Bear News
Message from Gerri
Hi Everyone,
Thanks for a great week everyone. Lots of notes this week. Please let me know if you have any questions.
Walk/ Jog- October 4th
- Please complete the doc for T-shirt orders ASAP. Parent club is hoping to have it by next Wednesday.
- Here is the schedule for the day as an FYI
F&P Days
- I have worked on the F&P release schedule starting 9/30-10/8. Here is the schedule. If you need to switch with someone, please work that person and let me know so I can change it for subs.
New Health Updates
- Below is a flyer with the new health updates from the California Public Health. Just wanted to make sure everyone is informed of the new guidelines.
Leadership Reminders
- CASSPP data review due to Gerri by 9/20.
- Family handbook review/ comments done by 9/20
Math COE Survey
- Reminder that by Today 9/13 every certificated staff member needs to complete this Survey. If you haven't done this yet, please do so today. We spoke about this at a staff meeting a couple of weeks ago.
Kids to talk with Chris S.
- Chris is going to come to all campus to get input from our kids. He will be with us on 10/3 during all lunches. I will send more info as it gets closer, but please mark your calendar. Excited to see what the kids have to say/ recommend.
Behavior- playground/ second step
- We have seen an uptick in behavior at recess. We are hoping everyone is using Second Step weekly. Ask a PBIS committee member if you have any questions. Kristi will put out more info on Second Step next week. Let us know if you have anything.
Read to Classes
- This year Kristi and I would like to take turns reading to all the classes a book that corresponds to our themes for PBIS. We will be picking a book once a month and asking for you to sign up for a time for us to read. We just need 15 minutes. A time for us to connect with the kids in a different way, other than behavior or playground :). Here is the sign up for October. I will be starting it off.
Drive for Schools
- Each teacher received a folder and jug for Drive For Schools in your box. The jug is to keep the tickets and money in (parent club provided). You will need to bring any money to the office daily so you do not keep it in your room. Drive For Schools is a 100% back to the school :). If you have any questions you can email the parents club at drive4schools@bceparentsclub.org.
Have a great weekend,
Dean's Corner
Pass Out Bear Paws!
Remember to pass out Bear Paws so everybody can shop at our Bear Paw Store on Friday, September 20th! Let me know if you need more Bear Paws. Here's the Bear Paw Store Sign Up Sheet. If a time slot does not work for you, switch with someone, and let me know. If you are on a field trip the day of the Bear Paw Store, we can open the store up for you the day before.
New Playground Updates, Behaviors, and Some Changes...
Here are some updates on the new playground. Please share this information with your students next week.
- No tag on the new playground, especially on play structures
- Students cannot be under the yellow ramp or under the climbing structures.
- Students can be under the slide structure.
- Students can run safely. No sprinting!
- The double swings have been breaking regularly. We will be locking the swings the end of the day to deal with misuse after school hours. During the school day, students need to swing slower and calmer than they have been. Thanks for helping with this!
Have a great weekend,
Have a great weekend!
- 12:45- Lauri M on site- class walk through
- 2:45- IEP- WE- Keasey
- 11:00- Fire Drill
- 3:30- Elementary Leadership at DO- All leadership team members
- 7:30- Staff meeting
- 11:00- SST- Robertson
- 6:00- Kids performing at board meeting-
Thursday-Bike Rodeo - 5th grade on lowers
- 8-10- Gerri off campus
Friday- Bear Paw Store
- 12:00- Staff vs. 5th grade Dodge Ball game
Recess- Playworks update
Monday: Running Club, Switch, Connect 4
Tuesday: GOTW: Tic-Tac-Toe Relay, Dodgeball, Coloring
Thursday: GOTW: Tic-Tac-Toe Relay, Football, Lego
Friday: Running Club, Switch, Chalk
Next Week at a Glance
Important Dates
9/20- Bear Paw Store
9/24- Picture Day
9/27- First awards assembly- 8:40 on uppers.
Shout out!
For: Going above and beyond to support our kindergartners grow and learn. For always having a calm tone when talking with both parents and students.
Curriculum Corner-
Thank you to everyone that part iready training today. I wanted to make sure you had some the links of resources.
padlet- bit.ly/iready-UDPI
For I-Ready.. Link to FAQ page and support for Personalize Instruction
I sent an email earlier this week that HM software should be up to date. Please log in and let me know if you are not seeing what you should. DO has spent a long time trying to make it right.