Insight PA Welcome Packet
School Year 23-24
Welcome to Insight PA for School Year 23-24!
Welcome Message from our CEO, Eileen Cannistraci
Welcome to the 2023-2024 school year! The faculty, staff, administration and Board of Trustees at Insight PA are looking forward to working with you and your children this year. At Insight PA we are committed to providing your children with rich learning experiences. We believe in and take pride in always doing what is best for students. We will continue to use this guiding principle when making decisions about our school. We will keep in sight our school vision to ignite a desire for learning in every student and nurture them to understand their goals and create a clear path to achieve them.
I wish you and your child a wonderful school year and thank you for the privilege of partnering with you in your child's education. Go Bulldogs!
To Do List
To ensure a successful start at Insight PA, be sure to complete the following items as soon as possible.
You will find more information about many of these items below.
- Complete the Family Income Form. Be on the lookout for an email from rmirji@insightpa.org or familyincome@insightpa.org with a DocuSign to complete.
- Complete the Family Information Survey.
- Acknowledge that you have received our Family & Student Handbook by completing the Handbook Receipt and Acknowledgement. The Family & Student Handbook can be found here.
- If you did not already do so when you enrolled your child, please email a final 22-23 School Year report card, and current transcript for High School students, to enrollmentcompliance@insightpa.org.
- Upload a photo of your student here.
- Connect and Get Involved! Check out our Community Engagement website and follow us on social media!
Importance of the Report Card & Transcript
If during the Enrollment process, you did not upload your child's previous school report card, and transcript for High School students, please email those documents to enrollmentcompliance@insightpa.org as soon as possible.
Student Photo
Insight PA is required to have a current photo on file of each student every school year.
We ask that you please upload a photo of your child HERE as soon as possible.
When uploading a photo, please use a photo that:
- Is current within the last two (2) months
- Clearly features the child's face as the main focus of the photo
- Is a photo of the child wearing clothing that follows the School Dress Code in the Family and Student Handbook.
If the photo uploaded does not adhere to the above guidelines, you may be asked to resubmit your child's photo.
Family Income Form
If you have not done so already, don't forget to fill out the Family Income Form!
To complete the Family Income Form:
- You have received a Docusign that came from either rmirji@insightpa.org or familyincome@insightpa.org. Please open this email and complete Docusign form.
- For a tutorial of how to complete the form, please watch this video.
- If you have not already done so, please complete this form as soon as possible.
- Some families can find this form overwhelming. We are here to help! If you need assistance in completing your Family Income Form, reach out to Rajani Mirji, rmirji@insightpa.org.
Family Information Survey
The Federal Government requires Insight PA to provide information about our families each year to receive federal and state funding. Much like the Family Income Form, the information you provide allows Insight PA to take advantage of federal and state programs that bring more funds to our school and allow for greater opportunities for all students.
If you have not done so already, don't forget to fill out the Family Information Survey!
To complete the Family Information Survey:
- Please complete the following Google Survey.
- If you have not already done so, please complete this survey as soon as possible.
Updating Contact Information
If you have any contact information changes throughout the School Year, please contact our Student Records team as soon as possible by emailing studentrecords@insightpa.org.
Internet Reimbursement
As a reminder, eligible families can receive reimbursement for the cost of internet twice per year. Eligible families who complete the survey each semester will receive $50 per month enrolled at Insight PA.
Internet reimbursement windows open at the end of each semester. You will receive an email from rmirji@insightpa.org toward the end of each semester with details on how to submit for reimbursement.
What Makes A Family Eligible?
- The Legal Guardian has completed the Google survey sent each semester.
- All students in the family have up to date address documentation on file.
- All students in the family have complete Enrollment documentation on file.
- All students in the family have Immunization Records or an Immunization Waiver on file.
- At least one student in the family is actively enrolled at the time of reimbursement.
- A student is not currently receiving a hot spot provided by Insight PA.
Any questions about internet reimbursement can be sent to isp@insightpa.org.
Family & Student Handbook and School Policy Video
Our Family & Student Handbook can be found on our website.
Be sure to acknowledge you have received our handbook by completing the Handbook Receipt and Acknowledgement. The Google Form will ask for your child's name, Student ID number, and grade level. It will also ask you to acknowledge that you have received the Family & Student Handbook.
