Cliftondale Elementary School-Community Newsletter
August 26, 2022
Greetings Mustangs!
We had an awesome week 3! Next week, students will continue completing their iReady Diagnostic Assessments in reading and math. This computer adaptive assessment is administered to students in reading and math that provides data for teachers to effectively individualize instruction for each student based on their unique needs. Teachers will share students’ performance after testing in completed. CLICK HERE to learn about i-Ready.
Cliftondale continues to receive funding as a Title I School. These funds support with student instruction, improve instructional strategies, and increase family engagement. Our Title I status is determined annually by the number of families participating in our free/reduced lunch program. We need your help Mustang-Parents! All we need is for you to complete a School Lunch Application for your household. It’s that simple! In addition, lunch was free for all students the last two year. This is no longer. To qualify for free/reduced lunch, you must complete a School Lunch Application.
Redrawing attendance zone boundaries is a necessary, periodic process for balancing enrollments between schools. Students learn and perform at their best when schools are safe, well-maintained, and are neither overcrowded nor under-enrolled. With this in mind, Fulton County Schools has set the following scope for the Fall 2022 Redistricting Process and is hosting a series of community forums to gather input before drafting attendance zone proposals. It is anticipated that a large number of schools will require redistricting at some level to balance student enrollment. Please make sure to visit FCS REDISTRICTING PAGE to learn more about the redistricting efforts under way in FCS. Information about the upcoming virtual redistricting meetings are linked below.
School safety remains a top priority for us, and we take maintaining a safe and secure learning environment extremely seriously. The FCS Student Code of Conduct and Discipline Handbook contains vital information that will help your child understand the expectations of the district and Cliftondale Elementary School. Please make sure to thoroughly review our Code of Conduct and Discipline Handbook with your student. Additionally, parents and community members entering the building must exhibit a good example for students in their conduct, language and behavior while on campus. Anyone not respecting any reasonable request from a school employee in the performance of his/her duties may be asked to leave school premises and in some cases, may be prohibited from access to the school.
Kind Regards,
Principal Canty
Redistricting 101 Meetings
(hosted in Microsoft Teams)Tuesday, August 30
12 p.m. to 1:30 p.m.Click here to join
Meeting ID: 226 358 710 39
Passcode: HAEaQFOr call in (audio only)
+1 470-705-1712,,539348956#
United States, Atlanta
Phone Conference ID: 539 348 956#Wednesday, August 31
6 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.Click here to join
Meeting ID: 298 027 812 543
Passcode: p85xDrOr call in (audio only)
+1 470-705-1712,,619366499#
United States, Atlanta
Phone Conference ID: 619 366 499#
Our PTA needs you! CLICK HERE to JOIN PTA
- August 24th- Bright From The Start PK Parent Orientation at 4:00 pm in the Media Center
- August 24th- School Governance Council (SGC) Meeting at 6:00 pm via Microsoft Teams
- August 30th and 31st- Redistricting 101-August 30 (12:00 P.M. to 1:30 P.M.) and August 31 (6:00 P.M. to 7:30 P.M.) on Microsoft Teams (link coming soon)
- September 2nd: Mustang of the Month
- September 5th- Labor Day- School is closed.
- September 6th- Remote Learning Day- Students learn from home.
- September 8th: Fall Picture Day (Individual Pictures)
- September 8th: Boy Scouts Parent Meeting and Registration 5:30 pm-6:30 pm in the cafeteria.
- September 14th: Grandparents Breakfast at 8:30 am
- September 15th - Round One of Redistricting - 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm at Langston Hughes High School
- September 16th: 4.5 week progress check (grades posted in the parent portal)
- September 19th: Community Meeting at Camp Creek Middle School
- September 19th-23rd: Attendance Week
- September 22nd: Fall Carnival 4:00 pm-7:00 pm
- September 27th: Title I Parent Meeting/Curriculum Night at 5:30 pm
- October 6th - Round Two of Redistricting - 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm at Langston Hughes High School
- October 7th: Mustang of the Month
- October 10th: Columbus Day- SCHOOL CLOSED
- October 11th: Professional Development Day for Staff -NO SCHOOL FOR STUDENTS
- October 12th: Teacher Work Day- NO SCHOOL FOR STUDENTS
- October 14th: 9-Week Report Cards (posted in the parent portal)
- October 20th- Round Three of Redistricting - 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm at Langston Hughes High School
- October 23rd-31st- Red Ribbon Week
- October 26th: Fall Retakes (Individual Pictures)
We would love your presence on campus assisting teachers in classrooms for a day of academic success. All parents and families are invited. Moms on Duty is the first Wednesday of each month. Please CLICK HERE to sign up for September 7th or scan the QR Code on the flyer. *All volunteers must complete FCS Volunteer Registration before volunteering at any Fulton County School.
We would love your presence on campus greeting students as they arrive for a day of academic success. All parents and families are invited. Dads on Duty is the first Wednesday of each month. Please CLICK HERE to sign up for September 7th or scan the QR Code on the flyer. *All volunteers must complete FCS Volunteer Registration before volunteering at any Fulton County School.
Please remember that we receive students beginning at 7:00 am. Please refrain from dropping students off prior to 7:00 am as we do not have before school care nor do we have staff members available prior to 7:00 am. Please remember our Car Rider Etiquettes shared last week:
- Please be alert at all times! We have students exiting vehicles, parents and students crossing the street, and staff supporting students as they exit their vehicle. Please be attentive to all mustangs.
- Please do not park in the car rider loop. The car rider loop is for quick drop offs only. If you would like to exit your vehicle and escort your child into the school, please park in a nearby visitors parking space. Parents may escort students to class up until 7:35 am daily.
- Please have your student ready to exit the vehicle. This means, make sure his/her bookbag and other belongs are ready and easily accessible. This speeds up the process tremendously!
- Pull all the way forward.
- Help your student learn his/her car rider number.
- Please be patient!
FCS adopted a new Grading and Reporting Policy.
Are you registered for your Campus Parent Portal Account? If not, REGISTER TODAY! Everything you need as a parent is contained in the parent portal. You can monitor your student's grades throughout the school year, review your child's schedule, download progress reports and report cards, update your contact information, register other students within your household, withdrawal your student and so much more! If you already have an account, you do not need to register again. New users should click the link provided to register: Parent Portal Registration
*Please note, if you DO NOT have an email address on file, you will be unable to register via the provided link. Please call the school and ask for our Data Clerk, Ms. Allen.
Fulton County Schools (FCS) remains committed to communicating updates and/or changes to COVID-related protocols within the district. Maintaining face-to-face instruction is a top priority for our district. Fulton County Schools will conduct case investigations and contact tracing for positive cases only. Parents should report only positive cases to the Parent portal. Do not submit a report if you are waiting on a pending test result or for an exposure/direct contact. Fulton County Board of Health Case Investigators, FCS School Nurses and FCS Case Investigators will response to student and staff cases. Please be safe, and as always: Do not come send your child to school sick. If your child tests positive, please keep he/she home and isolate (follow the guidance provided by the Case Investigators and your provider). Please submit the positive test results via the PARENT PORTAL
Looking for Cliftondale Spirt Wear? Then look no further! Visit our PTA's School Store for all spirt ware and uniform needs.
Do you need HELP? Do you need RESOURCES? It's available to you through CONNECT FULTON. Search and connect to: financial assistance, food pantries, medical care, and other free or reduced-cost help.
Principal: Mrs. Canty-
Assistant Principal: Mrs. Long-
School Counselor: Dr. Ford-
Instructional Support Teacher: Dr. Shabo-
K-2 Literacy Coach: Mrs. Kalista-
3rd-5th Grade Literacy Coach: Ms. Johnson-
Math Coach: Ms. Billingslea-
Parent Liaison: Ms. Render-
School Social Worker: Dr. Carver-
College Park, Georgia 30349