Behind the Magic at Disney
Week of October 2, 2023
Information from the office...
Mrs. Amy Porter, Principal
Important Contact Information:
Main Office Phone: (586)439-6400
Fax: (586)439-6401
Absentee Line: (586)439-6490
24-hour recorded line, please leave your child's reason for absence and length of time out. Absences reported to this line, ensure most timely and accurate record.
School Administrative Assistant:
Mrs. Sue Mogge
Email: susan.mogge@fraserk12.org
Building Hours - 8:00 am - 4:00 pm
School Hours: 8:35 am – 3:30 pm
First Bell: 8:30 am
Instructional Bell: 8:35 am
Students must be in class by 8:35 am or they are marked tardy.
Email: Amy.Porter@Fraserk12.org
Website: https://www.fraser.k12.mi.us/Domain/9
Location: 36155 Kelly Road, Clinton Township, MI, USA
Phone: (586)439-6400
Twitter: @jageramy
As we learn more about our district’s results, we will be able to make decisions that will help improve instruction. This is one measure of student achievement. We always use multiple measures to assess students in an ongoing way throughout the school year to identify student strengths, areas of need, and design instruction accordingly.
Please let us know if you have questions about the M-STEP, Michigan’s learning standards, or your child’s progress overall. Fraser Public Schools provides personalized instruction for our students in order to meet each child’s learning needs, and we appreciate your collaboration in that journey.
Count Day
PTO Sponsored Fun Run
It’s FUN RUN TIME DISNEY!! We are super excited for our annual FUN RUN Fundraiser on October 5th, 2023! This FUNdraiser supports community events throughout the year, such as our Fall Festival, Holiday Shoppe & Aloha Summer Fun Night. As well as academic & social enrichment: school assemblies, field trips, staff support & clubs.
This year's FUN RUN has new prizes and will be better than ever!! CLICK HERE to view prizes!
- Week 2 Challenge Winner: Miss Svoboda's class won a breakfast donut party by raising the highest percentage of their goal during week two. Great work, Miss Svoboda's Class!!
- Weekend 2 Challenge: There is still time to help your teacher win a prize by being the class with the highest amount of donations raised this weekend!
Week 3 Countdown Challenge: The three students that raise the most funds between Monday, October 2nd and our fun run on Thursday, October 5th get to be the Fun Run VIP! Don't miss out on this opportunity!
School Goal: If we reach our school goal of $20,000 raised we will have a MEGA RECESS! Currently we are at $16,610 towards our goal!! In addition if we get 90% of our students registered we will earn a PJ day! Remember, just by registering online, your student will earn a slap bracelet! CLICK HERE to view our school goal progress, LET'S GO DISNEY, WE CAN DO THIS!!!
Follow these 3 Simple Steps to get registered and help us meet our goals
1. First CLICK HERE to Register or re-Login to your parent dashboard and complete your child’s student webpage with a PICTURE.
School Identifier: 64fb08a81579d
2. Make an online donation using the red Donate button right away
3. Share with friends and family, they want to help!
- Send 10-15 emails and/or text messages
- Post Facebook or Twitter
- Help your child reach their goal in 24/48 hours
PTO Upcoming Halloween Information
Costume Rack - This year the PTO is having a Halloween Costume Rack that will be put out starting 10/2-10/6 for anyone that may need a costume. If you have any costumes you no longer use or want please bring them in and drop them off to the office with a note for PTO.
Agatha our Candy Monster - Agatha the candy monster is back! She is so excited to start being fed delicious candy donations for our annual Trunk-or-Treat. Visit Agatha in our main office lobby to help fill her belly with candy!
Trunk-or-Treat - Save the date for our annual Trunk-or-Treat on Friday, October 13th. Click here if you are interested in signing up to display your trunk decorations and pass out candy! You will be entered to win a $50 gift card for best trunk. If you are interested in volunteering and helping with the event, please sign up with our PTO volunteer link below.
PTO Volunteers Needed!
If you are interested in signing up to help plan or volunteer at any events please sign up with link below.
Disney September SuperStar Students
PBIS is a school-wide system that includes proactive strategies for teaching, modeling, and reinforcing appropriate behavior. Our students have been working hard learning and practicing what it means to be a Disney STAR. They have showing STAR characteristics in the classroom, lunchroom, playground, hallways, and bathrooms.
Our school-wide behavior expectations are for students to Be a Disney STAR:
S – Show Kindness
T – Take Responsibility
A – Always be Safe
R – Respect Others
On Friday, we celebrated our Disney "SUPER" STAR students! These are students that have gone above and beyond and have consistently been a Disney STAR throughout the month of September. On Friday, these students were recognized on our daily announcements and enjoyed a donut breakfast with the principal!
Evelyn shows "STAR" behavior each day. She smiles, participates and models good choices. She is a smart girl who is always ready to learn more. I enjoy learning with Evelyn and can't wait to see what she will achieve this year!
~Ms. Browe (KDG)Savannah
Savannah is always being safe in our classroom and on the playground. She is a great friend to her classmates and is never afraid to lead a helping hand.
~Miss Svoboda (KDG)Luca
Luca has gone above and beyond to show kindness to his peers. He has a huge heart and always does the right thing. We are so lucky to have a friend like Luca!
