Dublin High School
Week of November 6, 2023
A Note From Dr. Overstreet...
DHS Apply To College Day: Next Wednesday, October 8th, DHS seniors will participate in DHS Apply to College Day to get ready for the College Fair on Thursday. Students will be able to apply to multiple Georgia colleges for free and many of those same colleges will be present at our College Fair on Thursday. Staff have been asked to wear college apparel and share their college experience with students throughout the day. Thursday, we will host 20 GA colleges/universities and 4 military branches at the College Fair. Middle GA State University will be in attendance and will be accepting DHS students on the spot who are eligible.
DHS College & Career Academy THE WAY at Savannah State University: Students from Dublin High School and members of the College & Career Academy attended Open Campus Day at Savannah State University (SSU) on Saturday 10-28-2023. Students heard from admissions and financial aid representatives during their visit. DHS students were also able to tour the campus and dormitories. The Open Campus Day also included an opportunity for the DHS students to meet with SSU Ambassadors on the realities of being a college student. The open campus day tour concluded with a visit to the Academic Marketplace where students met with academic department leaders to discuss the many majors and minors that Savannah State University has to offer. The students were sponsored by the local Savannah State University Alumni Chapter and the Alpha Phi Alpha Educational Talent Search TRIO organizations. We are grateful for the partnership with both organizations.
#FBLA, #SkillsUSA Cosmetology, #Nursing
DHS College and Career Academy Senior - Taj Carswel: Congratulations to our senior welding student, Taj Carswell, for competing in the Associated General Contractors of Georgia's Skills Challenge in Statesboro. Taj competed in shielded metal arc welding, representing our academy with poise and confidence. We are excited to see him progress further in future competitions!
Representative Matt Hatchett recently stopped by the Dublin City Schools College and Career Academy to see our Mechatronics Lab in action! The newest pathway combines mechanics, electronics and computer technology - ensuring our students are ready for work upon graduation. “My dad’s an automation engineer, and I guess I want to follow in his footsteps,” said Dublin High School 9th Grader Marek Jaeger. “I think it’s a great class, especially since it’s giving us groundwork in coding on our micro boards and building robots.”
A direct result of local industry needs; our students were working on pocket-sized computers called micro bits when Mr. Hatchett visited. In addition to touring The WAY, Rep. Hatchett also paid a visit to the IGA’s STEAM Lab to observe the skills our elementary and middle school students are developing. This was especially interesting because Mr. Harvey is incorporating the basics of mechatronics into their curriculum.
21st Century After School Program: The 21st Century Afterschool Program is available to all students. The 21st Century Program is an after-school program for students who are in need of extra help or tutoring for core academic subjects they are currently enrolled in this semester. Students can also recover credits for courses they may have previously failed in order to get back on track for graduation. The afternoon program is Monday - Thursday from 2:30 until 5:30. Bus transportation along with an afterschool meal are provided. For More information, please contact Ms. Madison, the school's Graduation Coach at 478-353-8040.
“Don’t Stop Believing!”
Go Irish!
Michael Overstreet
- 2th Graders: GEORGIA MATCH Initiative
- 12th Graders: Georgia Apply to College Month
- 12 Graders: Hagan Scholarship - Due December 1st
- StudentScholarships.org - The Largest Collection of Scholarships on the web
- 12th Graders: The Gates Scholarsh 10th, 11th & 12th Graders: GSBA's Student Video Contest
- 10th, 11th & 12 Graders: Superintendent Woods seeks 2023-2024 Student Advisory Council
- 11th and 12th Graders: United States Youth Senate Program - Due September 29th
- 12th Grade Only Coco Cola Scholarship https://www.coca-colascholarsfoundation.org/apply/ the deadline to submit is 5 pm Eastern on Monday, October 2, 2023.
- Students Scholaship.org. The Largest Collection of Scholarships on the web: https://studentscholarships.org/scholarships.php
- The Heisman High School https://apply.mykaleidoscope.com/apply/a0DHq00000leoNrMAI/a1PHq00000BlyySMAR
Upcoming Events
Monday, November 6th: National Guard visiting Dublin High School Lunch Waves
Wednesday, November 8th: Dublin High School’s Apply to College Day at 8:00 AM for Seniors with Last Names beginning with A-L; 1:00 PM for Seniors with Last Names beginning with M-Z
Thursday, November 9th: Dublin High School College Fair from 9:00 AM - NOON
Thursday, November 9th: Dublin High School Local School Governance Team Meeting at 5:30 PM
Friday, November 10th: Dublin High School Wrestling AWAY at John Robins Invitational in Morgan County
Friday, November 10th: First Round of Playoffs for our Fighting Irish Football Team at the Shamrock Bowl against Screven County. Kickoff is at 7:30PM
Monday, November 20th - Friday, November 24th: Dublin City Schools' Thanksgiving Holiday Break; No School for Students or Staff
About Us
Email: michael.overstreet@dcsirish.com
Website: https://dhs.dublincityschools.us/en-US
Location: 1127 Hillcrest Pkwy, Dublin, GA 31021, USA
Phone: 478-353-8040
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/dhsirish
Twitter: @dublinhighga