dV Weekly Newsletter, Dragon Tales
November 28 - December 2nd, 2022
Calendar of Upcoming Events
12/8- Dine out for da Vinci at Pambiche
12/9- Mid-term progress reports due for quarter 2
12/15- Winter Music Concert, 7:00
12/12 - 12/16, Spirit Week- see poster below for theme days
12/16- Winter Talent Show Assembly
12/16- Lottery window closes for next year's admission
12/17 - 1/2/23- Winter Break- classes resume Tuesday, 1/3/23
Lottery for the 23-24 School Year Closes December 16th
For our current 8th graders, this is the time to apply if you are interested in a spot at Benson, MLC or the Jefferson High School - Middle College for Advanced Studies.
8th grade families that reside in a dual assignment area will be asked to choose between attending the Jefferson Middle College Program and their neighborhood comprehensive high school.
See the PPS Enrollment and Transfer page to apply and for more information and our Counseling website for more information about the high school transition for our 8th graders.