Have You 'Herd'?
The Bison Gazette
Kinosayo Elementary School
Email: kn@spschools.org
Website: https://keeno.spschools.org/
Location: 40 Woodlands Road, St. Albert, AB, Canada
Phone: (780)459-3114
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/KinosayoElementary
Twitter: @kinosayoelementary
Friday, September 8th
Important Upcoming Dates
- Monday Sep. 11: School Council & KPA first meeting (7pm)
- Friday, Sep. 22: Terry Fox Run
- Monday, Sep. 25: ICON School Photos (am)
- Friday, Sep. 29: Orange Shirt Day
- Monday, Oct. 02: No School (National Day for Truth and Reconciliation)
- Wednesday, Oct. 04: Early dismissal at 12:20 (Grades 1-6) + No school for Kindergarten
- Monday, Oct. 09: No School (Thanksgiving Day)
- Tuesday, Oct. 10: No School (Staff PD Day)
- Wednesday, Oct. 11: ICON School Photo retakes (am)
Week of Welcome
Thank-you for joining us for Dilly bars. We were so happy to meet you! Shout out to the KPA for the popcorn--it was ice cream with a popcorn on top.
Table Talk - Running Club
Running Club permission forms for Grades 4/5/6 went home this week! Parents, please complete and return these to Mrs. Herman as soon as possible!
Class Spotlight
Volunteers Needed!
Please contact lisa.gonsalvez@spschools.org if you can lend a hand. Thank you.
Healthy Hunger ("FUN LUNCH Thursdays")
Hooray! Hot Lunch is back, starting on September 14th! (As usual, orders must be placed by the previous Saturday.)
Hot lunch will offered each Thursday of the week, throughout the school year.
Parents please log onto the Healthy Hunger website (www.healthyhunger.ca), where you may view the available options for your child(ren). Here you are able to select the date, class room and food/drink choices you want for your child. Payment is made online at this time.
Did you know that money raised from this program is given back to the school, helping to enrich our kiddo’s school experience? Last year, this program raised $8241.50 for the school, which helped fund the new student-use Chromebooks.
If you have any questions or comments, or would like to volunteer, please email Kasia at kasiamiller.kawshaw@gmail.com. Fun Lunch is driven by volunteers from the Kinosayo Parent Association.