Our Enrollment Manager, Naomi Jones, has also put together a great School Policy Video highlighting some of the important policies that can be found in our Family & Student Handbook. Please take a moment and watch this video.
We are excited to have you join our Strong Start Orientation Sessions!
Our Strong Start Team members will begin reaching out to you on Thursday prior to your School Start Date. Be on the lookout for communications from the following Insight PA Strong Start Advisors:
- Elementary: Heather Clark
- Middle School: Valerie Marraccini
- High School: Jasmyn Day
Strong Start Orientation will begin on your School Start Date. Sessions begin at the following times:
- Elementary Strong Start Orientation will begin at 9am.
- Middle School Strong Start Orientation will begin at 11am.
- High School Strong Start Orientation will begin at 8:50am.
Learner Engagement and Attendance Program (LEAP)
New Program!
Insight PA is excited to implement a new Learner Engagement and Attendance Program (LEAP) to support our students and families! Below, you will find information about the team members who will be supporting your child throughout this school year.
LEAP Specialists
We are excited to share that our newly-named LEAP Specialists (formerly known as your Student Advisors) will be working hard this year to help bridge the Home-School-Community connection for you and your child(ren). The LEAP Specialists will be coordinating and attending community events throughout the state of PA. We’re also excited to have the LEAP Specialists visit homes to highlight students that have earned an attendance or academic related achievement.
Student Attendance Specialists
Equally as exciting is our newly-named Student Attendance Specialists (formerly knows as Student Attendance Officers) who will be working regionally with your LEAP Specialists to issue attendance highlights, incentives, and student recognition. In addition, they will oversee the truancy process and address attendance barriers.
Student Resource Specialists & the Student Assistance Program
We will also continue to offer family, school, and community supports via our Student Assistance Program (SAP). The Student Assistance Program (SAP) is a comprehensive support system aimed at addressing the academic, social, and emotional needs of students. Our team of Student Resource Specialists play a crucial role in the SAP by providing personalized assistance and guidance to students and their families. They offer crisis intervention and resource referrals while fostering a supportive environment that helps students overcome challenges and achieve their full potential. To obtain more information about SAP, please reach out to our Student Resource Coordinator, David Surovec at dsurovec@insightpa.org, and look out for the referral form link during your orientation.
Student ID Number
Insight PA employees will ask for your child's Student ID number in communications and surveys to ensure we are referencing the correct student.
Instructions on how to find your child's Student ID number can be found here.
School Materials & Tech Support
Student ID Card
Insight PA students can receive a free Student ID Card!
Click this link to request your Student ID Card!
Steps to Request Your Child's Student ID Card
To request your Student ID Card:
- Click this link
- When you navigate to this link, you will see a $2.25 fee. Some schools charge students for a Student ID card but Insight PA does not. Once you select our school in the step below, the fee will change to $0.00.
- Select "ISPA - Insight School of Pennsylvania"
- Enter your Student ID Number
- Select your Grade Level
- Upload a photo of the student
- Click "Add To Cart"
- Click on "Proceed to Checkout"
- Choose "Guest" or Register an Account
- Click Continue
- Complete billing details - this information is required to mail the Student ID card, there is no charge to you
- Click on Bill & Ship to this Address
- Choose "USPS Flat Rate"
- Click "Continue"
- Review your order and click "Continue"
Student ID Card Photo Guidelines
Student ID Card Photos should:
- Clearly feature the child's face as the main focus of the photo
- Be a photo of the child wearing clothing that follows the School Dress Code in the Family and Student Handbook
**IDs will not be approved if a student's photo does not meet these requirements.**
Connect & Get Involved!
We encourage all Insight PA Families to get involved! We love hearing from and interacting with you!
For information about upcoming Community Events and our Community Advisory Council, check out our Community Engagement Page!
Also, don't forget to follow us on social media! We can be found on:
To enable, inspire, and prepare students to achieve the highest levels of academic standards so they make a powerful contribution in their communities.
Our Vision
To ignite a desire for learning in every student and nurture them to understand their goals and create a clear path to achieve them.
Website: https://insightpa.k12.com
Phone: (484) 713-4353
Location: 350 Eagleview Blvd suite 350, Exton, PA, USA