News from the Nest
WKMS Newsletter - December 2021 Issue
Important Dates to Remember
- Nov. 29 - Dec. 10 - Scholastic Book Fair at WKMS
- Dec. 1 - Make-Up Picture Day
- Dec. 2 - Basketball Game vs. CSMS @ WKMS 5:45pm
- Dec. 4 - Basketball Game @ Pelion 9am
- Dec. 6 - Basketball Game vs. PHMS @ WKMS 5:45pm
- Dec. 9 - Basketball Game @ BMS 5:45pm
- Dec. 13 - Festive/Winter Pajama Day
- Dec. 13 - Basketball Game vs. LMS @ WKMS 5:45pm
- Dec. 14 - Twinkle Tuesday Dress-up Day (Wear lights or bright/shiny colors)
- Dec. 15 - Winter Wonderland Day (Wear White)
- Dec. 16 - Holiday/Winter Movie Character Day
- Dec. 16 - Basketball Game @ GMS 5:45pm
- Dec. 17 - Festive Friday (Wear Ugly Sweaters or ALL Your Holiday Gear)
- Dec. 18 - Basketball Showcase @ WKMS TBA
- Dec. 20 - Jan 2 - Winter Break (No School)
The Book Fair is coming!
The WKMS Library will be hosting a Scholastic Book Fair from November 29th through December 10th. Come check it out and buy something awesome to read!
COVID-19 Reporting
If your child tests positive or has a close contact of someone who has, please report COVID-19 positive tests and exposures HERE.
WKMS Basketball Begins!
Our WKMS Basketball Season has begun! Be sure to come support your War Hawks during the December dates below. Our student-athletes have been working hard on and off the court and would love to see you cheering in the stands.
December Basketball Game Schedule
Congrats 21-22 WKMS Basketball Players!
Do you like to Bowl?
Any 7th or 8th grader interested in trying out for the WKHS varsity bowling team, please complete the interest survey linked HERE. You must have an athletic physical dated after April 1, 2021 to participate.
Tryouts will be the first week of December at JCs Lexington Bowl. Specific dates and times will follow.
If you have any questions, please reach out to Coach Blackburn at
Baseball Conditioning!
Baseball conditioning has started for ALL students who are interested in trying out for the baseball team this school year. Click on the images below to see dates. If you are playing a current sport you may start going after the sport is over.
- The only thing you need to have in order to attend is your Planet HS account completed (instructions attached).
- You will need to sign up for the activity bus in the main office so you can ride it to the high school after school. Your parents would pick you up there.
- Let me know if you have any questions!
-Coach Albino (
Want to join Track and Field?
All 7th and 8th-grade boys and girls, if you are interested in participating in Track and Field this spring, plan to attend the meeting this Friday, December 3rd. The conditioning schedule and other important information will be provided there.
Contact Coach Seigler with questions,
Need a Book Recommendation?
Check out the book talks below that were created by two of our AVID Scholars, Alan Moore and Junior Tchapmou. Both books are excellent reading choices and are available in our WKMS Book Room if you are interested in one of them. Be looking out for more book talks in upcoming News from the Nest monthly newsletters. If you have read a book that you would like to recommend to others, feel free to create a book talk Flipgrid here. We would love to help others find good books to read and share your recommendations in our newsletter!
Festive Dress-Up Week is Coming!
Cancer of Many Colors
Congratulations to WKMS for winning the Middle School competition for Lex 1 Linking Lexington. Students and staff bought links to represent the various people in their lives that have had cancer. The money raised will go towards families that are currently dealing with cancer in its many forms. Together, our school raised $871, beating our total from last year by over $200. Awesome job, WarHawks. Let's continue to lift others with our words and actions!
Want to buy a yearbook?
Check This Out!
7th & 8th grade computer science students just finished learning how to use Makey Makeys and create a program in scratch that works with some sort of conductive material to control the movement, sound, and animation of their programs. 6th grade students just finished creating a pet project and connecting a microbit to add a story to their pet through dialogue and sound. We had some pretty creative projects!
Reaching Out and Building Relationships!
Members of the sixth and eighth grade S.O.A.R (Student leadership, Ownership of learning, Achieving at maximum potential, and Relevant content) Class partnered as unified mentors with the Pre-K to fifth grade special needs classes at WKES. In preparation for their visit, they prepared Get to Know You games and a book they thought their partners would like to read together. These students will return to WKES in December to continue working with their partners. We're so proud of these War Hawks!
November's Positive Referrals!
Again, we had so many positive referrals this month, we can't even list them all here! If you were one of those wonderful teachers/students that received a Positive Referral in November, CONGRATULATIONS! Your excellence was seen by others and we are excited for you as you continue to grow in your mindsets!
WKMS Parent Place
White Knoll Middle School
Location: 116 White Knoll Way, Lexington, SC, USA
Phone: 803-821-4300
Twitter: @WKMSHawks
Lexington County School District One is committed to a policy of nondiscrimination and equal opportunity for all students, parents/legal guardians, staff, visitors, personnel and community members who participate or seek to participate in its programs or activities. Therefore, the district does not discriminate against any individual on the basis of race, religion, sex (including pregnancy, childbirth, or any related medical conditions), color, disability, age, genetic information, national origin, or any other applicable status protected by local, state, or federal law. The district will use the grievance procedures set forth in policy to process complaints based on alleged violations of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964; Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964; Title IX of the Education Amendments Act of 1972; Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973; the Age Discrimination Act of 1975; the Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967; the Equal Pay Act of 1963; the Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act of 2008; and Titles I and II of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990.
The district designates specific individuals to handle inquiries or complaints. To find out who to contact and how to contact them, please go to our website at
En Espanol: El Distrito Escolar del Condado de Lexington Uno, esta comprometido a una política de no discriminación e igual oportunidad para todos los estudiantes, padres/tutores legales, personal, visitantes, y miembros de la comunidad que participan o desean participar en sus programas o actividades. De ahí, que el distrito no discrimina en contra de ningún individuo en base a raza, religión, sexo (incluyendo preñez, parto o cualquier condición médica relacionada), color, incapacidad, edad, información genética, nacionalidad, u otro estado aplicable protegido por la ley local, estatal o federal. El distrito usara el procedimiento de quejas establecido en el reglamento para procesar quejas basadas en supuestas violaciones al Titulo VI del Acta de Derechos Civiles de 1964; Titulo VII del Acta de Derechos Civiles de 1964; Titulo IX del Acta de Enmiendas Educativas de 1972; Sección 504 del Acta de Rehabilitación de 1973; El Acta de Discriminación por Edad de 1975; El Acta de Discriminación en el Empleo por Edad de 1967; El Acta de Igualdad Salarial de 1963; El Acta de No Discriminación por Información Genética de 2008; y Títulos I y II del Acta de Americanos con Incapacidades de 1990.
El distrito designa individuos específicos para atender preguntas y quejas. Para saber a quien y como comunicarse con ellos, por favor visite nuestra pagina de Internet: