What's Happening At The Hive!
December 10, 2023
Upcoming Dates
- Monday, December 11th: 6:30 pm 4th and 5th Grades Orchestra Concert in the Parker Jr. High Gym
- Tuesday, December 12th: 6:30 pm Beginning Band and 6th Grade Band Concerts in the Parker Jr. High Gym
- Thursday, December 14th: HH PTO
- Monday, December 18th: 6:00 Board of Education Meeting at District Office
- Tuesday, December 19th: 6:30 pm 4th and 5th Grade Choir Concert in the HH Gym
- Friday, December 22nd: Winter Break Begins--NO SCHOOL on this day. School resumes on Monday, January 8, 2024.
Weekly News
Additionally, we worked to support our troops this week with positive messages. Students wrote letters and colored pictures to share holiday joy with members of a National Guard unit. We appreciate all active military and veterans for their service!
In the next two weeks we look forward to our concert season. This coming week we will see all the growth our 4th and 5th grade students have made this fall in their band and orchestra lessons and rehearsals. Next week we will get to hear our 4th and 5th grade students celebrate their vocal talents and share all of their hard work. We are excited to celebrate our students' musical accomplishments!
Capturing Kids Hearts (CKH) Family Survey
For the last several years District 161 has used a program called Capturing Kids Hearts in order to promote social-emotional well-being, a relationship-driven culture, and student connectedness. You may have heard your student(s) talking about "good things" in class or being greeted at the door. We'd like to know what we're doing well and areas of opportunity for improvement. If could please take a few minutes to fill out the Capturing Kids Hearts (CKH) Campus Family Survey we would appreciate your feedback. Thank you!
Absences and Tardies
Lost and Found
Flossmoor Public Library
The Flossmoor Public Library has fun events for all ages! Check out the full calendar here.
Parent Resources
Speaking with children about certain topics can be challenging. Here are some resources for parents in talking to children about war and violence in the news:
■ How to talk to your children about conflict and war | UNICEF Parenting
■ How do I talk to my kids about violence in the news? | Common Sense Media
Birthday Treats
December Breakfast and Lunch Menus
PTO Happenings!
If you would like to participate in the PTO or have any questions please email heatherhillhornets@gmail.com.
Heather Hill Elementary PTO Committee Sign Up
Heather Hill Elementary Room Parent Committee Sign Up
Email: chumm@sd161.org
Website: https://www.sd161.org/o/heather-hill
Location: 1439 Lawrence Crescent, Flossmoor, IL, USA
Phone: 708-647-7200
Facebook: facebook.com/gohornets161
Twitter: @TheHornetsHive