The Wildcat Week Ahead
April 10 - 14
What's In the Weekly
Welcome to a New Week
Family Survey
Important Dates
Bowling Permission Slip
Community Spaghetti Dinner RSVP
Spirit Week
Earth Day
Y.O.G.I Little League
Claussen's Spring Flower Sale
Pan's Pizza
Hannaford's Helps Schools
Yearbook Information
Lost and Found
Updated Links at the Bottom of the Newsletter
Welcome to a New Week
I will start by saying there is a 24-36 hour stomach bug going through school. We continue to keep protocols for cleaning in place per state recommendations, and kids are encouraged to wash their hands frequently. I know it's tough and hard on families; we do not see a fever or any other apparent symptoms, just general nausea and sometimes vomiting.
We will hang flyers everywhere to remind kids to wash their hands, and all cleaning protocols will stay in place.
I also wanted to publicly thank Elaine Perry for joining the CIUUSD School Board! She is currently our PTA's president and is a great resource for families with questions or ideas they want to bring forward.
The newsletter has a lot of information, permission slips, etc., please ask questions; my door and inbox are always open!
Mrs. H
PBIS Family Survey
March - April 2023
- Girls on the Run Starts on March 27-June 3 (Grades 3-6)
- Spare Time Bowling, April 20th, 10 AM-11 AM Permission Slip Here
- April Break is from the 24-28th
- K-6 Music and Art Extravaganza- Friday, May 19th, @ 5-7:15 PM and Community Spaghetti Dinner! RSVP here!
- GIS Play- May 25th @ 6:30 PM
Spirit Week
Monday 4/17 = Pastel Colors/Spring Day (Wear pastels, flowers, bunnies, whatever makes you feel like Springtime!)
Tuesday, 4/18 = Twin Day (Match with another person in the school!)
Wednesday, 4/19 = Career/Future Self Day (Dress how you see yourself in the future!)
Thursday, 4/20 = Sports/Favorite Hobby Day
Friday 4/21 = PJ Day
Earth Day
Hello Grand Isle Families!
The Student Council is hosting a raffle in honor of Earth Day (April 22) and Green Up Day (May 6).
To participate, send a picture of your family taking part in something that will better our planet and community. Some examples are starting a garden, planting a tree/bush, creating/using a compost pile, cleaning up the sides of the roads/parking lots, or whatever feels good for your family!
You can send your pictures to Student Council Advisors Cathie Larson ( and/or Sarah Allen ( anytime between April 22 and May 7.
We will pick three names from a random drawing of all submissions on May 8. The winners will get a gift card to a local business!
Please email any questions to Cathie or Sarah.
Thank you,
The Student Council
For more details on Green Up Day, see the link below.
Interested in Being a Chaperone on Any of Our Trips?
Thank you in advance!
Claussen's Flower Sale
Monday, May 1, 2023, 12:00 AM
Grand Isle Elementary School, U.S. Route 2, Grand Isle, VT, USA
Pan's Pizza Fundraiser
Wednesday, May 17, 2023, 04:00 PM
Pan's Pizza, U.S. Route 2, South Hero, VT, USA
Pre-K to 6 Music and Art Extravaganza
Friday, May 19, 2023, 05:00 PM
Grand Isle Elementary School, U.S. Route 2, Grand Isle, VT, USA
GIS Play
Thursday, May 25, 2023, 06:30 PM
Grand Isle Elementary School, U.S. Route 2, Grand Isle, VT, USA
Y.O.G.I. Little League Information
Claussen's Spring Flower Sale
- Flowers will be delivered on May 27th
More information to come!
Pan's Pizza Fundraiser
Hannaford's Helps Schools Program
Here at Hannaford, we work hard to have as many relevant participating items as possible so it's easy to support your local schools while shopping for the items you love. NEW for 2023: Deposit School Dollars online using the Hannaford Helps Schools app to donate to a specific school! You can find more details in your packet and on every School Dollars printout.