The Family Connector

Superintendent’s Message Spotlight Feature: Willie Campbell
Dear CCS Community,
Colleagues describe Willie Campbell as a “westside icon.”
Campbell’s first job in the District was as an instructional assistant at Linden-McKinley High School in 1992. Aside from a job at Coca-Cola, he has worked at Columbus City Schools since then.
Throughout his time in the District, he has spent approximately 24 years in Safety and Security. He has worked in schools including Independence High School, Starling Pre-K-8, and West High School, before serving in his current role as a safety and security officer at Wedgewood Middle School, where he has been since 2015.
Staff at the school will tell you how much he cares about everyone he works with, whether it’s his colleagues, the students, families, or the community he serves. They will also tell you about how he is a caring role model for the students, describing how he can often be found greeting students every day when they come to school and trying to put a smile on their faces or can be seen off-duty supporting students at community and sporting events.
Staff will also say how many students have a rapport with Campbell, calling him “Dad” or “Uncle,” and families from other schools he’s previously worked at will recognize him and start a conversation.
Campbell’s passion for what he does and his dedication to the school are evident and felt by many who work alongside him. Although he isn’t one for recognition and will say that his credit comes from the students, I wanted to give a shoutout to Campbell for his compassion and steadfast commitment to the students and the community.
When you have staff members who genuinely care about what they do, it makes a huge difference and helps to instill a sense of security and trust. When staff members care about the students, as Campbell does, they can positively influence students’ lives and contribute to their growth and success in the classroom and out in the community.
Dr. Angela Chapman
Superintendent/CEO, Columbus City Schools
Don't Forget to Set Your Clocks Back on November 5! 🕰️
Friendly Reminder: Professional Development Day is Tuesday, November 7!
Congratulations to Our CCS Football Teams!
We take immense pride in the unwavering dedication and effort displayed by our CCS football teams throughout this season. To our graduating seniors, we've been privileged to witness your remarkable high school football journeys. To our underclassmen, we eagerly anticipate what the upcoming year holds in store for you!
Mark Your Calendars for the CCS Transition Fair on December 9!
All students have different strengths, abilities, and talents. For teenage students with an IEP, it's imperative for families to explore the possibilities that exist beyond high school. This event allows students ages 14+ and their families to learn about transitioning from high school to adulthood.
CCS Transition Fair
December 9, 2023
East High School
1500 E. Broad St., Columbus, OH 43205
10:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.
CCS News Headlines
The Bus Buzz - Transportation Updates for CCS Families
This is a reminder to make sure your address and phone number are updated in the Parent Portal. Incorrect information affects student routing and parent communication.
If you have a transportation question or issue, please call our Customer Service number at: 614.365.5074, option 1 (option 2 between 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. only).
Safety Tips
Here are some safety tips for you and your students to remember:
1. Practice good pedestrian behavior: walk on the sidewalk, and if there is no sidewalk, stay out of the street. If you must walk in the street, walk single file, face traffic, and stay as close to the edge of the road as possible.
2. At the bus stop, have children wait in a location where the driver can see them while driving down the street.
School Bus Fun Fact!
According to the National Association for Pupil Transportation (NAPT) the yellow school bus transports more than 25 million children every school day.
The Safety and Security Scoop Family Edition : November 2023
Spruce Run Open House is November 4!
Experience the magic of fall at Spruce Run! Join us for a day of outdoor exploration and fall fun at this favorite field trip destination for CCS families and students. Spruce Run will be open to the public on November 4 until 2:00 p.m. With the beautiful autumn weather, it's the perfect opportunity to immerse yourself in the season's delights. We can't wait to see everyone there! Have additional questions? Contact Heather Allen at hallen704@columbus.k12.oh.us.
Event Details
Spruce Run Nature Center
4175 Sunbury Rd.
Galena, OH 43021
Parent Teacher Conference Guided Worksheet - What to Ask During Conferences
With Parent-Teacher Conferences just around the corner, we're committed to ensuring our CCS families are well-prepared. These conferences can sometimes be stressful for parents and students, but we're here to help. Below, you'll discover a valuable worksheet resource to guide you through the challenging questions to ask and answer, providing a clear plan for your upcoming conversation.
James "Buster" Douglas Boxing Invitational
Join us as we cheer on the athletes at the James “Buster” Douglas Boxing Invitational this Saturday, November 4! The doors open at 4:30 p.m., and the action kicks off at 5:30 p.m. Head over to the Bill McDonald Athletic Complex, located at 4990 Olentangy River Road, to be a part of the excitement. Discover more details here!
Florence Nightingale Day 2023 – Empowering Women in Science!
It's time to celebrate Florence Nightingale Day! Join the in-person event on Saturday, November 4, from 9:00 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. at The Ohio State University for this FREE one-day event. Created for pre-college students (ages 13 and above), this event will include panels and hands-on activities led by undergraduate students, graduate students, and women who have careers in the Statistics and Data Science fields.
To promote future educational and career opportunities in statistics and data science and celebrate Florence Nightingale and other women in these fields, Florence Nightingale Day is a national celebration of women and science. Don't miss out!
Volunteers Needed for Turkey Drive
If you're looking for a way to make a difference and give back to the community this holiday season, Turkey Drive is a great opportunity to help. The NBC 4 Turkey Drive, held on November 18, assists CCS families and local residents by providing them with turkeys for Thanksgiving.
Click here to sign up for a volunteer slot using the POINT dashboard. A reminder to use your CCS email to log in to POINT and register for the event.
Family Flavor Fun at the Cooking with Dad Event
Join the African American Male Wellness Agency on Saturday, November 18, for a sizzling good time at the "Cooking with Dad" event. Get ready to whip up delicious dishes, bond with your kids, and create lasting memories. It's more than just cooking; it's quality time together. Be a part of this special day that brings dads, granddads, and father figures for a memorable experience! For more information, visit prouddadpledge.com.
Event Details
The Kee
225 Neilston St.
Columbus, OH 43215
Columbus Department and Recreation and Parks School's Out Program
Unlock the gateway to unforgettable adventures for your children when school's out! The Columbus Recreation and Parks Department's School's Out program is here to turn those breaks into exciting, enriching experiences your youth will treasure.
School's Out Fall Session: November 20–24, 2023
Embrace the fall break festivities from November 20 to 24 (closed on November 23). Registration is already open! Take advantage of this opportunity for autumn excitement! To join the fun, contact your local community center to register. Participating centers are listed below:
- Adams
- Barack
- Barnett
- Blackburn
- Dodge
- Douglas
- Feddersen
- Glenwood
- Holton
- Howard
- Marion-Franklin
- Milo Grogan
- Scioto Southland
- Sullivant
Make school breaks memorable with the Columbus Recreation and Parks Department's School's Out program. We can't wait to see your young explorers there!
Now Accepting Entries for Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Oratorical Contest
The City of Columbus Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Youth Oratorical will be held on Saturday, December 9, 2023. Winners of the City of Columbus Youth Oratorical Contest will have the opportunity to present at the MLK Jr. Breakfast and City of Columbus Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. program.
Winners will also be able to compete in the Statewide MLK Youth Oratorical Contest in April 2024. The deadline to submit the oration is no later than Monday, November 20, 2023, at 5:00 p.m. For details on how to enter, please click here.
Please contact Gale Gray (614.645.1950) for questions or additional information.