SSD/Clayton Dispatch
March 2023
Upcoming Events
School District of Clayton Calendar
March 10 Grading Day (No school for students)
March 14-17 Parent Teacher Conferences
March 17 Early Release
March 20-24 Spring Break
Dear Parent,
The Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education values the opinions of all parents in Missouri’s schools. We would appreciate you taking the time to respond to this brief survey about the special education services your child receives. This survey is confidential; your individual responses are not shared with the school district or anyone else. Only a summary of all responses is provided to school districts in order to help all schools improve education for our children. You may complete this survey online. Please complete this survey by March 31. Thank you very much for providing your input.
Go to http://spec.education/ and enter the following Access Code: QQNLEZ.
Family and Community Engagement
FLI - Spring Application Open https://ssdface.as.me/SpringFLI
Summer 2023 Recreation Resource Guide
Lunch and Learn Series 2022 - 2023: Special School District’s Family and Community Engagement (FACE) department is excited to offer a virtual Lunch & Learn series for SSD families and stakeholders. The series, which will involve community organizations sharing information about their work, will continue during the 2022-23 school year and take place from 11:30 AM - Noon.
Representatives from three community organizations and three SSD departments will participate in order to increase awareness about their agencies or programs and make connections with those in our SSD community who may benefit from their programs and services.
Features in the 2022-23 Lunch & Learn Series are:
The National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) - April 26, 2023
SSD Family and Community Engagement (FACE), Summer Engagement Activities - May 24, 2023
Each event is held virtually through YouTube Live. To access the video, please click on the organization's name in the list above. The videos will not be available to view until their scheduled date and time.
The Recreation Council would like its readers to know that our new fiscal year 2023 began on October 1, 2022 and runs through September 30, 2023. What does this mean for you? It means we are accepting new voucher applications for our various vouchers including, CARE (Community Access Recreation Experiences) & Recreation Supports, After-School/Extended Day, Overnight Camp (both mini-camp and week-long camps after January 15th), and Experiential/Adventure vouchers.
- Link to PDF:
PAC.ED: Parent Advisory Council of Children with Educational Diversity
It is never too early to start thinking about Summer options! Whether you are thinking about this Summer or subsequent Summers! Knowledge is power when planning for your student. Programs such as SWEP (Summer Work Experience Program) have deadlines!
Don’t forget to check out the following links:
· Clayton Disability History & Awareness Proclamation Clayton Disability History & Awareness Proclamation (including presentation video).
· Award Winning Disability History & Awareness Video Series 2021.
· Intelligent Lives (the film) & Panel Discussion – available in three(3) formats including Spanish.
· Disability Awareness Video Showcase – a collection of films from acclaimed Director and Advocate Dan Habib.
PAC.ED: Parent Advisory Council of Children with Educational Diversity, advocates for awareness, understanding, equity, and inclusion of and for all students with disabilities in the School District of Clayton. PAC.ED is a volunteer organization made up of families, Clayton and Special School District (SSD) staff and administrators, as well as community members.
We have wonderful actives, events and programs planned for the 2022/2023 school year!
Stay up-to-date with Clayton PAC.ED by visiting our Dashboard
For more information or questions regarding PAC.ED, please contact: Clayton PAC.ED President, Christina Blankenship at cmblankenship@sbcglobal.net , or call 314.402.4920.
SSD Parent Advisory Council (SSD PAC)
The SSD Parent Advisory Council (PAC) is comprised of families advising and collaborating to improve the education, confidence and social outcomes of each student served by SSD. The PAC consists of five parents or guardians – one member and four alternates – from each of the 22 St. Louis County school districts and from each of the five SSD special education schools. The parents or guardians of students receiving special education services in that district or school elect SSD PAC members.
The SSD PAC operates as a completely separate organization from the School District of Clayton PAC.ED. However, due to the nature of “dual district” structure that exists uniquely in St. Louis County, both PACs benefit from ongoing engagement, support, and collaboration. In fact, members of the Clayton PAC.ED often represent the School District of Clayton on the SSD PAC.
For more information check out SSD PAC or contact Christina Blankenship, call 314.402.4920, (Clayton PAC.ED President and SSD PAC (voting member).
- April 12, 2023 7-9pm via zoom
- May 10, 2023 7-9pm via zoom
Special School District of St. Louis County
Melissa Logan, Director of Special Education
Kate Pavlisin, Instructional Coach
Email: mjlogan@ssdmo.org
Website: www.ssdmo.org
Location: 12110 Clayton Road, St. Louis, MO, USA
Phone: 314.989.8100
Facebook: www.facebook.com/SSDStLCo
Twitter: @SSDDStLCo
Clayton School District
Website: https://www.claytonschools.net/
Location: 2 Mark Twain Circle, Clayton, MO, USA
Phone: 314-854-6000