Ripon Cathedral School Update
Week ending Friday 24th November 2023
Community Week Special
Strengths and interests in Year 1 and a visit from an optometrist
Year 1 have thought about our strengths and interests and jobs in the community. We thought about jobs in the community around us. We had a visit from Natasha a local optometrist from Specsavers, she explained her role, her skills and how she helps people care for their eyes and sense of sight.
We have discussed how anyone can do any job as long as they have the right skills for that job. No matter their gender, where they are from, what they look like or who they are. We have played a guess the job game, where we listened to the skills and qualities to see if we could guess the job they are associated with. We then thought about the job we would like to do when we are grown ups. We drew pictures and labelled our pictures with the skills and qualities we will need to develop for that role.
Special Visitors in Year 2
We have had 3 visitors to Year 2 this week. A big thank you to those who came in and shared their time and expertise with us.
Mr Garner spoke to us about his role as head chef, how there is so much preparation that goes on behind the scenes plus the extra care needed in preparing food due to the increase in food allergies.
Fire Fighter Webster shared lots of important safety tips and fire prevention strategies with us. Mrs Dallaston enjoyed dressing up as a fire fighter too.
Dr Jones came to talk to us about staying healthy and about her role as a GP. We had lots of questions for her.
Within the class we talked about belonging to different clubs and groups within the community. We all belong to Ripon Cathedral School and God's family.
PCSO Phil visits Year 3
Year 3 had a special visitor on Wednesday, PCSO Phil came in to class to talk about his role in the community and the importance of laws to keep us safe. PSCO Phil explained that the majority of his job is to build relationships with people in the community and help them to resolve any conflicts. The children enjoyed learning about the ways in which the police serve the community and how important laws are for everyone. They have also been learning about using the internet and making safe choices in the games they play, the information they access and when to report something that concerns them.
Year 6 learn about diversity and discrimination
Year 5 Community Day
Healthy relationships and a visit from the PCSO and the Children's Society in Year 5
As part of community week, Year 5 have been learning about what makes a healthy relationship. Mandy from The Children’s Society did an excellent workshop with the children about how they can spot traits of unhealthy relationships. This led us onto online relationships, where the children watched and listened to a range of scenarios and discussed the impact of online actions and the importance of the three words, ‘Are you okay?’
The PCSO also came to speak to the children about their role in the community and the importance of keeping their information safe online, including who they speak to. Year 5 have engaged brilliantly with our visitors and have begun applying what they learnt in our computing sessions this week!
Nursery have a special visitor from Ripon Cathedral
We have had such a busy week in Nursery for Community Week. The children have been learning all about the community where we live and the people who help us, as well as our school community.
"The lady in the office is on the phone in the day isn't she?" Luna
"Mr Holmes has a office that he lives in." Poppy
"At dinnertime the ladies help me with my dinner." Sophia
On Friday we had a very special visitor, Canon Matthew from the Cathedral came to share his favourite story with us. Canon Matthew arrived dressed in his official robes which the children thought were fabulous! "Is he God?" asked Charlie. We were very excited to share with him our question of the week which was "Where is God, and what does he look like?" Thank you for visiting us, and we will visit the Cathedral in the coming weeks.
Community week and road safety in Reception
A very big thank you to Iris’s mummy for coming to talk to us all about her work as a volunteer at the library. The children were very keen to hear about the library and how it is such a fabulous place for all the community to enjoy. It was brilliant then to hold our Book Swap and for the children to select a ‘new’ book to take home to enjoy. We are very much looking forward to a forthcoming class trip to the library in Ripon.
Road Safety
The Reception children spent time learning about the different ways to stay safe when walking near or across roads and were then absolutely superb on a road safety walk around our local area. Not only did the children show that they understand how to stay safe but they also behaved brilliantly, showing respect to the people they passed. They were a credit to our school!
Learning about belonging in Year 4
This week, Year 4 have spent time investigating how data is shared and used online. We learnt about our unique digital footprint and how companies use this information to tailor adverts. We then discussed the types of adverts we each see or might see online due to our interests. We have also looked at community and belonging. We have looked at the communities we each belong to and the benefits those communities provide. We identified different groups of people who make up the community and how they contribute to a successful community. Finally, we had a wonderful visit from Olivia, a maternity support worker. Olivia shared with us what it is like in a day at her job and how she cares for the babies and the mums. She answered lots of questions from the children about how babies are looked after in their first moments.
