The Wildcat Week Ahead
September 24 - September 29
Hey Wildcats!
The Thanksgiving break is almost here, which means report cards go live on Friday! Parents, make sure you can access Alma to see your student's report. If you need help, please send me an email.
As most of you know, Ms. Pam has been out for over a week. To support her and Jim, here is a meal train sign up you can join. Pam is an important member of our community and this small gesture will mean the world to her.
By now, if your child had more than five absences, you should have received a letter. These letters are standard protocol and they contain both excused and unexcused absences. COVID took a toll through our building and I am aware that most absences are due to COVID. I have attached the Supervisory Union attendance policy below. If you have questions, please let me know.
This Tuesday is our rescheduled book club. We will meet in the library at 3:15.
Since there won't be a letter next week, I hope you all have a safe and happy Thanksgiving with your loved ones.
As always, my door and inbox are always open,
Mrs. H
Safety Reminder
Morning drop off and afternoon pickup are the busiest times in our parking lot, and we want all kids and families to be safe. With winter weather coming, visibility and slippery conditions make safety during these times even more important. Please look twice before pulling around a car. Thanks, GIS families!
Fresh Fruit and Veggies Are Back!
Our Fresh Fruit and Veggie Grant is back! Classrooms have access to fruit and veggies Tuesday through Thursday.
Dates to Remember
November 14- Rescheduled Book Club
November 14- We have Vermont Family Network and their Puppets in Education coming to present a show on Kindness and Stress to our K-3 students.
November 17- Poinsettia forms are due.
November 17- Student council delivers food to the local food shelf.
November 20- Parent Teacher Conferences- NO school for kids
November 20-24 - No School
November 30- Early Release
December 2- Craft Fair at GIS and Chili Cook-Off
December 2- First Day of Our Scholastic Book Fair
Family Resource Center
In our main lobby you will find a metal rack with bags; this is our growing family resource center. Currently, we have book bags out that contain our 50 book challenge. Bags do not need to be taken out in order, and there are sign out forms on the top rack. Please fill them out and drop them in the office.
Each week, I'll add more resources!
Medical Forms
If we are missing medical forms for your kiddo, we will mail a paper copy home. These forms need to be returned to school or we will not be able to allow your student to attend field trips. Once you receive the form, please send it back to school with your student.
These were mailed two weeks ago.
Report Cards and Parent Teacher Conferences
Teachers will be reaching out to schedule conferences. This is an important time to connect and learn about your kiddo as a student. Please reach out to classroom teachers if you have questions.
School Board Meeting Information
CIUUSD Meeting
The CIUUSD board meeting meets on the second Tuesday of each month. You can participate in person or virtually. Here is the meeting link to attend via Google Meet, or you can call in:
Phone Numbers
(US)+1 724-436-2108
PIN: 234 032 665#
Tuesday, Nov 14, 2023, 06:00 PM
Grand Isle Supervisory Union, VT, USA
Help GIS Reach Its Goal of Donating 200 lbs of Food to the Local Food Shelf
Craft Fair, Book Fair, and Chili Cook-Off
Click the Chili Flyer to Register
The Scholastic Book Fair Opens 12/2
📖 📖 📖 📖 📖
GIS is Sponsoring the PTA and the Annual Poinsettia Sale
Important Links
Breakfast and Lunch Menus
All meals are free to ALL students.
Grand Isle School
Location: 224 U.S. Rte 2, Grand Isle, VT, USA
Phone: 802-372-6913
Attendance Form: