Wednesday Whistle
Emerson Parent & Community Newsletter (January 10, 2024)
Happy New Year!
I hope that you all were able to enjoy your Winter Break. I have enjoyed hearing from students about the exciting adventures, and others were happy to just be at home relaxing. Thank you all so much for the wonderful gifts and well wishes. I appreciate you all. As you have noticed, construction has dramatically increased here on campus. Traffic has increased heavily on the Willow Gate; please be cautious as you travel to school. The Main Gate is also open with a valet on Barbanell St. Please review the information in the slide deck linked below that was also sent before we returned. We appreciate your understanding and flexibility.
With respect and admiration,
Mrs. Dominguez, Principal
Please see the attached link for construction updates at Emerson: https://drive.google.com/file/d/14tsaZJ8ZrYSeStAyAjk9JASyOcbpMcyG/view?usp=sharing
Dates to Remember
Jan. 15th No School in observance of MLK Day.
Jan. 16th Kinder Field Trip to the Aquarium
Jan. 23rd TK Field Trip to the Aquarium
Jan. 26th Fall Semester Ends
Jan. 29th Spring Semester Begins
Jan. 30th Spirit Award Assembly
Feb. 9th Achievement Reports in ParentVue
Feb. 10th Sweetheart Dance - Save the Date!
Emerson Uniform Policy
Pet Reminder
- Pets are not allowed on campus in the walkways leading to gates and beyond
- Please do not allow students to pet your pet
- Please clean up after your pet.
UPDATED - Safety Concerns: Pick Up / Drop off
Safety concern: More parents are driving the wrong way on the one way street off of Willow, please adhere to all parking and directional signs at all times. Also we noticed a few cars unattended in the middle of the street can cause traffic to back up and possible accidents. Please do not park in the bus loading zone or in red zone, or turn your hazards on and leave your car double parked and unattended with/without other children inside. Safety is our utmost concern, and we thank you in advance for making sure we keep everyone safe and ticket free. Our school neighbors have kindly asked that we remind parents to NOT block their driveways when dropping off and picking up, OR, leave any children in their cars unattended while walking to drop off other siblings to the school campus.
Click here to sign up to help volunteer: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdqR5Fk3Gl2nOC-zosRp6pnQbDksG_SGl4m25V6tU03hbvqwg/viewform
Please consider signing up to volunteer to help out with events, or committees for student activities. Without volunteers, some activities won't happen.
Sweetheart Dance
Saturday, Feb 10, 2024, 04:30 PM
Newcomb Academy, 3351 Val Verde Avenue, Long Beach, CA, 90808
Bell Schedule
TK & K 9:00 - 3:00
1st - 3rd 9:00 – 3:05
4th & 5th 9:00 – 3:10
EVERY THURSDAY TK – 5th Grade 2:30 dismissal
School Wellness & Prevention Lessons
Ms. Lang our school counselor will facilitate these lessons and send communications prior to the start of the lessons.
IMPORTANT: Update Your Contact & Emergency Information
Health & Safety Protocols
• Masks will be optional for students and staff.
• Surfaces will be sanitized and cleaned as much as possible.
Please CLICK HERE for the LBUSD's most recent Corona Virus Resources and Information.
Please monitor your child for illness and remember to stay home and test if you are ill.