~Mrs. Pozolo (1st Grade)Braydon
~Mrs. Sylvester (1st Grade)
~Ms. Lerchen (2nd Grade)
~Mrs. Engle (2nd Grade)
~Mrs. Hamilton (3rd Grade)
~Mrs. Filip (3rd Grade)
~Mr. Fallucca (4th Grade)
~Ms. Oddo (4th Grade)
~Ms. Argiri-Slone (5th Grade)
~Mrs. Gumm (5th Grade)
~Mrs. Ostrowski (5th Grade)
~Miss Capoferri (6th Grade)
~Mrs. McGuffey (6th Grade)
~Mrs. Zoli (KDG HEART)
~Mrs. Garcia (6th Grade Art)
~Mr. Reeves (5th Grade Music)
~Mrs. Chambers
(1st Grade 21st Century)
~Mr. McDonough
(6th Grade Gym)
Homecoming Spirt Week Fun
First Grade Morning STEM
Our 1st grade team has placed a lot of priority on our routines and procedures the past three weeks . After a great deal of research, Mrs. Pozolo and Mrs. Sylvester have decided to implement “soft starts” using morning bins in place of worksheets as morning work. The bins rotate each day and are filled with different STEM activities for students to work with. This routine encourages collaboration, creativity, and independence.
The implementation of “soft starts” allows our students to gradually begin their day in the way that they choose. If they are not interested in their STEM materials, they have the option to draw, color, read, or just visit with the friends at their table while they eat breakfast. This allows our students to feel safe and in control of their day, which makes for an easier transition into more challenging tasks. Students have been following the expectations, working hard as a team or independently, and smiling along the way. We love to see their creative wheels turn and the pride they have in their creations!
HEART class learns about feelings
In HEART class we have been learning about feelings such as happy, surprised, calm, and upset. We learned ways to calm down when we are upset.
We also learned about courtesy words. It is important to have good manners. We learned to say please, thank you, I’m sorry, excuse me, and you’re welcome.
PE classes learn about teamwork
Excitement is abounding in Physical Education class! We are learning cooperative games to get the year started on a positive note. Games such as Pac-Man and Bean Bag Tag foster teamwork and cooperation! We will continue to explore various other cooperative activities throughout the month of September building a strong Disney team!!
Parking Lot Reminders
* Please remember to park in a parking spot when walking your child up to their line.
*Please pull all the way forward when utilizing the drop-off and pick-up lines. This will help us unload and load cars more efficiently.
* The bus loops is for buses ONLY, please do not drop off or pick up students in the bus loop.
* Drugs, tobacco, and alcohol products are not allowed on school property.
* We love our pets, but for the safety and comfort of everyone, please refrain from brining them on school property.
Attendance Matters!
This year, we're working hard to advance student success by reducing chronic absenteeism. At the end of each month, our team will be reviewing student attendance and will be setting up meetings with families whose students have missed 10% of our school days. During these meetings, we will be creating success plans in an effort to help improve student attendance.
Students who miss 2 days of school in September often go on to become chronically absent. To maintain satisfactory attendance and to create good attendance habits that can last a lifetime, students should strive to miss no more than 9 days per year (or less than 1 day per month).
Picture Retake Day
Upcoming Student Opportunities
Destination Imagination
Destination Imagination is an educational program in which student teams, made up of 2-7 members, solve open-ended Challenges and present their solutions at fun, local Tournaments. Teams are tested to think on their feet, work together and devise original solutions that satisfy the requirements of the Challenges, and develop innovative thinking strategies. Participants gain more than just basic knowledge and skills, they learn to unleash their imaginations and take unique approaches to problem solving.
Check out the Michigan Website: http://www.micreativity.org/index.html
National Website: https://www.destinationimagination.org
Just around the corner for girls
4th & 5th Grade Girls and an important adult in their life are invited to attend...
- A maturation program to help answer questions that girls might have about their growing and changing bodies.
- The session will cover physical and emotional changes that occur in girls during puberty, including menstruation.
- A short video will be followed by a lively discussion session.
Space is limited and you must register online. Please see the flyer below for more information and registration links.
Disney Elementary Parent Teacher Organization
As a caretaker of a Walt Disney Elementary student, you are a valued member of the Team Disney Parent Teacher Organization. All PTO meetings will now be both in person AND have a link to join virtually. ALL are welcome to join. If you plan to attend in person it is adults only. Our next meeting is on Tuesday, October 10th at 6:00 p.m. You can join our meeting in the Disney Media Center or virtually by clicking here by clicking here at 6:00 p.m.
Our official Facebook group is here: Team Disney Fraser Facebook. Please help us build the group by sharing with other Disney families and adding them to our group. If you have a question or concern that you need to be answered, please message a page Admin/Board member.
We welcome the 2023-2024 Board Members:
President- Molly Magnotte
Vice President- April Horgan
Treasurer- Alison Ross
Secretary- Candice Bookmiller
Contact: Team Disney PTO@gmail.com
- 10/4 - Count Day
- 10/5 - PTO Fun Run Fundraiser
- 10/10 - PTO Meeting @ 6:00 in the Disney Media Center
- 10/13 - Dentist R' Us
- 10/13 - Trunk-or-Treat and Fall Fest
- 10/17 - Clinton Macomb Library visits Disney
- 10/18 - 5th Grade Recorder concert @ 7:00 in FHS gym
- 10/23 - 10/27 - Scholastic Book Fair
- 10/25 - Student-Led Conferences (4:30 - 7:30pm)
- 10/26 - 1/2 day (12N dismissal)
- 10/26 - Student-Led Conferences (1-3:30 and 4:30 - 7:30pm)
Access the full District Calendar HERE at any time!
Gleaners Food Distribution to Continue
We are excited to announce that we have extended our partnership with Gleaners through the summer. They will continue to be set up in the FHS parking lot on the following dates
If you are in need of food assistance, you can find pantries in your area by visiting https://pantrynet.org.