January 16, 2024
Family Communication
Hello Otter families,
We are so excited to welcome all our Otters back from Winter Break and last week's crazy schedule changes. We are looking forward to getting back to our routines and normal schedules.
As we get back into the swing of the new year, we want to remind families of the importance of attendance on student academics. Providing direct explicit instruction is the best way for students to continue to make progress in all academic areas. It is imperative that students start the day with their class at 9:40; our car line begins at 9:20 to get students on campus faster. Attendance does include staying all the way through to the end of the day as our teachers are utilizing every instructional minute.
Dr. Steinacker, Ms. Leahy, & Mrs. Natal
🦦 In Otter News 🦦
🚗Car Line Reminders🚗
Remember when in car line to refrain from any cell phone use for the safety of students, staff, and other drivers.
There is also no dropping off students in the parking lot or entering of the bus loop at any time. All car riders must utilize the car loop lanes in order to ensure the safety of everyone entering our campus. If students are late (after 9:40am) and car line is closed, you must park and walk your child to the front office to receive a tardy pass.
✏️ F.A.S.T. Testing ✏️
F.A.S.T. Night January 31, 2024 6:00 - 7:00
Please utilize the link below to RSVP for our family night. RSVPing will help us prepare the appropriate materials for you to reference during the presentations.
RSVP for our Family FAST Night
First Session: 6:00pm - 6:20pm
Second Session: 6:30pm - 6:50pm
Students are welcome to join, however, we do have limited space in certain presentation areas, and the presentation is directed towards adults.
Click the image of the flyer on the left for more details.
*April and May 2024 Testing Dates*
The attached calendar displays the tentative dates we have assigned for grades 3-5 state testing. We highly encourage you to mark these on your calendar now to ensure your child attends on their assigned testing day. We do not anticipate these dates changing unless we receive directives from the state or district offices.
📆Upcoming Events📆
1/17: DQ Night 5- 7 pm
1/20: Mason Fox Ball Hockey Tournament 9:00 - 2:30
1/22: PTA Meeting
1/23: 2nd Grade Field Trip to MOSI
1/24: 2nd Grade Field Trip to MOSI
1/24: Otter Pond Awards 10:00am
1/25: Primary Field Day
1/26: Intermediate Field Day
1/31: Family F.A.S.T. Night 6:00pm - 7:00pm
1/31: Chick Fil a Night
2/14: Early Release Day, dismissal begins at 1:50.
2/19: President's Day, no school.
2/21: Otter Pond Awards
💚PTA News💚
🔗Important Links 🔗
Pasco County Student Code of Conduct
Oakstead Parent Information Letter
Please consider how many snacks you are buying, as the class
only has about 25 minutes to eat lunch.
Den Shirts, School Fees, Field Trips, ID Badges, Car Tags
Oakstead Elementary
Email: oes_administration@pasco.k12.fl.us
Website: https://oes.pasco.k12.fl.us/
Location: 17725 Lake Patience Road, Land O' Lakes, FL, USA
Phone: 813-346-1500
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/OaksteadElementarySchool/