Panther Pride
What's Going on at Toby Farms
April 22, 2022
Upcoming Dates
May 20- 8th grade Semi Formal
June 9- 8th grade Promotion Ceremony
June 9- Half Day for Students
June 10- Half Day for Students
June 14- Last Day of School- Half Day
We're on TV!
Clipper TV is now available on your TV! Tune into Channel 28 on Fios and Channel 8 on Comcast to see what's happening in the Chester Upland School District.
Home Access Center
Parents, did you know you can access your student's grades in real time? Toby teachers use an online gradebook and you can see your student's current grades at any time. If you do not have your login information please fill out this form
Please make sure your student brings their Chromebook to school each day. We do not have enough loaner computers for every student. Please check in with your student about their machine's whereabouts.
Feeling Sick?
If your child is feeling sick we ask that you keep them home from school. We are diligent about screening students for symptoms when they arrive, but we must ask you to do the same before they leave the house. Examples of symptoms we screen for: Fever, Shortness of Breath, Headache, Chills, Sore Throat, Muscle Aches, Loss of Taste or Smell, Diarrhea. If your child is exhibiting any of these symptoms please do not send them to school.
Please make sure your students are coming to school in uniform each day. Toby Farms Uniforms are:
Black, Blue, or Khaki Pants
Blue or White Collared Shirt
Shoes with the Heel and Toe Covered
We have started issuing warning letters to students not in uniform. Please make sure your student is leaving the house in a uniform each morning.
Stay in Touch
School Phone Number- 610-447-3815
Mr. Popley- Principal-
Mrs. Donofry - Assistant Principal-
Mrs. West-Islam- Secretary-