Mayo News
September 4, 2023
Kasper's Notes
I hope everyone ewnjoyed the beautiful weather of the long weekend. I was able to get to the beach and spend time with my husband and dogs, Louie & Russ! They loved running and playing in the sand (the dogs - not my husband).
It was a very busy first three days of school but worth every minute of it to see the smiling faces coming through the doors!! By now the students are, hopefully, getting into a routine and are able to share the new things they are experiencing in class. The first few days are heavy on setting up a classroom community and getting back into the swing of things. This week you can expect your kids to come home telling you about the school work they are jumping into!
Last week Mr. D and I brought back the Birthday announcements and gift books to Mayo. It was a treat to revive a beloved tradition. We will be looking to do the same in other areas, as well as create new traditions!
Carolan Kasper, Principal
Louie & Russ
Emergency Cards
Traffic Flow
Kindergarten Drop-In Meet & Greet
COVID Protocols
Current protocol is:
Student who tested positive - self isolation for 5 days after symptom onset or positive test. Return on day 6 if symptoms have improved and no fever for 24hrs without medication. Mask for 5 days after returning (day 6-11). Mask is not required for negative test result on day 5 or later.
Student who is exposed - no quarantine required. Monitor symptoms. Mask until day 10 if possible. A test on day 6 is recommended but not required. If symptoms arise, a close contact is presumed positive until negative test result or alternative diagnosis is received.
Please contact our school nurse for any questions or clarification.
Mayo Handbook
School office hours are 8:10 AM to 4:10 PM.
Grades K-5:
AM: 8:50- 9:00 arrival. Students who are late should report to the office for a late pass and will be escorted to their classrooms. Parents should accompany any tardy students into the office area until they have received their late pass.
NOTE: Supervision of students by staff does not begin until 8:50. Therefore students must not be left off at school unattended by parent/guardian prior to that time.
If your child is going to be out of school for the day, it is important that you call school first thing in the morning. This is informational as well as a safety check. A message can be left at (508) 829-3203. If you know in advance that your child will not be in school, please send an email to their homeroom teacher and our school secretary (kelly_trefry@wrsd.net) notifying us. Please include the child's first and last name, homeroom teacher, reason for absence and duration of absence.
Late Arrival Policy
If a pupil arrives at school after 9:00 A.M., they must be accompanied by a parent/guardian to the Main Office where a tardy slip (which is to be presented to the teacher by the pupil) is issued. It is important to have your child arrive for school on time. When a child is late it causes a disruption in their classroom routine and he/she may miss specific instructional opportunities.
Early Dismissal Policy
Early dismissal (before 3:20 P.M.) of pupils can be arranged through the office. Please see that your child brings a note stating the reason for dismissal and the time he/she is to be dismissed. The child should then be picked up at the office at the early dismissal time. Please refrain from dismissals after 3:20 as the office gets busy with dismissal preparations.
Dismissal Changes
Do not email the teacher or secretary regarding dismissal changes as the messages may not be received in time. Please call with any dismissal changes.
Regular Dismissal Time Parent Pick-Up
If a parent wishes to pick up a child at the regular dismissal time, (instead of the usual walking or taking the bus) please send a note with the child in the morning. In order to facilitate end of the day dismissal for the entire school, students who are parent pick-ups will be dismissed from the cafeteria door. Parents are to use the main driveway around to the back of the building for pick-up. If you arrive early and are waiting for your child to be dismissed please do not leave your car idling as the exhaust from the cars is drawn into the building.
Before School Drop off
Walkers cross Bullard Street with the crossing guard and use the path beside the school, then enter the building through the front doors. At the end of the day, walkers meet our two crossing guards in the front foyer and are dismissed with them through the front door. They accompany students to Bullard St and cross them safely there.
Bus riders are delivered to the front of the school. Arrival is monitored by a staff member, who checks with the driver about student behavior and bus safety. Dismissal is monitored by teachers until students board their bus.
Carpool students are dropped off and dismissed from the back of the school. Both arrival and dismissal are monitored by staff members. Drivers go around the circle behind the school, always staying to the right. Move forward as directed by the staff in charge. Students will be dismissed to you and may not rush. They must never get out of the car in the middle of the lane and may not cross traffic. Adults should remain in the car and follow all directions in order to provide for safety.
Fall Soccer Registration
"For Parents" Information
With PowerSchool access information, families should now be able to access the Parent Portal to view bus, handbook and policy information. Teacher assignment information should be accessible on PowerSchool on 8/23/23
Food Services Message
PTA Information
9/5 - Fire Drill
9/8 - Back to School Social 6-8 PM
9/12 - Bus Evacuation Drill (rain date 9/19) 8:45
9/13 - First PTA Meeting 6:30
9/16 - Scarecrows for Solutions - Bemis Farm (Spencer - more details to come)
9/17 - Roller Kingdom - Rollerskating (Hudson, MA)
9/20 - Curriculum Night Grades K-2; 5:30-6:30
9/21 - Curriculum Night Grades 3-5; 5:30-6:30
9/25-29 - All for Books Coin Drive
9/26 - Lockdown Drill 10:10
9/27 - 1/2 Day students
10/2 - Book Fair (10/2-10/6)