Learning about the Rule of Law
The Jury
Jury of 12 people
Members of the court
Judge Isaac, Bethany and Igor (defence and prosecution) Ellie and Jack (witnesses)
What happens in a court of law
As part of Community Week, we have been thinking about the Rule of Law. We thought about the 10 commandments and the rules that we have in school. In worship this week we acted out a court case. Nipper the dog was accused of biting Bob the Baker. Judge Isaac was in charge. our defence and prosecution lawyers interviewed our witnesses, Jane the Jogger and Bob the Baker. After all the evidence was shared our jury, put together from children across different classes, decided that Nipper was not guilty!
Cross Country at Outwood
Cross Country Festival at Outwood
As part of Community Week all the children in Year 2 through to Year 6 walked up to Outwood to take part in a cross-country festival. They enjoyed racing round the field, competing against schools from the Ripon area. The children, as always, were fantastically behaved and they all took part with enthusiasm and determination.
Promises by Year 3
Year 3 Worship
Times Tables Stars
England Rocks
Last week children in Years 4, 5 and 6 took part in the England Rocks competition on Times Tables Rockstars. The children really did their best and we were ranked in the top 20% of schools in the North Yorkshire area. Congratulations to Year 4 who were our winning class and to Emery who was the highest scoring player! Well done to everyone who took part.
Stars of the Week
Poppy for being confident and using the provision areas so well.
Malachi for the effort he is putting into his reading, writing and phonics.
Year 1
Ava for showing an excellent attitude to her learning across all subjects.
Year 2
Alisa for always working hard and being such a kind friend to everyone.
Year 3
Lottie for showing determination and resilience in our cross country competition, representing the school with pride.
Year 4
Mikael for writing a wonderful and effective persuasive letter including lots of our focus criteria.
Year 5
Esme for always being ready to learn and putting 100% effort into everything she does.
Year 6
Imogen for determination at our cross country event. She pushed herself and did it all with a huge smile on her face.
Friends of the School
Bag2School will collect sacks of used clothes (no bedding or logo uniform please) on Wednesday 29th November. School does not have a lot of storage space, so please bring bags on the morning and leave near the cycle racks at the front of school. Thank you.
On Thursday 7th December, we have our Christmas Fair. As well as some lovely stalls, this year one of parents is providing a photo booth and it's always worth buying a raffle ticket to try to win one of our themed hampers! We would really appreciate donations for the hampers. Boxes will be out in classrooms next week so you can drop your donation with the class staff. The theme for each class is on the poster below.
We look forward to seeing you all at our events, thank you for your support.
Dates for Diaries
We are currently organising a range of events for the term. Below are dates that we currently have planned. We will add more dates over the term so please do check each week for new events.
Wednesday 29th November - Bag2School collection
Thursday 30th November 2023 - Year 4 sound day
Friday 1st December 2023 - Year 3 Hindu Temple visit
Thursday 7th December - Christmas Fair (after school, details to follow)
Tuesday 12th December - Riding Lights Theatre visiting school
Wednesday 13th December - School Christmas Dinner
Tuesday 19th December - EY and KS1 Christmas Party
Wednesday 20th December - EY and KS1 Celebration worship at 9am
Thursday 21st December - Celebration worship KS2 at 9am
Thursday 21st December - Key Stage 2 Christmas Party
Friday 22nd December 2023 (at 1.30pm) - Key Stage 1 Nativity in the Cathedral
Friday 22nd December 2023 - School closes for Christmas break at 2.30pm
Monday 8th January - Oscar's Holiday Club (advance notice - booking, times and cost TBC)
Tuesday 9th January 2024 - School reopens for the Spring Term
Oscar's Wraparound Care
We are delighted with how busy Oscar's has become this term, thank you for everyone's support. We are unable to run any holiday club dates during the Christmas break itself, but will offer full day care on the training day on Monday 8th January 2024. Booking can now be made online. Contact Mrs Rich if you need further details, thank you.
Community Events
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Email: admin@riponcathedral.n-yorks.sch.uk
Website: www.riponcathedralschool.org.uk
Location: HG41LT, United Kingdom
Phone: 01765 602355
Facebook: facebook.com/riponcathschool
Twitter: @riponcathschool