The Falcon Flyer
Weekly News and Updates - Volume 2 Issue 12 - 11/12/21
Leaning in to Love
Today at Fletcher Elementary, we leaned in to the opportunity to provide our students and staff a day focused on mental health and wellness. In the morning, students participated in classroom restorative circles focusing on sharing one thing they liked about themselves, and had the opportunity to hear from their classmates on what others like about them too. Throughout the rest of the morning, students created "Peace Paths" on the playground, beautified campus with works of art, and more! After lunch, our 2nd-5th graders watched segments of the movie, Inside Out, paired with break-out session discussions around empathy, Zones of Regulation, and connection, expertly curated by our counselor, Mrs. Hinch.
Huge shoutout to friend of Fletcher, Mrs. Jackie Kabellis, who offered staff members free Breathwork sessions throughout the afternoon. Breathwork is a practice that encompasses a broad range of whole-being therapeutic exercises used to relieve mental, physical, and/or emotional tension. Thank you, Jackie!
"Out of suffering have emerged
the strongest souls;
the most massive characters
are seared with scars.”
— Kahlil Gibran
Report an Absence Online
Although we want students to be in school each day for class, we know that absences will happen. It is important that parents report their student's absence within 24 hours. Absences can be reported via our online form, phone or email. Please let us know if you have any questions and thank you for your support.
Student/Family/Teacher Conferences - Next Week
In preparation for report cards, please set up a PowerSchool Parent Portal account. We are no longer printing report cards and distributing them in person unless requested. Click this link to get started: PowerSchool Parent Portal Setup.
Student of the Week - Jaziel!
All of our students at Fletcher are incredible. An overwhelming majority come to school each day ready to learn and do the right thing- not for a reward, not to avoid a consequence, but because it's the right thing to do. This space in the Falcon Flyer is now dedicated to highlighting one of these students each week.
Our third Student of the Week this year is Jaziel in 4th grade. Jaziel is recognized by his teacher for demonstrating exceptional behavior on a daily basis. His work ethic is phenomenal and he always tries his best in everything he does. He also is an excellent friend to the rest of his classmates. Not only is he helpful, but he is also very kind and respects every individual for who they are. Unfortunately, he wasn't here today to receive the award, but we'll be sure to catch him on Monday and include his picture in next week's Flyer.
Congratulations Jaziel, and thanks for being a phenomenal Falcon!
The site is open from 7:00AM - 7:00PM MONDAY through FRIDAY and 8:00AM - 5:00PM on Saturday and Sunday. No appointments necessary! Prior to testing, if your student isn't already registered to receive weekly testing on site, families will need to register for a Primary Health Portal account.
JOIN OUR Parent Teacher Association
Highlights from the Week
Morning Shadow Measurements
2nd Grade Operation Gratitude for the Troops
Dance Party to Start the Day
Mrs. Duncan's Class Field Trip to the Old Globe
Six Weeks at a Glance
15-19 - Student Conferences - Minimum Days
22-26 - Thanksgiving Break
1 - School Site Council
8 - PLC's
15 - Professional Development
17 - Minimum Day Staff Development
20-31 - Winter Break
3 - School Resumes
5 - All-Staff Meeting
12 - Professional Development
17 - MLK Jr. Day - NO SCHOOL
*Dates subject to change due to shifts in the academic programming
Fletcher Elementary School
Location: 7666 Bobolink Way, San Diego, CA, USA
Phone: (619)605-4600
Twitter: @FletcherSDUSD