Highcroft Hotline
October 20, 2019
Highcroft's Mission
At Highcroft, we help learners grow in a safe, caring community where ALL are valued and supported to become leaders.
Upcoming Events
- 21: No School
- 21: Duck Donuts Fundraiser, 6:30 am - 2:30 pm, 1651 Clarkson Road
- 22 - 25: Red Ribbon Week, see flyer below for scheduled Spirit Days
- 23: Unity Day - wear orange in support of bullying prevention
- 23: Halloween Safety Presentation
- 23: Board of Education Meeting, 7:00 pm, 471 N. Woods Mill Road
- 24: Pumpkin Run
- 25: Visit your Elementary School
- 25: Trunk or Treat, 6:00 pm - 7:30 pm, Highcroft parking lot
- 30: Late Start, School begins at 11:05 am
- 30: St. Louis Blues Spirit Day, wear blue or Blues spirit wear
- 31: Halloween Parade, 2:15 pm
- 31: Halloween Parties, 2:45 pm
- 5: 4th & 5th Grade Field Trip, Stu Cabe Assembly at Central Middle
- 7: Vision Screening for Kdg, 3rd & 5th graders and new students
- 8: No School, Records Day/Professional Development
- 11: Veterans Day Celebration, 9:00 am, see RSVP form below
- 13: Board of Education Meeting, 7:00 pm, 471 N. Woods Mill Road
- 14: Picture Retakes
- 14: All Read, 3:25 pm - 3:45 pm
- 20: Late Start, School begins at 11:05 am
- 21: PSO Meeting, 7:00 pm
- 25: Hearing Screening for Kdg, 3rd & 5th graders and new students
- November 27 - December 1: No School, Thanksgiving
October's Acts of Kindness Calendar Created By The 3rd-5th Kindness Leaders
Lucas Letter
This past Spring, climate surveys were sent to our parent community to obtain your feedback as to how we are doing in meeting the needs of our students. The survey was completed by 44 people and offered some things we are doing well and others that could use some work. From the survey, 86% of participants agreed or strongly agreed that "there is a positive climate" at Highcroft, and 89% of participants agreed or strongly agreed that their "child is physically safe at school." While these are high percentage rates, we strive to ensure all students and families have positive experiences at Highcroft and feel physically, socially, and emotionally safe at school.
We continue to seek strategies to support a positive climate and ensure everyone is and feels safe at Highcroft. One opportunity we have to support this goal is a field trip for our 4th and 5th-grade students and staff to attend a presentation by Stu Cabe at Central Middle. Mr. Cabe is a former teacher who specializes in developing a positive school climate and culture. He will present a message on the importance of being kind and accepting of others. Parkway will also host Mr. Cabe as part of the Parkway-Rockwood Community Education Program at Crestview Middle School on November 4th at 6:30 pm. We invite each of you to attend his inspirational presentation designed to give parents and educators tips on teaching children to be kind and to stand up for what is good.
Unity Day is October 23rd. This day is the signature event of National Bullying Prevention Month and is organized to bring awareness to the prevention of bullying. One way individuals, schools, and businesses participate in Unity Day is by wearing or displaying orange. On Wednesday, we invite you and your child to join us in wearing orange to show support for bullying prevention, kindness, acceptance, and inclusion.
In partnership,
Cartelia Lucas
PE News
Kindergarten: has been busy learning new rules, directions, and games. Kindergarten students have been working on locomotor skills (hopping, skipping, and galloping). They have spent time outside jogging the track and playing tag games on the soccer field. Tag games involving agility and spatial awareness have been introduced to help students understand boundaries. Students will continue to work on hand-eye activities throughout this month. Halloween games involving throwing will finish out the month.
1st & 2nd Grade: Students completed their 20 minute Jog Jam and ½ mile run run. It was so nice to see them work hard and give their best effort. The students continue to play games involving throwing and foot skills. With the nice weather, students have been playing games on the soccer field. Halloween games will be played to finish out the month.
3rd, 4th, & 5th Grade: Students have been busy working on cardiovascular endurance and muscular endurance while completing their Jog Jam and Fall Mile Run. Students trained and prepared for these events over the past 6 weeks. In addition to the running events, students continue to build overhand throwing skills, kicking/striking skills, and their agility.
Students began preparing for the 39th Pumpkin Run which will take place on October 24th. The Pumpkin Run is a partner run which involves students learning how to estimate a mile time and then run it with their partner. The goal for the students is to learn how to pace themselves during their own ½ mile. Each student will be responsible for running a ½ mile at his/her strategic pace. Students are rewarded for their effort with a Pumpkin from Strackeljahn Farms. Pumpkins passed out at Highcroft Ridge have been coming from this farm for 32 years. We are happy to continue this wonderful Highcroft tradition!
Reminder: Please make sure your child is prepared to be outside for Physical Education class until Thanksgiving break. Students need to wear jackets and be prepared for the cooler temps that fluctuate during this month.
News from the Nurse
Happy Fall Ya’ll!
We are finally in my favorite time of year, when the colors are changing and the temperature has cooled off. I love to spend time out in nature enjoying the fresh air and scenery. It’s also time for Fall Allergy Season! UGH! The mold count can start to climb high and many people will start having trouble with their allergies at this time of year. Don’t be surprised if you have never had allergy issues - they can start at any time.
Thank you to all the students and parents who participated in the Flu Shot Clinic held at Highcroft! We had a record number of partipants and we hope that all of you who couldn’t attend still plan on getting your flu shot for the year. A flu vaccine offers the best defense against getting the flu and spreading it to others. Getting vaccinated can reduce flu illnesses, doctors' visits, missed work and school days, and prevent flu-related hospitalizations and deaths in children and adults. Target is offering free flu shots and you can get a $5 gift card with each shot, now through December. Other pharmacies in the area are also offering free or inexpensive shots as well. Please, please, please have your children vaccinated.
Now that the weather is getting cooler, please remember to send your children to school wearing long pants with a coat and a hat. The students are outside for PE and recess every day there is good weather. Also, remember that your student needs to have tennis shoes for gym class. Now is the time to put away those sandals and start wearing closed toed shoes.
November 7th is vision screening day for Kindergarten, 3rd and 5th grade students as well as anyone new to Parkway this year. On November 25th, Special School District will be at Highcroft to do hearing screenings for the same grades and new students. If you have any questions or concerns about having your child evaluated, please do not hesitate to contact me at 314-415-6410.
As always, I love to see your children’s smiling faces and please let them know I am always here to help.
Have a fabulous Fall!
Counseling Corner
This month in classroom guidance we are discussing Habit 2 - Begin with the End in Mind. When we practice Habit 2 we set goals and have a plan to meet our goals. At Highcroft the staff and students often set goals. It’s important to remember that a goal without a plan would most likely be unsuccessful.
Parent Lending Library Now at Highcroft
Thanks to a very generous PSO grant we were able to begin building our Highcroft Parent Lending Library. Parents and caregivers will be able to check out books on topics to support parents as needs arise with their children. We have a selection of adult and children's books. Some of the topics include:
Growth Mindset
Love Languages
7 Habits of Happy Kids and Teens
We plan to keep building our library and offering resources on topics which will support you and your family. Please contact your child's counselor if you are interested. Thank you PSO!!
Mrs. Beeler, Grades K, 1, 2, 4
Mrs. Banks, Grades 3 & 5
Halloween Celebration Reminder
Veterans Day Celebration
In recognition of Veterans Day, we will host our fourth annual Veterans Day Celebration on November 11, 2019. We invite (invitation attached here) our students' family members who are veterans and active service members to join us as we honor and celebrate their service. As a part of our celebration, we are creating a Heroes Wall of Honor. If your child would like to participate, have him or her complete the 'My Hero' form that can be printed from here. Please return the form to your child's teacher or the front office by November 4, 2019. We also ask that our kindergarten and first-grade students wear red, our second and third-grade students wear white, and our fourth and fifth-grade students wear blue on November 11th for the assembly. Thank you for your participation in helping us honor the men and women who serve our country.