JJHS Update
November 19, 2023
One Book One School!
Students who read or listen to the book AND complete all missions by February 16th will get to participate in SPY DAY (an in-school field trip) on February 23rd! Students may request a paperback copy of City Spies from the LC. There is a suggested purchase price of $8 for the book. See more information about the book and all the missions at bit.ly/1book2324
JJHS Home and School Winterfest
New Report Card View for Parents
Please follow this link for instructions in English, Spanish, and Mandarin.
Transition to High School - Important Dates for 8th grade Families
It is an exciting time for our 8th grade students as they begin planning for the transition to high school. Please see below for a schedule of important upcoming dates.
- November 20 and 27: Lesson: Planning your Freshman year with Mrs. Anderson in Mrs. Brown’s Science classes (11/20) and Mr. Lisnich’s Science classes (11/27)
- November 30: Make-up lesson during 5th period lunch for students who were absent on 11/20 or 11/27
- December 13, 7pm: Naperville Central 8th grade Parent Night at NCHS Auditorium
- January 9, 2024: Junior High course recommendations sent to 8th graders via email by end of day AND Naperville North 8th grade Parent Night (location/time to be announced)
- January 12: 8th grade student visits to NCHS and NNHS
- January 26: DEADLINE- last day for students to enter high school classes in SchooLinks Course Planner
- January 31: 8th grade students meet with high school Counselors at JJHS during the school day
Important dates and helpful resources will be regularly posted to Mrs. Anderson’s School Counseling Canvas page, which is accessible to all 8th graders: https://bit.ly/3SEzj5R.
Parents may also have access to the page by setting up parent access in Canvas (instructions below):.
--> Canvas Parent Access Guide (English): https://bit.ly/47fuiFx
--> Canvas Parent Access Guide (Spanish): https://bit.ly/3SDoMYP
Students can reach out to Mrs. Anderson, 8th grade School Counselor, with questions at any time: LAnderson1@naperville203.org
Get to know your JJHS School Counselors!
Prior to the meeting, we would love for you to complete this parent survey.
Please RSVP by grade to:
- Mrs. Miles, 6th grade: scmiles@naperville203.org
- Ms. Medina, 7th grade: amedina@naperville203.org
- Mrs. Anderson, 8th grade: landerson1@naperville203.org
Winter Holiday Program for Jefferson Families in Need
Naperville Community Unit School District 203 & other local organizations are working collaboratively to organize a Holiday Gift Program for families with a financial need. For students currently enrolled at Jefferson Junior High School, families will be provided with a gift card to be used to purchase a gift that you know is on your child’s wish list, or you may give the gift card directly to your child so that he/she can do the shopping! If you have students enrolled in other grade levels/schools, please reach out to their social worker regarding supports.
If you have a financial need and would like to be considered for this program, please fill out this google form OR contact Jefferson’s Social Workers by December 8. If you have multiple students enrolled at JJHS, please complete one Google form per child and include more than one Social Worker on your email.
- 6th grade: Jackie Heinz; email: JHeinz@Naperville203.org; phone: 630-983-2214
- 7th grade: Heather Kocisko; email: hkocisko@naperville203.org; phone: 630-848-3924
- 8th grade: Gabbie Sievers; email: gsievers@naperville203.org; phone: 630-579-7205
Families who are eligible for gift cards will be contacted the week of December 18 and parents/guardians will be able to pick up gift cards at Jefferson between December 20-22.
Reminder: Lost and Found Items
Our collection of items in the Lost and Found has slightly decreased but there are still many items left (coats, hoodies, hats, lunch boxes, water bottles, etc.) to be reunited with it's owners. We also have several reading glasses, a Samsung phone, house keys, small jewelry and air pod cases waiting for pick up at the main office. Parents are welcome to come in before or after school to check for lost items as well!
We will donate any remaining clothing items on November 21st before Thanksgiving break.
Weather Reminders - It's getting cold outside!
As the weather gets colder, we encourage you to send your students with winter coats, scarves, and gloves for recess. In the colder months, we will invite students to come inside the building in the morning, after school, and at lunch if it is below zero with the wind chill or if it is raining. They will stay outside if it is snowing or warmer.
Crush Winter Lax
Winter camps will be held on Sundays at Naperville North in the Fieldhouse. For more information and to register visit: https://www.eastavelacrosse.com/napervilleoc
JJHS Home and School Fundraiser
On December 6th, 5:00-8:00 p.m., enjoy a great meal at the
950 E. Ogden location and Home and School will benefit with
20% of the proceeds from qualifying sales.
Order online or with the app using the code PORTILLOS10, or
mention this flyer when ordering in-restaurant or at the drive thru.
Zero Tardies to Class Incentive
Yearbook Snap
They can be easily uploaded using the Yearbook Snap app. You can download it in the App Store(iPhone) or through Google Play (Android). Once you have it downloaded, find Jefferson Junior High School. The password is patriots (all lowercase). You can upload 5 images at a time. If you have any questions, please email Ms. Levernier at clevernier@naperville203.org
Yearbook Orders
Power of Choice Parent Campaign Update
Keep Showing Up – They’re Still Growing Up. Check out the newest Power Of Choice Parent PSA!
Encourage your child to protect their mental and physical health by choosing to not drink underage. Early prevention can help your child understand how the choices made as a young person can have lasting effects.
To learn more, visit: thepowerofchoice.info
District Newsletter
JJHS Home and School Newsletter
Stay Connected to JJHS
Email: kfricke@naperville203.org
Website: naperville203.org/jjhs
Location: 1525 North Loomis Street, Naperville, IL
Phone: (630)420-6363
Twitter: @JJHSPatriots