The Olive Branch 4.12.19
What's Up At The Nest...
Loved hanging out with students from Miss Pietrzak's class as they completed their 15-day challenge to master a skill or create a project. These owls created all sorts of things using duct tape including this beautiful flower pen. Great teamwork, girls!
We hope Olive-U have an outstanding weekend!
Becky & Erin
Check out our Twitter feed (@ahsd25Olive) and previous editions of The Olive Branch archived in the NEWS section of our website.
Eat A Rainbow Week 2
Can you eat a rainbow today? Eating a colorful diet helps our eyes, heart, digestive track, skin and many other parts of the body work best. Eating a rainbow of foods helps our bodies grow, heal, thrive and be happy. Home project: Let's make a rainbow chart this week. All you need is a piece of paper and some colors! List the days of the week and colors of the Rainbow (Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue/Purple, and White) for each day, leaving a check off spot for each color. You can also print out a copy of a chart HERE. I hope this family activity promotes healthy Spring eating, trying new foods, and finding new favorites.
Safety During Drop-off & Pick-up
A few reminders to ensure we finish off the year safely during these very busy times:
- Cell phone use in our school zone which includes our drop-off and pick-up lanes is prohibited by Illinois state law.
- When our school buses and vans are stopped with their stop signs displayed and flashing lights on while students unload and load onto the bus, ALL vehicles must stop until the stop sign is retracted and lights are off.
- Drivers are not allowed to get out of their cars in the drop-off and pick-up lanes. If you must exit your car, please park in our lot or the church parking lot across the street.
- Per village signage, students may not be dropped off in the Belmont Ave. or Pine Ave. circles.
As you may have noticed the Arlington Heights Police Department has periodically had officers posted during our drop-off and pick-up times. Officers have issued citations for these offenses and other parking violations along Olive St. Please help us keep our school zone safe for all of our students!
Local Author Michelle Schaub Will Share Her Poetry At OMS
Local poet/teacher Michelle Schaub will help us celebrate Poem in Your Pocket Day on Thursday, April 25! The PTA is generously supporting her visit. Ms. Schaub will give two presentations, sharing her picture book of poetry, Fresh-Picked Poetry: A Day At the Farmer's Market. If you'd like to order a copy of the book and have it signed by the author, please download a copy of the order form by clicking HERE. Order forms and payment may be turned in to the library media center.
Video of the Week - 5th Grade Concert
Staff Spotlight - Mrs. Martens
Olive-Mary Stitt Elementary
Dr. Becky FitzPatrick, Principal
Ms. Erin Davis, Assistant Principal
Location: 303 East Olive Street, Arlington Heights, IL, USA
Phone: 847.398.4282
Twitter: @ahsd25Olive