Wolverine Wednesday Weekly
GHMS Updates and Notes (10/25)
Principal's Corner
As we enter November and embark on the second marking period of the 2023-2024 school year, I want to take a moment to celebrate our students' remarkable achievements. This week, we celebrated students with perfect attendance with a treat during lunch. Additionally, any student who had no behavior referrals, no tardies, and have all passing grades – earned their well-deserved Godwin Gold Status.
This prestigious status, achieved by 78 of our dedicated students, comes with a range of exciting privileges for the marking period ahead, such as free entrance to after-school sporting events, VIP seating at school-wide assemblies, early entrance to lunch, and many other surprises. Congratulations to these outstanding students. Godwin PRIDE is thriving in our middle school.
As we continue through this school year, know that our core focus remains on learning and supporting every student's success. We have many supports in place to ensure that learning is accessible to all. If you ever have questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me.
Learning Spotlight
Want a signed copy of the book when Dana visits? There's still time to pre-order!
Popcorn Fridays
Upcoming Early Releases and Breaks in November
Early Releases, dismissal at 1:10pm:
Wednesday, November 8th & 15th
No School November 22nd-24th
7th Grade Vision Screening 11/17
The Michigan Department of Health and Human Services requires local health departments to conduct vision screenings for 7th grade students in Michigan. Our vision screening date is Friday, November 17.
Attendance Matters!
Transportation afterward is not included.
On early release days, the hours are extended from 1:15 PM to 3:15 PM and located in room 111.
Free health resource
This resource is available for anyone over the age of 18. Click the image to expand it and read more.
Free Covid Tests in Office
If students have a fever, vomiting or diarrhea, they are asked to go home.
If students or staff are COVID positive and asymptomatic or well enough to return to school (No fever for 24 hours), a well-fitting mask is encouraged. Nothing is required.
If your child tests positive, please notify the building office. We are still required by health code to report positive cases as a communicable disease.
We have free COVID tests in the office, available for all interested staff and parents.
Fall Edition of "Godwin at a Glance" - District Newsletter
real-time updates on facebook
Contact Us
Email: susie.yoder@godwinschools.org
Website: https://ms.godwinschools.org/
Location: 100 Wexford St SE, Wyoming, MI, USA
Phone: 616-252-2070
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/GodwinMiddle