Tiger Tracks
December 2, 2022
Ending the First Semester
We are entering one of the busiest times of the year. It's hard to believe that our first semester ends in two and a half weeks. We have had a successful year and we have so much to be proud of here at NLABC.
We have received our AK STAR results from last spring. I am very proud of our students' accomplishments. I have attached the download of our school's results in ELA and Math for last's years 3rd-8th graders.
Lost and Found
We have many items in our lost and found. Anything not claimed by the December 21st will be donated. Please come and check out the items in the lost and found.
Dress for the Weather
Please make sure your child is appropriately dressed for the weather. It is cold outside and students need to make sure they have winter gear on so they can go outside for recess. Please place your child's name on their gear in case it is lost or misplaced so we can return it to them.
6th Grade Music Concert
Our 6th graders will host a music concert on Wedneday, December 14th from 1:30-2:15 pm. If you have a 6th grader in band, choir, or orchestra, please plan on attending to hear their amazing sounds.
Middle School Concert
Our middle school students will be performing on Wednesday, December 14th from 6-8. Information about the concert has been emailed out to families as well. We look forward to hearing their beautiful music.
Middle School Spirit Days
NLABC's student council has come up with a fun spirit week for the middle school classes for the week of December 5-9. Please see the the attachment below.
Elementary Spirit Days
Our elementary students will also have a few days to participate in their own spirit week. The days are as follows:
Monday, December 19th - Wear your favorite holiday socks and holiday hat
Tuesday, December 20th: Twinning Tuesday (Dress Up as a Twin with a friend)
Wednesday, December 21st - Ugly Sweater Day
Teachers will be emailing your their plans for their holiday parties.
We will only have one Tiger Tracks this month. Keep reading for Tiger Reading!
On behalf of the NLABC staff, we would like to extend our warmest wishes for this holiday season. The last day of this semester is Wednesday, December 21st. There will not be any school from December 22-January 8th. School resumes on January 9th. We are looking forward to a great second semester.
Happy Holidays and we will see you next year in 2023!
The NLABC Staff
🗓 Important Dates
Middle School Grade Band Concert
📝 Please sign this permission slip!