Propel Montour Elementary
PMES LITTLE LEGEND Family Communication
Important Dates & Upcoming Events
- 9/11: Propel Wide Writing Benchmark K-5 (see more info below)
- 9/12: CDT ELA Testing grades 3-5
- 9/13: CDT Math Testing grades 3-5
- 9/14: CDT Science Testing grades 3-5
- 9/18: No school for scholars - Professional Development Day for staff
- 10/6: Legendary Lunch
- 10/17: No school for scholars - Professional Development Day for staff
MS. DANI'S DESK - Updates from the Main Office
Our doors open at 8:00 AM and scholars are dismissed at 3:30 PM. All scholars that arrive after 8:30 AM will be marked tardy.
- Scholars arriving late must proceed to the front office to sign in using the tardy kiosk prior to entering class.
Early Dismissals must be prior to 2:45 PM and you must notify the office of your early dismissal prior to noon of the same day. There will be no early dismissals after 2:45 pm for the safety of scholars and staff as we ready scholars for busing/dismissal.
- If you move or have any changes (ex. phone number, emergency contact, email, address) you must notify the main office right away. Change in contact information is very important in the event we need to reach you in regard to your child. Changes in residency need to be recorded at the office and could affect transportation.
If you need to schedule a meeting with our building principal/assistant principals those meetings will need to be scheduled through the front office and must be requested 24 hours in advance. If you have an urgent issue please reach out to me directly so that I can facilitate a callback from a administrator as soon as possible.
- Anyone wishing to enter our buildings is required to provide state-issued photo identification and to proceed through metal detectors to assist with maintaining a safe and secure environment for our scholars and staff.
If you have any general questions, I am the person to reach out to and you can reach me at:
Ms. Dani Mitchell
Administrative Assistant
412-539-0100 EXT 1004
412-539-0109 FAX
Propel Schools Writing Benchmark
Propel Schools will have scholars take a writing benchmark assessment 3 times a year in grades K-11. The purpose of this is to inform your scholar’s educator about the growth of your scholar’s writing around pre-determined prompts. This will also allow scholars in testing grades to be able to become comfortable with a similar assessment platform that they will see when taking the PSSA or Keystone assessment. We hope to develop a testing culture where all scholars walk through the door ready to own their learning and feel prepared to tackle any complex task. Our first writing benchmark will take place from September 5-11. Your scholar’s educator will communicate more clearly when this date is so that you can make sure your scholar has enough sleep, gets to school on time, and feels prepared to accomplish this goal. We hope that you will talk with your scholar prior to testing about the importance of trying their best, planning before they write, and reading carefully. After the benchmark, educators will score it and have conversations with scholars regarding their performance. We will also share the data with you so that you can talk with your scholar and consider at home activities to help them grow in their writing. Please let your scholar’s educator know what questions you have so that we can best help support and work alongside you in our mission of doing what is best for all our scholars.
Thank you for being partners in education with us,
Propel Network-Wide English Language Arts Team
Welcome to the ART Room!
Dear Families,
This year in ART class, scholars will have various opportunities to transform our school and leave a legacy before they move on to middle school in 2024. For our first project, scholars will study glass artist Dale Chihuly and then recycle plastic water bottles to create a large chandelier for the front entryway. In preparation for this project, we are asking students to bring in as many plastic water bottles as they can. Plastic should be thin like the deer park water bottles because Gatorade and ice bottle are too thick for small hands to cut. Thank you in advance for any contributions you are able to provide!
Robyn Doyle
Art Teacher
This year, each scholar will receive a PMES Legendary Habit Shirt! This shirt proudly displays the 5 Habits that we embody everyday at PMES and can be worn on Mondays (with uniform bottoms) and on any LEGENDARY Lunch day (first Friday of the month also with uniform bottoms). We will be passing out the amazing shirts next week to each scholar!
Afterschool Program Update
We are currently experiencing staffing issues for the afterschool program and are tentatively scheduled to begin programming in the month of October. This is dependent on acquiring enough staff to run the afterschool program but we will send home information as soon as we have definite dates from the Afterschool team. Thank you!
Backback Feeding Program
Dear Propel Families,
The first distribution of our Backpack Feeding Program will be on Friday, October 14. Packages include 8 meal items and 3 snack items (i.e., cereal bar, Ravioli, fruit cup, one snack, fruit bar, and fruit juice). You can sign up by completing this brief application Backpack Feeding Program application.