Thomas Kelly College Prep
KCP Parent News: August/September 2022
Message from Principal Magdaleno
Dear Kelly Families,
I want to welcome you to the Kelly College Prep Family. I am very pleased that you have chosen Kelly College Prep for the 2022-2023 school year. As a student of Kelly College Prep, your child will be part of a long-standing tradition that dates back to 1933.
Our tradition is built on Kelly PRIDE! By accepting to be part of the Kelly family, your child agrees to uphold the core values that have made Kelly students and graduates succeed in life: Persistence; Resilience; Integrity; Determination; and Empathy.
As part of the Kelly College Prep family, your child will be expected to adhere to the core values of Kelly PRIDE. Success in high school requires persistence, whether it is being successful in their classes, or in participating in teams or clubs. High school life requires that your child has the resilience to learn from their mistakes and turn them into learning. Having integrity in their work, and in working with their teachers and peers prepares them for life beyond the walls of Kelly College Prep. In four years, your child will graduate because they set goals and had the determination to meet them. Finally, practicing empathy as a Kelly student will build their character as future leaders.
Raúl Magdaleno
First Day of School/Primer Día de Clases/上学第一天
Classes end/Clases terminan/课程结束: 2:53pm
- On the first day of school, teachers will inform students which supplies they will need.
- El primer día de clases, los maestros informarán a los estudiantes qué útiles necesitarán.
- 在开学的第一天,老师会告知学生他们需要哪些用品。
Important Dates/Dias Importantes/重要的日子
9.7.22 Back to School Open House (5:30-7:30pm)
Parent Meeting/Junta de Padres/家长会
- PAC 9/21 9:30am (auditorium/auditorio/礼堂)
- LSC Meeting 9/26
- Coffee with the Principal 9/28 9:30am (auditorium/auditorio/礼堂)
Meet the Administration Team / Conozca al equipo de administración/ 认识管理团队
Meet the Counseling Department / Conoce el Departamento de Consejería / 认识咨询部门
Student Assistance/Asistencia Estudiantil/学生资助
Our staff of Counselors, Social Workers, Deans, School Psychologists, and School Nurses are ready and able to work with any student or family this school year. Reach out with any questions or concerns via email.
Nuestro personal de Consejeros, Trabajadores Sociales, Decanos, Psicólogos Escolares y Enfermeras Escolares están listos y pueden trabajar con cualquier estudiante o familia este año escolar. Comuníquese con cualquier pregunta o inquietud por correo electrónico.
我们的辅导员、社会工作者、院长、学校心理学家和学校护士已准备好并能够在本学年与任何学生或家庭一起工作。 通过电子邮件提出任何问题或疑虑。
Wednesday, September 14th from 5:30 pm to 6:30 pm will be Kelly College Prep's Financial Aid Night!!! Please attend to learn the different types of financial aid available, and the information needed to complete those applications.
Financial aid applications open on October 1st and students will need to fill them out for the 2023-2024 aid year. By state law, students are required to fill out financial aid if eligible (99% of students are)
El miércoles 14 de septiembre de 5:30 pm a 6:30 pm será la Noche de Ayuda Financiera de Kelly College Prep!!! Asista para conocer los diferentes tipos de ayuda financiera disponibles y la información necesaria para completar esas solicitudes.
Las solicitudes de ayuda financiera se abren el 1 de octubre y los estudiantes deberán completarlas para el año de ayuda 2023-2024. Por ley estatal, los estudiantes deben completar la ayuda financiera si son elegibles (el 99% de los estudiantes lo son)
9 月 14 日星期三下午 5:30 到 6:30 将是凯利大学预科学校的助学金之夜!!! 请参加以了解可用的不同类型的经济援助,以及完成这些申请所需的信息。
经济援助申请于 10 月 1 日开放,学生需要填写 2023-2024 援助年的申请。 根据州法律,如果符合条件,学生必须填写经济援助(99% 的学生是)
Links will open at the time listed above, you can also download the flyer and click on the links from there.
English: https://bit.ly/KCPFinAid2
Español: https://bit.ly/KCPFinAid3
Parent Portal
Regístrese en el Portal para padres de CPS para ver las calificaciones y la asistencia de su hijo en línea. Si necesita ayuda, visite GEAR UP, uno de nuestros socios comunitarios que puede ayudarlo a comenzar. Comuníquese con la Sra. Ana Audiffred si tiene preguntas o apoye a amaudiffred@cps.edu.
请注册 CPS 家长门户网站以在线查看您孩子的成绩和出勤率。 如果您需要支持,请访问 GEAR UP,我们的社区合作伙伴之一可以帮助您入门。 如有问题,请联系 Ana Audiffred 夫人或支持