree, who maybe lives alone and won't recieve a gift this Christmas, a family who are struggling or a child going through a difficult time. You can also nominate charities too - previous charities have included Help the Homelezz, Jerry Greens Dog Rescue, Market Weighton Cats Rescue, RSPCA, YMCA goole and Mission Trinity. Let's all spread some Christmas cheer.
Angels will be placed on the tree and can then be chosen by kind members of the public who purchase a gift for their chosen angel (we do give suggestions) and return this to us for wrapping and distribution. If you do not wish to give second names or addresses of your nominee that is fine as long as you are happy to distribute their gift once wrapped.
Nominations can be sent to swinefleet.primary@eastriding.gov.uk or through messenger. If nominating an individual please let us know of any allergies (gifts that wouldn't be suitable) and feel free to add any gift suggestions.
We will let you know when our Angel Tree is live.
School Opening Times
A parent has contacted us about concerns regarding children waiting to come into school due to the road. This is a concern for us as a school too and we previously used to open early to avoid children waiting outside but this became difficult as we found children would come often before 8:30am and staff would then be needed to look after them as well as our Breakfast Club children. We have however, decided that we shall open the door to avoid children and parents having to wait near the road but please can we stress that children should not be entering site before 8:40am and unless in KS2 should be supervised on the playground whilst waiting.
Can I thank the parent for their email as this is a situation that does not to be addressed and so far as a school we have struggled to get very far with the Council despite requesting a survey. Our Governing Body, is also keen to get support with the road outside of school after having the Crossing Patrol removed by the council last year. I know that many parents have also contacted the council. Governors are writing to the council and suggesting a range of options so we will keep you updated as to our progress with this.
Please Vote for Us
Please vote for us by placing your blue Tesco tokens in our collector and tell family and friends.
We are currently looking to recruit an additional lunchtime supervisor. Please see details below.
If you haven't already checked and returned your data protection sheets regarding your child's contact details, medical conditions etc. please can this be done asap. Please contact the office if you need another copy.
Knowledge Organisers and Parent Information
Medium Term Plans have been uploaded so that you can see a little more detail about what your child will be learning.
Thank you to those of you who attended our Parent Welcome Night. Powerpoints have been uploaded to class pages for those who were unable to attend.
If you would ever like to know any further information or how you can support your child further then please do not hesitate to speak to a member of your child's teaching team.
Parental Involvement
We have a number of events for parents/families planned in the background but would love to know more about the types of parent events you would like to see us include. We have created a very brief survey to get your opinion on our ideas and there is also the opportunity to share your ideas with us. The survey will take no more than a couple of minutes and can be accessed using the button below.
Our Mums, Dads and Grandparents to lunch events will take place again this year (see the Diary Dates section further below).
Reading Reward
I wonder what the reading treat will be this half-term after the fun of bouncy castles as part of the summer treat?
The levels for reading are:
Bronze - 18 reads
Silver - 24 reads
Gold - 36 reads
Reading clubs are worth 3 reads and can be booked through the club link in this newsletter for lunchtime and/or after school.
Reads ideally should be logged on Tapestry or Seesaw so please contact a member of your child's teaching team if having difficulties and they will be happy to help. If your child is younger sharing a story with them counts as a read this means that it is accessible to all.
All Seesaw logins have been sent out (please speak to staff if having any issues). Diamonds and Sapphires children should only use the codes sent out on Friday as the first class set up had a glitch.
Most Tapestry accounts are live for Pearls however new starters will be linked by Mrs Clarkson on Monday so please see her if you have any issues.
Please ensure that P.E kit is in school all week.
Hull FC will be working with us again this year and each class will work with them on either Monday or Tuesday.
Year 3, 4 and 5 begin swimming on Monday so please make sure you have swimming kits with you too.
Remember our Residential deposits are due for anyone in Years 5 & 6 so that we gage numbers for our trip in July. Please see Parentmail.
If numbers permit we may then open up to children in Year 4.
Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Drop-Ins
If you would like to speak to Mrs Thurlow regarding any SEND needs then she is available every Tuesday morning and will be visible on the playground. Please also feel free to speak to your child's teaching team.
Staff Spotlight
This fortnight our staff spotlight is on Mrs Robinson and Mrs Moffat.
Mrs Robinson
Mrs Robinson is out on the playground each lunchtime and the Pearls especially love playing games with her. Only yesterday Mrs Robinsons throwing and catching skills were being tested during one of the lunchtime games Pearls were playing.
Mrs Moffat
Mrs Moffat works within our Diamonds as a Teaching Assistant. She joined us originally from the Ambulance Service so we often nominate her as our First Aid guru. Mrs Moffat supports a child one-to-one as well as working in groups with other children looking at interventions such as social stories. At lunchtimes, Mrs Moffat helps when the children are playing outside and often supports the readers at reading club.
Friday Book Bags
Each week, 2 or 3 children will be chosen in each class to have the opportunity to bring home a Friday book bag. Within these are a little task such as our Poetry bags which the children can use as a stimulus for a piece of art. All of the equipment they will need is included and there is also a tasty treat inside which they can enjoy. We ask that book bags with all items (other than edible ones) are returned with the work your child produced by the following Wednesday. Their work will be displayed in a special class book in the hall and shared with all of the children in our Celebration Assembly. You can also take photos to add to their work which we will happily print off for you if uploaded to Seesaw/Tapestry.
Each pack includes instructions but please see the teaching team if you have any further questions.
Clubs have started but there is still time to join in.
Please click the button below to book extra-curricular clubs for both after school and lunchtimes. All clubs are free including those run by professional sports coaches.
Attendance and why it is Important
Below are some leaflets explaining the importance of school attendance. There is some advice to support high attendance and staff are always willing to help so please speak to us should you need any help.
If your child is off school staff will ensure that any work is kept for them and then can be sent home so that they do not fall behind.
Please ensure that you let us know if your child is unwell so that we can record this as authorised.
Ofsted Report
Menu and Diary Dates
Please see the menu below. Children can have a hot dinner on any day and do not need to be hot dinners all week. Dinners do not need to be pre-booked.
Dinners can be paid for via our ParentMail App. Children in Reception, Year One and Year Two are entitled to Universal Free School Meals.
Free School Meals are available to some children dependent on household income. If you think you could be eligible there is more information available via Apply for free school meals - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk) or Mrs Risebury will happily give you further information of how to apply.
Future Diary Dates
Click the link below to access future diary dates including Christmas production dates and residential dates. New dates are in red.
School Places
If you have friends or family who are wanting a place at the school either now or in the future then please encourage them to contact us via email or over the phone. This is especially important if they will want places as a 2-Year Old or in our Nursery or Reception as places for next year are now limited.
Thank you