Friends of Texas Public Schools
September 2019
Texas 8th Graders Consistently Beat National Average on NAEP Math & Science Assessments
Since 2000, Texas public school students have consistently scored above the national average on the 8th grade NAEP Math assessment. Since 2009, Texas 8th graders have scored above their national peers in NAEP Science assessment.
Great things are happening in Texas public schools! Here is just one example:
Fall is upon us! We hope you are looking for opportunities to share the Great Things Happening in Your Schools with your community. We MUST continue to share with everyone by every medium possible the amazing successes our students and teachers achieve daily.
One way to do this is through our new PR/Communications Tool Kit developed in partnership with Go Public. This Tool Kit is available exclusively to members of our Friends Network. School districts from all over the state of Texas are joining to help spread the word about our stellar public schools. Want to join? Visit for details.
Best wishes for a gloriously successful school year!
Blake W. Cooper
Executive Director
Celebrating Texas Public Schools Scholarship Opportunity - Now Accepting Applications!
This Scholarship is for graduating seniors who can use their voice and visual media (i.e. video) to share how their public school education has impacted their future. The goal of this Scholarship is to highlight the “Great Things Happening in Texas Public Schools” from the student’s perspective.
This year Friends will award two graduates with its scholarship/award. One for a student joining the workforce, continuing education through trade schools/military or other forms of post-secondary training and one for a college-bound graduate.
For more information visit:
About ALI
The Administrative Leadership Institute (ALI), which dates back to 1908, has been called “the best 24-hour conference in Texas” by leaders in Texas public education and higher education. Each November, the annual conference focuses on a critical issue to help school leaders transform schools to better ensure all children can become successful students and people.
ALI is an opportunity for informal interaction and sharing among participants, who attend from school districts across Texas. It is a meeting place for friends and a venue for nationally recognized speakers and experts to re-energize those on the front lines educating Texas youth.
Join educational leaders across the state at Texas A&M this fall to explore the ways they are leading transformation in public school districts and build upon the strong ties between past students and future leaders. Bring a team of leaders from your district to experience engaging sessions at this year’s 24-hour conference. Not only will your team gain valuable insight into these bold initiatives, but your team will also have the opportunity to interact directly with innovators to take ideas back to your district. Join us this fall for the combination of learning and networking unique to ALI.
Superintendents, central office administrators, principals, and campus leaders are all welcome to attend ALI, and are encouraged to attend as a team.
Corporate Partner Spotlight
Enseo is one of the fastest-growing U.S technology companies, delivering sustainable innovation to people places including education and hospitality. Enseo offers four core products in one platform: MadeSafe® wearable alert button system, high-speed internet, energy management, and advanced distance learning technology. Enseo’s MadeSafe® is a complete employee safety, communication & location platform that includes a wearable button that accurately locates teachers and staff in distress. Currently on its fourth generation, MadeSafe has been protecting some of our most vulnerable, underrepresented populations, such as teachers and housekeepers, since 2015. Providing peace of mind with the tap a button, MadeSafe immediately transmits the name and location of distressed employees to designated emergency response personnel. Learn more here.
Become a Friends Corporate Partner
Friends of Texas Public Schools (Friends) is a nonprofit organization committed to educating Texans about the strengths and achievements of Texas public schools. It was founded by Leslie and Scott Milder in 2004 with the mission of facilitating respectful conversations about Texas public schools through honest communication, productive dialogue, and relentless encouragement. Generous donations from our Corporate Partners help us promote Texas Public Schools and will be used specifically to assist with the costs of marketing, advertising, and the production of high-profile regional and statewide events.
To become a Friends corporate partner, click below to join online. If you have any questions or would like to discuss additional partnership opportunities, please contact Executive Director, Blake Cooper at 903-453-5412 or
About us
Our Mission
"To facilitate respectful conversations about Texas public schools through honest communication, productive dialogue, and relentless encouragement."
Location: 700 Lavaca Street, Austin, TX,
Phone: 512-334-6555
Twitter: @FRIENDStxps