RES Weekly Buzz
Be kind, be safe, be honest, be flexible, be here.
Dear RES Families,
We have had a busy week here at RES! Picture Day was a big success as we started with a whole school photo. We can't wait to have it hanging by our front office door for all to see. Today we enjoyed our first Community Meeting led by Ms. Caniff, Mrs. Trumbour, and some of our 5th-grade leaders who shared with us what a full-value community looks like. These are the values RES students and staff strive to meet every day: be kind, be safe, be honest, be flexible, and be here. Our presenters did a tremendous job! Mrs. Raftelis and Mrs. Twombly also presented a year-long theme, "Readers are Leaders, " and we are excited to work with this theme with all grades. This Community Meeting was the first of many to come throughout the school year.
Just a few quick reminders:
•Please send your student(s) in with a warmer layer to wear outside as the cooler weather arrives.
•We do have a small collection of lost and found items inside the front entrance of the school. Feel free to stop in and take a look to see if any items belong to your family.
Have a terrific weekend!
Amy & Jodi
Upcoming Important Dates
- September 27th: 1/2 Day - EARLY RELEASE
- Dismissal at noon (PreK at 11:30 am)
- September 27th: Back to School Night:
- Grades 1 through 5; Open the link for details!
- October 10th: No School/Holiday
- October 11th: No School for students: Teacher Professional Development Day
Notes from the Nurse
- If you have not turned in your child's green health form to the RES health office yet, please do so right away!
- Please review the RPS COVID-19 Health and Safety Protocols for this upcoming school year: RPS COVID Protocols 2022-2023. The RES health office is no longer offering in-school rapid COVID testing for students. If your child is demonstrating any symptoms of COVID, they should do a rapid test at home and follow the protocol linked above.
- COVID and influenza vaccines are not currently required for students in Massachusetts. However, they are both STRONGLY recommended, especially heading into the 2022-2023 flu season. Please consult with your pediatrician.
- If your pediatrician needs to fax any information or documents to the RES health office, the fax number is 978-546-3805.
- All RPS health forms may be found at the RPS health link: RPS Health Services.
- Please remember to send your child with a water bottle EVERY DAY for school!
- If you have any questions, please call the RES health office at 978-546-1223.
RPS expects that students attend school daily. Students who attend school regularly have been shown to achieve at higher levels than students who do not have regular attendance. Consistent attendance strengthens academic progress as students are present to participate in interactive class activities and discussions. While there are legitimate reasons that may cause a student to miss school, frequent absences quickly add up to learning loss. We ask that parents and students attempt to limit the circumstances that result in absence from school.
Before/After School Activities
Homework Club for Gr 3-5 in room G132 with Mrs. Trumbour. The schedule is as follows:
- Monday and Thursdays 3-4pm
- Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday 8-8:45am
Before/After School Activities Weekly schedule
Parent Resources
- Pathways for Children is offering a Positive Solutions for Families a FREE 7 -week parent workshop focused on positive strategies to promote positive behavior and handle the everyday challenges of parenting little ones. Please use the link above for more information.
Rockport New Years Eve Button Design Contest
Please go to this link: Rockport's New Year's Eve Button Contest or click on the picture to download the contest information.