The Westgate Wire
Friday, December 4, 2020
A Word from Mrs. Buch and Mr. Walton
It has been a busy week at Westgate! Below are a few important pieces of information:
- Tuesday, December 8th is a "Monday Schedule," and staff will follow their Monday special schedule to ensure there is equity for students who have specials on Mondays throughout the year. All other instruction aspects such as asynchronous & synchronous instruction should remain the same as a normal "Tuesday" schedule. Teachers will communicate any changes.
- The weather is changing! We go outside for mask breaks and recess every day (weather permitting). Please be sure to send your child to school with warm clothes (winter coat, hat, gloves). Students will also need boots and snow pants to play in the field once the snow begins to fall. Please be sure to label all clothing.
We wish you a fantastic weekend!
~Ann and Scott
It takes a village to keep our school environment safe during this time!
We need your help to keep our school community healthy. Please be sure to self-certify your child each day they are coming to school. If you have not already done so, notify the school nurse if your child was ill or tested positive for Covid-19 over Thanksgiving break. Please keep your child home if they are unwell or develop covid symptoms or test positive for Covid-19. Thank you.
Show Your Wolverine Kindness: Follow the Kindness Calendar: December 2020
Attention 5th Graders!!!
Get Your 5th grader South Middle School Spiritwear!: Order online for home delivery.
4th and 5th Grade Book Club
Click below for information about the Square 1 Art Project
Important Upcoming Dates
12/4- Progress Reports
12/21-1/1- Winter Break