Spring Break Reminders
Remote School April 5, 6 / Blended Model Resumes April 7
Spring break for District 41 is Monday, March 29 thru Friday, April 2 this year. All schools will be remote on the two days after spring break for saliva testing and Election day.
- Monday, March 29 thru Friday, April 2:
Spring Break - No School - Monday, April 5:
Remote for all -- Saliva screening drop off at all schools - Tuesday, April 6:
Remote for all - Election Day - Wednesday, April 7:
Schools reopen for blended model
(reopening contingent upon screening results)
How to Collect a Saliva Sample
Click here for information about the COVID-19 Saliva Screening Program including a “How-to Video.” Thanks to all who have participated in the COVID-19 saliva screening. Click here for the dashboard to monitor the data from week to week. The dashboard data is updated online on Mondays.
Important Saliva Sample Collection Information
- Regardless of the testing schedule for the week, each child should return only one saliva sample to school per week using the tube that is barcoded specifically for that student. Do not have your children use each other's barcoded tubes.
- If your child returns a sample to school on a Monday, the lab processes the sample on Monday. The district receives the barcode information late on Monday night or very early Tuesday morning. If your child's sample indicates that a referral to a CLIA certified lab for an RT-PCR test is necessary, parents will be notified prior to school on Tuesday.
*If you have not received a phone call from the nurse prior to the start of school, you can rest assured that your child's sample did not trigger a referral for an RT-PCR test. The same process would apply for samples returned on Tuesdays or Wednesdays.
Glen Ellyn School District 41
Email: webmaster@d41.org
Website: www.d41.org
Location: 793 North Main Street, Glen Ellyn, IL, USA
Phone: 630.790.6400
Facebook: facebook.com/glenellynd41
Twitter: @glenellynd41