Parent Memo
March 28th
Monroe Vision:
Monroe Middle School is committed to creating an inclusive environment that collaboratively develops resilient achievers to become civic and global contributors in society.
Monroe Mission Statement:
Be responsible, be respectful, be safe and be your best both in the classroom and life.
Dates to Know:
April 4, 5 - NSCAS testing (ELA, Math)
April 6 - NSCAS testing (8th grade Science)
April 14 - No Students
April 17 - No Students
April 19, 20, 21 - MAP testing
April 29 - 8th grade prom
NSCAS Testing:
**Cell phones must be collected during the state test. They will be returned after the test each day. Thank you for your support!
We will have adjusted schedules for testing.
- NSCAS testing dates are April 4th, 5th, and 6th
- April 4th and 5th schedule is as follows:
- 7:40-8:10 Advisement - collect cell phones
- 8:10-11:05 Test
- 11:05 - pass back phones
- Bell rings at 11:13
- 11:17-1:31 5/6 block as normal (LUNCH BLOCK)
- 1:35-2:03 Block 1/2
- 2:06-2:34 Block 3/4
- 2:37-3:05 Block 7/8
April 6th testing schedule will be normal schedule:
8th graders will test during block 1/2 for NSCAS science
Helpful Suggestions During Testing Week:
* Be sure your student gets a good night's rest before each testing session.
* Make sure your student has a healthy breakfast or comes to school in time to eat breakfast. Breakfast is served until 7:30AM.
* Cell phones will collected before each test session. They will be returned at the end of each session. Please help reinforce those expectations. Thank you for your cooperation and support!
Monroe Middle Family Engagement Meeting:
Dear Monroe Middle Families,
Recently, your family received a message from Omaha Public Schools Chief Academic Officer Susan Christopherson. If you missed that email, we’ve posted it here.
Omaha Public Schools and Monroe Middle are always learning and growing, just like the students we serve. Through our Strategic Plan of Action, Omaha Public Schools invested in early literacy across elementary schools and expanded access to high-quality options in high school. Reflecting on a student’s middle school experience is our next step to improve.
We invite you to the Monroe Middle family engagement meeting, where we will discuss our school’s strengths, our vision for an ideal middle school student experience and how we can get there, together.
Our family engagement meeting will be:
Wednesday, April,19, 2023
Cafeteria (light refreshments will be served)
RSVP Here:
Your input is an important part of the work to come. Thank you for your support.
Rios “Tony” Gunter
Monroe Middle
Spring Sports Schedule:
4/5 - Monroe, Beveridge, Buffett @ Buffett
4/12 - King, Monroe, Hale @ Hale (NW High School)
4/19 - Monroe, Davis, L&C @ L&C
4/26 - Norris, Marrs, Monroe @ Monroe (Benson)
5/3 - Marrs, Monroe, Davis @ Davis
5/12 - City Meet @ Bryan Middle School
4/11 - Norris vs Monroe @ L&C
4/13 - Monroe @ Morton
4/18 - Monroe @ Marrs
4/20 - Monroe vs L&C
4/25 - McMillan vs Monroe @ L&C
4/27 - Hale vs Monroe @ L&C
5/2 - Semi Finals
5/4 - Finals
4/10 - Monroe @ Norris
4/13 - Morton vs Monroe @ L&C
4/18 - Marrs vs Monroe @ L&C
4/20 - L&C vs Monroe @ L&C
4/25 - Monroe @ McMillan
4/27 - Monroe @ Hale
5/2 - Semi Finals
5/4 - Finals