Holiday Myrrh
December 2023
A Season of Sacrifice
When we think of the traditional holiday season, we don't typically think of the word "sacrifice". And yet, this is exactly what Christ came into the world to do and to model. This year, seek to give your greatest gifts; your service, your forgiveness, your ear, and your light. Things will fade but how you make people feel will endure.
"Walk in love, as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us, a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God" Ephesians 5:2
What's Your Hurry?
Hurrying and delaying have a lot in common. They are both ways to resist and steal the present.
This a season in which we tend to justify "hurrying" as a means to do everything on our list.
And yet… scripture tells us that “whoever makes haste with his feet misses his way” Proverbs 19:2. If this isn’t bad enough, Proverbs 21:5 shares that “everyone who is hasty comes only to poverty”.
Time is in the Lord’s hand. He is clear that “For everything, there is a season and a time for every matter under heaven”. Ecclesiastes 3:1
This season tell yourself to slow down, breathe, enjoy, and trust in God’s timing.
Pick One
We all have people that at the very least rub us the wrong way and vice versa. We all want to believe it's not us. It's them!
This season, pick one person that comes to mind and intentionally begin to bless them. I won't remind you WHY so I will just move on to HOW:
- Visualize them in your mind's eye the way God sees them
- Sit near them at the dinner table or in a meeting and listen
- Ask them about their work, their family, or their day - not in passing but pause and listen - bias-free
- Search for the good and mention it
- Finally and most importantly, resist the urge to explain your criticism
Everyone has challenges. Everyone is struggling with something. Everyone needs mercy and kindness. Be that.
"Blessed are the merciful, for they will be shown mercy." Matthew 5:7 NIV
The Miracle of Lights
Hanukkah is traditionally thought of as a Jewish holiday. However, it has significant meaning for all Christian faiths. This is a celebration of the miracle Judah witnessed after winning back the temple from the Seleucid Empire. A brave priest, Matitiyahu, took a stand and a small courageous band led by his son was victorious.
The temple, defiled by pagan practices, was to be restored and rededicated as a place of worship. The purification would take eight days and they had only one vile of oil. What should have only burned for one day, lasted for eight. It is known as Hanukkah because the word is derived from the Hebrew verb “to dedicate”.
Message for Christians Today:
- God wants us to rise and be brave in the face of a culture that is contrary to His law.
- God wants to restore His presence, especially in our hearts from which everything flows.
- God is still in the miracle business
Rededicate yourself this season and expect miracles.
#Pray for Israel
Pray for the peace of Jerusalem! “May they be secure who love you" Psalm 122:6
Texoma Christian School Guidance Counselor
© Kathy Pierce Howard
Location: 3500 West Houston Street, Sherman, TX, USA
Phone: 903-957-8223
Twitter: @prep4successnow