Bobcat Bulletin
January 15
Letter from Mrs. Anderson
Dear Bobcat Families:
It has been a great start to 2024 as we welcomed back students and staff and wrapped up quarter 2! Our students and staff continue to work hard, staying focused on learning grade-level standards, while getting ready for upcoming field trips, projects and collaborative learning.
Please take the time to read our newsletter, to ensure you don’t miss anything. We are closing out the month of January Bobcat Strong, with the Book Fair and our Winter Wonderland Reading Festival. Please join us on January 23rd from 5:30 – 7:00 PM for dinner and a variety of reading activities to enjoy with your family. Tickets can be purchased in our front office for 2 tickets/$1.00.
Finally, we recently held our Semester 1 positive behavior support celebration!! Our students and staff joined in the fun as we rewarded students for making positive choices on campus and in the classroom. Go Bobcats!!
As always, thank you for being a positive and supportive school community. It takes all of us, working together, to create a safe, successful learning environment for our students.
In partnership,
Mrs. Anderson, Principal
January Important Dates
January 15-No school for students and teachers
January 16- No school for students- Teacher Planning Day
January 22- Report Cards go home
January 22-26: Celebrate Literacy Week & Scholastic Book Fair (Volunteers needed, contact Mrs. Carpenter.)
January 23- Winter Wonderland Night- 5:30-7 (Dinner served 5:30-6:00pm)
January 24- Early Release Day
January 26- Student Leadership Clubs 8am
Counselor's Corner
Hello Bobcat Families,
Happy New Year! I am so grateful to be a part of the Eden Park Elementary as we start 2024!
Each year is a chance to start over and begin again. This often includes forgiving each other and forgiving ourselves. Frequently, I work with children to help them with these conflict-resolution skills. At times, just like our children, we all become frustrated with one person or another. It is important to practice working through conflict to the point of forgiveness.
Here are some activities to learn how to work through problems and continue treating each other with kindness:
· Learn the Definition of Conflict: Watch this video to learn what conflict is—
· Exploring Feelings: Read a book together and find the different feelings the characters experience.
· Use Stuffed Animals: Use your children’s favorite stuffed animals to act out a problem they are having and how to resolve it.
· Play Rock, Paper, Scissors: This simple game can solve small problems in a quick and fair way.
· Say, “I’m Sorry”: Learn how to say, “I’m sorry,” in sign language.
Conflict is a normal part of life. Learning how to deal with it in healthy ways can turn an unhappy situation into growth. By practicing conflict-resolution skills, the entire family will become a happier and safer place to be. I look forward to hearing how our children are working on conflict strategies this month!
Kimberly Combes
School Counselor
Leader in Me
The 4 Disciplines of Execution
We all have goals that we are attempting to pursue. We sometimes get too busy to reach our goals. These four disciplines help us to ensure our goals get accomplished.
1. Identify your 1 or 2 Wildly Important Goals. Create a start line, finish line, and deadline (From X to Y by When. For example: From 200 pounds to 180 pounds by March 1, 2024.)
2. Identify Key strategies to assist you in meeting your goals. These are your Lead Measures.
3. Track your progress on a scoreboard.
4. Identify an accountability advocate who can ask you about your progress.
Ask your Child:
What are your WIGS?
What are your Lead Measures?
Who is your accountability advocate?
Are you on track to meet your WIG?
Learn Sign Language
TUESDAY, January 23, 2024
Join us in the media center to help make important decisions for our school’s improvement and increased student achievement.
In collaboration with Benison Center, we are excited to enter all community members who attend our SAC meeting into a raffle drawing. We look forward to seeing who will walk out of the meeting with a prize.
The January 23rd agenda can be found on our school website under About Us- School Advisory Council (SAC)
ESE Expo
Tuesday, January 30, 2024
Student ID and Lanyard
All students will be issued and are required to wear a school ID and lanyard while at school. This is part of our school dress code. Students will use badges to sign on to their bus, check out library books, and go through the lunch line. Lost badges may be replaced in the front office for $2.00 cash.
School Board Policies 2266, 3362, and 5517 – Prohibits discrimination or harassment on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, sex (including sexual orientation and/or gender identity), disability, or age in the provision of educational opportunities or employment opportunities and benefits. The District School Board does not discriminate on the basis of sex or disability in the education programs and activities that it operates, pursuant to the requirements of Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972.
For additional information or to report Title IX or any other discrimination/harassment concerns, contact Ms. Valerie Wenrich, Chief Human Resources Officer/ Title IX Coordinator, at (239) 377-0351, or at 5775 Osceola Trail, Naples, Florida 34109.