Explorer Family Connection
School Update for Oct 15, 2021
Hello Families!
I see so many examples of excellence from our dedicated staff and the hard work of our students. Last week, we launched our "blue star tickets" for students. They receive these when they are caught showing one of our "B's": Be Safe, Be Kind, Be Responsible, Be a Learner! There are weekly drawings in the classrooms and a montly drawing for each of our 3 grade bands (K-1, 2-3, 4-5) - and the students earn all sorts of things. Please ask them about how this works at school. This month we are focusing on being kind: specifically by showing unity and pride at school.
This week we also had a "recess rodeo" in which students were taught the playground rules and expectations; as well as a refresher on hallway and bathroom expectations. Re-teaching and reminding of these expecations gives our students specific ways to show their Explorer pride and help our school be the best place to learn!
We have also done some safety practice, including a small evacuation practice with district staff last week, looking at ways to make sure our school continues to be a safe place for students and staff. Next week we will participate in "The Great Shakeout" which is a nationwide focus on earthquake safety and preparedness. Hopefully your student(s) will come home talking about that experience and asking questions about earthquake safety at home!
With safety and communication in mind - there is also an information update request below - please help us make sure we have accurate and up to date contact info in Skyward so that we are able to get in touch with you as needed during the school day.
Conferences are coming up quicky - I hope each of you are able to find time to connect with your child's teacher(s) and partner with us in supporting their learning. There is more info about that below also.
As always, if you ever have concerns, or want to share good things you hear are happening at school - please call the office or send me an e-mail. I love hearing from our families. Robert Gray is an excellent place to learn and work, and I'm truly grateful to be a part of it!
Mrs. Wall
Photos From Around School:
Practicing word fluency, because literacy is the most important thing we do!
Finding the rythmn in music!
Several of our students helped with evacuation safety practice last week.
Conferences are coming up... Oct 27-29
It is our goal to conference with each family on behalf of every student at Robert Gray! Our teachers are eager to share your child's successes and growth opportunities with you. By now - you should have received a conference request form for each of your children enrolled. If you are having difficulty scheduling a conference; please call the school office and we'll be happy to assist you.
Options for conferencing this year include: In person (with masks and social distancing), via phone, or a zoom conference.
Due to conferences: Wednesday, Oct 27 is a 3-hour early rlease (at 12:30)
NO school on Thurs. Oct 28 and Friday Oct. 29.
PTO Update and THANK YOU!
We had a total of $66,618 in sales from our fall fundraiser! That means $27,000 for the school after we pay our portion of the product cost. This is a new record for Robert Gray - thank you to all our students and families for your effort and dedication to our school.
PTO needs you! There are several volunteer opportuntiies. Our most urgent needs are:
- A "Box Tops" person
- 2 yearbook coordinators
- 2 representatives for the school Site-Based committee
- 1 additional 5th grade parent to plan for their end of year celebration