Knights EXCEL
Week of 5/15/23-5/19/23
Boot Camp
This Week: Bootcamp Monday through Friday 8:30-9:00
- There will be no movement during this time besides switching groups to have students grouped for success in each of the classrooms on the team.
- There will be no movement to Restroom, media etc during this time
- Lessons will be focused on reteaching standards that will make the biggest difference for student success on EOG's
- The teaching strategy and activities will be different than the way it was initially introduced
- Test taking strategies will also be one of the rotations with academics
- Test tutorial will take place school wide Friday morning at 9:05 til 9:30 and then modified schedule (below) will be followed
- Attendance incentives will be given during boot camp- HR's with 100% attendance will have name placed in a drawing for treats
- It is critical your child is in attendance these last 19 days of school
- Boot Camp will give students that edge to performing their best
Moving Minds- Instruction and Academics
2022-2023 SGMS Big Questions as we close out the Year
Let your mind-set the stage be a change maker..
- How do you know if your child is excelling and closing any achievement gaps?
- How are you following up with your child to ensure they are vested in what it takes to be a change maker?
- What can your child and or family do differently to improve these last 19 days and perform the best ever on EOG's?
Calendar Conversations
Boot Camp May 15-26th
May 15th: BB/SB vs Penn Griffin @ SGMS 4:45
May 16th: BB/SB vs Penn Griffin @ AJ Park 4:45
May 17th: 6th grade to the ZOO (slips were sent home ck out guidelines);
BB/SB vs Welborn @ SGMS 4:45 (8th grade recognition)
May 18th: Selected 6th grade students to Tanger for Arts recognition and Frozen show
May 19th: Test tutorial after success block; Jamboree #3--schedule and logistics below
May 22nd-25th Spirit Week EOG kick off (days and themes below)
May 22nd: rising 7th grade health department vaccination clinic
May 24th: GCS Media presentation with PBS in SGMS media--Dr. Oakley will be recorded
as well as 4 teachers and one of those will be Mr. Williams; Thanks to Mr. Williams
and Mr. Williamson for their part in showcasing SGMS rising 7th grade immunization. clinic
May 29th: Memorial Day Holiday
May 31st:: 6th and 7th Math EOG
June 1st: 8th Math EOG, Math 1 EOC, Math 2 Final Exam (ANY 6TH/7TH Math EOG makeups); Student Council/Natural Helpers banquet 5:30-7:00 pm
June 2nd: EOG MAKEUPS; Field Day 8th grade 9:00-11:15 normal lunch and encores
June 5th: 6th and 8th ELA EOG
June 6th: 7th ELA EOG, 8th Science EOG; Leadership team meets
June 7th: EOG MAKEUPS; 7th grade Awards 9:15; 6th grade Awards 11:15;
6th and 7th End of Year activity more details to be submitted by 5/19
June 8th: EOG MAKEUPS; 8th Grade Awards Celebration 9:00 am;; 8th Grade Dance 6:00-8:00
June 13th and 14th: Remediation
June 15th and 16th: Retest
June 19th: Summer school begins Monday-Thursday for 5 weeks--invites to come
Jamboree: Moving Bodies- Operations & Logistics
Schedule for the day is attached below--please take note
Lunch is shifted slightly--take note below the schedule what time your class will go to lunch
-Plan to celebrate MAP Growth
-Plan to recognize team in each grade with highest MAP growth
-Plan to recognize Attendance Champions in each grade
-Plan to recognize Spring Sport Athletes
-Plan to have a teacher entertainment spot
-Plan to have a HR/teacher competition (simple-basket shooting)
-Plan to have dance team perform
-Plan to have a motivational speaker
-Plan to announce Spirit week themes for each day
-Other ideas welcome please let Roof or Williams know Monday by 3:00 pm
EOG Spirit Week themes
Spirit Week: May 22nd to May 26th
-Comfy Monday (get comfortable with testing strategies, wear PJs and comfy clothes)
-Twin Tuesday (we're all in this together; dress like twins and encourage each other to be successful)
-Throwback Wednesday (remember how far you've come while dressing in your favorite throwback clothes)
-Thinking Cap Thursday (wear hats and hoods)
-Final Countdown Friday (Wear SG colors to show support for the Final Countdown to EOGs)
Summer School June 20th-July 25th
Letters will go out this week (hopefully Monday)
Please turn back in registrations ASAP so we can register the student